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Parse LCOV formatted coverage data from a variety of inputs: Strings, Files, Node Streams and Browser Streams through one consistent API.


Parser-js is available either as a package or directly in browser (using

Installing as a package

# Using yarn:
yarn add @vyapti/parser
# Using npm:
npm install @vyapti/parser

Adding in browser:

<!-->Add this in your head section<-->
<script src=""></script>
<!-->You can also use the unminified version for debugging<-->
<script src=""></script>


For Node Environments, the package can be required and used:

const fs = require('fs');
const { StreamParser, ReportMode } = require('@vyapti/parser');

const stream = fs.createReadStream('/path/to/lcov/file');
const streamParser = new StreamParser();
streamParser.parse(, {
  rootDirectory: '/base/path/to/project',
  encoding: 'ascii',
  mode: ReportMode.Detail,
}).then(report => {
  // Use the parsed report...

For Browser Environments, the package is exposed as VyaptiParser on the window object.

const { StreamParser, ReportMode } = window.VyaptiParser;

const streamParser = new StreamParser();
  .then(res => res.body)
  .then(stream => streamParser.parse(stream, {
      rootDirectory: 'vyapti/parser',
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      mode: ReportMode.Detail,
  .then(report => {
    // Use the parsed report...


Examples of the parser-js usage are available in the example/ directory for both node and browser environments. All examples are runnable, so feel free to clone the project and playaround!

To use the node examples, navigate to example/node and run a yarn install or npm install. You can then run the available examples using node.

To use the browser examples, simply load the included html files in example/web.


The following parsers are exposed for use:

  • ContentParser - parses lcov content from a string (new lines are still required)
  • FileParser (Node only) - parses lcov content from a file
  • StreamParser - parses lcov content from a stream
    • In Browsers, this is a ReadableStream from the Streams API
    • In Node, this is a Readable stream from the streams module

Additionally, the ReportMode enum is exposed to determine the correct Report to create (See Reports section).

Each parser can be constructed directly and provides two methods to handle parsing:

  • parse(input, options) - Parses input and returns a Promise of a Report (See Reports section).

    • input - the input source to parse. This determined by the type of parser:
      • ContentParser - a string containing the lcov formatted data
      • FileParser - a string containing the path to a file with lcov formatted data
      • StreamParser - a stream (depending on the environment) that contains the lcov formatted data
    • options - an object that provides several configuration options:
      • encoding - The encoding format used by the input. Defaults to utf-8
      • mode - a ReportMode that specifies the type of Report that should be generated. Defaults to ReportMode.Simple
      • rootDirectory a string containing the "starting" point of files tracked in the lcov data. File paths are relativized based on this string. Ex: passing /root/projectA/src as the root directory means that a file with path: /root/projectA/src/moduleB/sourceC becomes moduleB/sourceC. Defaults to ''.
  • parseSync(input, options) - Parses input and returns a Report (See Reports section).

    • The same function as parse, but runs in synchronously. See parse for details on the parameters.

NOTE: parseSync is not available for StreamParsers.


Full documentation is available here

Reports contain parsed data in a structure that allows easy access. There are several types of reports that can be generated based on the ReportMode passed to the parse methods:

  • Report - A basic report that contains a total coverage summary, a list of files tracked in the coverage data, and a map of coverage summaries keyed by filename. Use ReportMode.Simple to generate this report.
  • FlatReport - A detailed report that contains a total coverage summary, a list of files tracked in the coverage data, and a map of detailed coverage summaries keyed by filename. Use ReportMode.Detail to generate this report.
  • TreeReport - A detailed report that contains a total coverage summary, a list of files tracked in the coverage data, and a tree structure (matching the file structure heirarchy of tracked files). Nodes in the tree structure (which represent directories) contain a coverage summary, a list of files that are descendants, and a map of nodes or leaves keyed by file name (or directory name). Leaves in the tree structure (which represent single files) are a detailed coverage summary. Use ReportMode.Tree to generate this report.

Each report contains the following properties:

  • total - the total coverage Summary that includes hits/totals/misses for lines/functions/branches in all tracked files
  • paths - a list of files that are tracked within the report
  • details - a map of Summarys (or Summary subclasses) that is keyed by the filename associated with the Summary