The goal of webrtcbuilds is to provide a single standalone static library and package for WebRTC.
- OSX (requires Homebrew is installed)
- Windows (requires Visual Studio Community 2013 at least and a Bash shell such as Git for Windows is installed)
- Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit)
to build the latest version of WebRTC.
Or with options.
-h Show this message
-d Debug mode. Print all executed commands.
-o OUTDIR Output directory. Default is 'out'
-b BRANCH Latest revision on git branch. Overrides -r. Common branch names are 'branch-heads/nn', where 'n' is the release number.
-r REVISION Git SHA revision. Default is latest revision.
-t TARGET OS The target os for cross-compilation. Default is the host OS such as 'linux', 'mac', 'win'. Other values can be 'android', 'ios'.
-c TARGET CPU The target cpu for cross-compilation. Default is 'x64'. Other values can be 'x86', 'arm64', 'arm'.
-n CONFIGS Build configurations, space-separated. Default is 'Debug Release'. Other values can be 'Debug', 'Release'.
-e Compile WebRTC with RTTI enabled. Default is with RTTI not enabled.
-g [Linux] Compile 'Debug' WebRTC with iterator debugging disabled. Default is enabled but it might add significant overhead.
-D [Linux] Generate a debian package
-F PATTERN Allow customize package filename through a pattern
-P PATTERN Allow customize package name through a pattern
-V PATTERN Allow customize package version through a pattern
The PATTERN is a string that can use the following tokens:
%p% The system platform.
%to% Target os.
%tc% Target cpu.
%b% The branch if it was specified.
%r% Revision.
%sr% Short revision.
%rn% The associated revision number.
%da% Debian architecture.
where <rev>
is the revision number of the commit, <sha>
is the short git SHA
of the commit, and <target-os>-<target-cpu>
is the OS (linux, mac, win) and
CPU (x64, x86) of the target environment.
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