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VAU320neo is a SaccFlightAndVehicles based aircraft developed by VRChat Aerospace University. It aims at simulating the Airbus A320neo in real life.
You can learn more at https://yuxiaviation.com/en/v320neo.
- How to open Package Manager Window: https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.4/Documentation/Manual/upm-ui.html
- How to Import Package using Git url: https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.4/Documentation/Manual/upm-ui-giturl.html
- Learn more about VPM: https://vcc.docs.vrchat.com/vpm/
- See other import options on our package broswer: https://pkg.yuxiaviation.com/packages/com.yuxiaviation.vau320neo
- Import SaccFlightAndVehicles v1.64
- Install these follow git dependencies
- YuxiFlightInsturments: Install using git url:
- InariUdon: Install using git url:
- EsnyaSFAddons: Install using git url:
- UdonRadioCommunications: Install using git url:
- UdonToolkit: Install using git url:
- VUdon-ArrayExtensions: Install using git url:
- Virtual-CNS: Install using git url:
- YuxiFlightInsturments: Install using git url:
- Install aircraft through vpm repo url
(Click here to add vpm repo) or download zip from Github Release
- Search your question in the issues frist.
- If you didn't found your question, Create a new issue.
- Write as clear as possible about your issues.
- Discord: YUXI#3129
- Twitter: @YUXI917