Making a small web version of GIMP and PHotoshop under the name of Photolab
. for processing images 🌇 using range filters like: Brightness 🔅
, Contrast 👁️
, Saturation 🌈
, Grayscale
, Sepia 🟨
, Invert 🩻
, beside Red , Green
, Blue
channels. with some additional magic filters that i made like
filter that swap the RGB values of every image px, and the reflect
filter basically is just invert filter but in a swap way.
Using drag/drop event to easily start processing your image.
Ready to start processing your image by activating the editor sidebar after you drop the image.
The processing is used in the Canvas Api
with the 2D Context
, and Image Processing Algorithm
to create standard range filters. with the save feature, to save your edited image in LocalStorage
note that the Photolab
web app, use only filters there is no physical manipulation for the image from move, resize, rotate... to layers.
also note that the app uses the localStorage with it small capacity of storage so it will not store larg images over 3MB
but it will restore the previews image instad.