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ue: unrealengine: add assets to cart & checkout, rest same as for epi…
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…c-games, #44
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vogler committed Apr 27, 2023
1 parent 5214bea commit 5809b09
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 142 deletions.
224 changes: 82 additions & 142 deletions unrealengine.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,44 +1,31 @@
// TODO This is mostly a copy of epic-games.js

import { firefox } from 'playwright-firefox'; // stealth plugin needs no outdated playwright-extra
import { authenticator } from 'otplib';
import path from 'path';
import { existsSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { jsonDb, datetime, stealth, filenamify, prompt, notify, html_game_list, handleSIGINT } from './util.js';
import { cfg } from './config.js';

const URL_CLAIM = '';
const URL_CLAIM = '';
const URL_LOGIN = '' + URL_CLAIM;

console.log(datetime(), 'started checking epic-games');
console.log(datetime(), 'started checking unrealengine');

const db = await jsonDb('epic-games.json');
const db = await jsonDb('unrealengine.json'); ||= {};


// extension source from /~
// const ext = path.resolve('nopecha'); // used in Chromium, currently not needed in Firefox

const context = await firefox.launchPersistentContext(cfg.dir.browser, {
// chrome will not work in linux arm64, only chromium
// channel: 'chrome', //
headless: cfg.headless,
viewport: { width: cfg.width, height: cfg.height },
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.83 Safari/537.36', // see replace of Headless in util.newStealthContext. TODO Windows UA enough to avoid 'device not supported'? update if browser is updated?
// userAgent for firefox: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:106.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/106.0
locale: "en-US", // ignore OS locale to be sure to have english text for locators
// recordVideo: { dir: 'data/videos/' }, // will record a .webm video for each page navigated
args: [ //
// don't want to see bubble 'Restore pages? Chrome didn't shut down correctly.'
// '--restore-last-session', // does not apply for crash/killed
// `--disable-extensions-except=${ext}`,
// `--load-extension=${ext}`,
// ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--enable-automation'], // remove default arg that shows the info bar with 'Chrome is being controlled by automated test software.'. Since Chromeium 106 this leads to show another info bar with 'You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --no-sandbox. Stability and security will suffer.'.

// Without stealth plugin, the website shows an hcaptcha on login with username/password and in the last step of claiming a game. It may have other heuristics like unsuccessful logins as well. After <6h (TBD) it resets to no captcha again. Getting a new IP also resets.
await stealth(context);

if (!cfg.debug) context.setDefaultTimeout(cfg.timeout);
Expand All @@ -54,8 +41,6 @@ try {

await page.goto(URL_CLAIM, { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' }); // 'domcontentloaded' faster than default 'load'

//'button:has-text("Accept All Cookies")').catch(_ => { }); // Not needed anymore since we set the cookie above. Clicking this did not always work since the message was animated in too slowly.

while (await page.locator('a[role="button"]:has-text("Sign In")').count() > 0) {
console.error('Not signed in anymore. Please login in the browser or here in the terminal.');
if (cfg.novnc_port)`Open http://localhost:${cfg.novnc_port} to login inside the docker container.`);
Expand All @@ -73,7 +58,7 @@ try {
page.waitForSelector('#h_captcha_challenge_login_prod iframe').then(() => {
console.error('Got a captcha during login (likely due to too many attempts)! You may solve it in the browser, get a new IP or try again in a few hours.');
notify('epic-games: got captcha during login. Please check.');
notify('unrealengine: got captcha during login. Please check.');
}).catch(_ => { });
// handle MFA, but don't await it
page.waitForURL('**/id/login/mfa**').then(async () => {
Expand All @@ -85,148 +70,103 @@ try {
}).catch(_ => { });
} else {
console.log('Waiting for you to login in the browser.');
await notify('epic-games: no longer signed in and not enough options set for automatic login.');
await notify('unrealengine: no longer signed in and not enough options set for automatic login.');
if (cfg.headless) {
console.log('Run `SHOW=1 node epic-games` to login in the opened browser.');
console.log('Run `SHOW=1 node unrealengine` to login in the opened browser.');
await context.close(); // finishes potential recording
await page.waitForURL(URL_CLAIM);
if (!cfg.debug) context.setDefaultTimeout(cfg.timeout);
user = await page.locator('#user span').first().innerHTML();
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
user = await page.locator('.user-label').first().innerHTML();
console.log(`Signed in as ${user}`);[user] ||= {};

// Detect free games
const game_loc = page.locator('a:has(span:text-is("Free Now"))');
await game_loc.last().waitFor();
// clicking on `game_sel` sometimes led to a 404, see /~
// debug showed that in those cases the href was still correct, so we `goto` the urls instead of clicking.
// Alternative: parse the json loaded to build the page
// filter data.Catalog.searchStore.elements for .promotions.promotionalOffers being set and build URL with .catalogNs.mappings[0].pageSlug or .urlSlug if not set to some wrong id like it was the case for spirit-of-the-north-f58a66 - this is also what's done here: /~
const urlSlugs = await Promise.all((await game_loc.elementHandles()).map(a => a.getAttribute('href')));
const urls = => '' + s);
console.log('Free games:', urls);

for (const url of urls) {
await page.goto(url); // , { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
const btnText = await page.locator('//button[@data-testid="purchase-cta-button"][not(contains(.,"Loading"))]').first().innerText(); // barrier to block until page is loaded

// click Continue if 'This game contains mature content recommended only for ages 18+'
if (await page.locator('button:has-text("Continue")').count() > 0) {
console.log(' This game contains mature content recommended only for ages 18+');
await'button:has-text("Continue")', { delay: 111 });
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);

const title = await page.locator('h1').first().innerText();
const game_id = page.url().split('/').pop();[user][game_id] ||= { title, time: datetime(), url: page.url() }; // this will be set on the initial run only!
console.log('Current free game:', title);
page.locator('button:has-text("Accept All Cookies")').click().catch(_ => { });
for (const p of await page.locator('article.asset').all()) {
const link = p.locator('h3 a');
const title = await link.innerText();
const url = '' + await link.getAttribute('href');
console.log(title, url);
const id = page.url().split('/').pop();[user][id] ||= { title, time: datetime(), url }; // this will be set on the initial run only!
const notify_game = { title, url, status: 'failed' };
notify_games.push(notify_game); // status is updated below

if (btnText.toLowerCase() == 'in library') {
console.log(' Already in library! Nothing to claim.');
notify_game.status = 'existed';[user][game_id].status ||= 'existed'; // does not overwrite claimed or failed
if ([user][game_id].status.startsWith('failed'))[user][game_id].status = 'manual'; // was failed but now it's claimed
} else if (btnText.toLowerCase() == 'requires base game') {
console.log(' Requires base game! Nothing to claim.');
notify_game.status = 'requires base game';[user][game_id].status ||= 'failed:requires-base-game';
// TODO claim base game if it is free
const baseUrl = '' + await page.locator('a:has-text("Overview")').getAttribute('href');
console.log(' Base game:', baseUrl);
// await'a:has-text("Overview")');
} else { // GET
console.log(' Not in library yet! Click GET.');
await'[data-testid="purchase-cta-button"]', { delay: 11 }); // got stuck here without delay (or mouse move), see #75, 1ms was also enough

// click Continue if 'Device not supported. This product is not compatible with your current device.' - avoided by Windows userAgent?'button:has-text("Continue")').catch(_ => { }); // needed since change from Chromium to Firefox?

// Accept End User License Agreement (only needed once)
page.locator('input#agree').waitFor().then(async () => {
console.log('Accept End User License Agreement (only needed once)');
await page.locator('input#agree').check();
await page.locator('button:has-text("Accept")').click();
}).catch(_ => { });

// it then creates an iframe for the purchase
await page.waitForSelector('#webPurchaseContainer iframe'); // TODO needed?
const iframe = page.frameLocator('#webPurchaseContainer iframe');
// skip game if unavailable in region, /~ TODO check games for account's region
if (await iframe.locator(':has-text("unavailable in your region")').count() > 0) {
console.error(' This product is unavailable in your region!');[user][game_id].status = notify_game.status = 'unavailable-in-region';

iframe.locator('.payment-pin-code').waitFor().then(async () => {
if (!cfg.eg_parentalpin) {
console.error(' EG_PARENTALPIN not set. Need to enter Parental Control PIN manually.');
notify('epic-games: EG_PARENTALPIN not set. Need to enter Parental Control PIN manually.');
await iframe.locator('input.payment-pin-code__input').first().type(cfg.eg_parentalpin);
await iframe.locator('button:has-text("Continue")').click({ delay: 11 });
}).catch(_ => { });

if (cfg.debug) await page.pause();
if (cfg.dryrun) {
console.log(' DRYRUN=1 -> Skip order!');

// Playwright clicked before button was ready to handle event, /~
await iframe.locator('button:has-text("Place Order"):not(:has(.payment-loading--loading))').click({ delay: 11 });

// I Agree button is only shown for EU accounts! /~
const btnAgree = iframe.locator('button:has-text("I Agree")');
btnAgree.waitFor().then(() => => { }); // EU: wait for and click 'I Agree'
try {
// context.setDefaultTimeout(100 * 1000); // give time to solve captcha, iframe goes blank after 60s?
const captcha = iframe.locator('#h_captcha_challenge_checkout_free_prod iframe');
captcha.waitFor().then(async () => { // don't await, since element may not be shown
//' Got hcaptcha challenge! NopeCHA extension will likely solve it.')
console.error(' Got hcaptcha challenge! Lost trust due to too many login attempts? You can solve the captcha in the browser or get a new IP address.')
// await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
// const p = path.resolve(cfg.dir.screenshots, 'epic-games', 'captcha', `${filenamify(datetime())}.png`);
// await captcha.screenshot({ path: p });
//' Saved a screenshot of hcaptcha challenge to', p);
// console.error(' Got hcaptcha challenge. To avoid it, get a link from'); // TODO save this link in config and visit it daily to set accessibility cookie to avoid captcha challenge?
}).catch(_ => { }); // may time out if not shown
await page.waitForSelector('text=Thanks for your order!');[user][game_id].status = 'claimed';[user][game_id].time = datetime(); // claimed time overwrites failed/dryrun time
console.log(' Claimed successfully!');
// context.setDefaultTimeout(cfg.timeout);
} catch (e) {
// console.error(' Failed to claim! Try again if NopeCHA timed out. Click the extension to see if you ran out of credits (refill after 24h). To avoid captchas try to get a new IP or set a cookie from');
console.error(' Failed to claim! To avoid captchas try to get a new IP address.');
const p = path.resolve(cfg.dir.screenshots, 'epic-games', 'failed', `${game_id}_${filenamify(datetime())}.png`);
await page.screenshot({ path: p, fullPage: true });[user][game_id].status = 'failed';
notify_game.status =[user][game_id].status; // claimed or failed

const p = path.resolve(cfg.dir.screenshots, 'epic-games', `${game_id}.png`);
if (!existsSync(p)) await page.screenshot({ path: p, fullPage: false }); // fullPage is quite long...
if (await p.locator('.btn .in-cart').count()){
console.log(' already in cart');
await p.locator('.btn .add').click();
console.log(' added to cart');
const price = (await page.locator('.shopping-cart .total .price').innerText()).split(' ');
console.log('price: ', price[1], 'instead of', price[0]);
if (price[1] != '0') {
console.error('Price is not 0! Exit!');
// await page.pause();
console.log('Click shopping cart');
await page.locator('.shopping-cart').click();
// await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
await page.locator('button.checkout').click();
console.log('Click checkout');
// maybe: Accept End User License Agreement
page.locator('[name=accept-label]').check().then(() => {
console.log('Accept End User License Agreement');
page.locator('span:text-is("Accept")').click() // otherwise matches 'Accept All Cookies'
}).catch(_ => { });
// await page.waitForSelector('#webPurchaseContainer iframe'); // TODO needed?
const iframe = page.frameLocator('#webPurchaseContainer iframe');

if (cfg.debug) await page.pause();
if (cfg.dryrun) {
console.log(' DRYRUN=1 -> Skip order!');

await iframe.locator('button:has-text("Place Order")').click();
// I Agree button is only shown for EU accounts! /~
const btnAgree = iframe.locator('button:has-text("I Agree")');
try {
context.setDefaultTimeout(100 * 1000); // give time to solve captcha, iframe goes blank after 60s?
await Promise.any([, page.waitForSelector('text=Thank you').then(_ => { })]); // EU: wait for agree button, non-EU: potentially done

const captcha = iframe.locator('#h_captcha_challenge_checkout_free_prod iframe');
captcha.waitFor().then(async () => { // don't await, since element may not be shown
console.error(' Got hcaptcha challenge! Lost trust due to too many login attempts? You can solve the captcha in the browser or get a new IP address.')
}).catch(_ => { }); // may time out if not shown
await page.waitForSelector('text=Thank you'); // EU: wait, non-EU: wait again = no-op
//[user][id].status = 'claimed';
//[user][id].time = datetime(); // claimed time overwrites failed/dryrun time
notify_games.forEach(g => g.status = 'claimed');
console.log(' Claimed successfully!');
} catch (e) {
console.error(' Failed to claim! To avoid captchas try to get a new IP address.');
// const p = path.resolve(cfg.dir.screenshots, 'unrealengine', 'failed', `${id}_${filenamify(datetime())}.png`);
// await page.screenshot({ path: p, fullPage: true });
//[user][id].status = 'failed';
notify_games.forEach(g => g.status = 'failed');

const p = path.resolve(cfg.dir.screenshots, 'unrealengine', `${filenamify(datetime())}.png`);
if (notify_games.length) await page.screenshot({ path: p, fullPage: false }); // fullPage is quite long...
} catch (error) {
console.error(error); // .toString()?
process.exitCode ||= 1;
if (error.message && process.exitCode != 130)
notify(`epic-games failed: ${error.message.split('\n')[0]}`);
notify(`unrealengine failed: ${error.message.split('\n')[0]}`);
} finally {
await db.write(); // write out json db
if (notify_games.filter(g => g.status != 'existed' && g.status != 'requires base game').length) { // don't notify if all were already claimed
notify(`epic-games (${user}):<br>${html_game_list(notify_games)}`);
if (notify_games.filter(g => g.status != 'existed').length) { // don't notify if all were already claimed
notify(`unrealengine (${user}):<br>${html_game_list(notify_games)}`);
if (cfg.debug) writeFileSync(path.resolve(cfg.dir.browser, 'cookies.json'), JSON.stringify(await context.cookies()));
await context.close();
await context.close();

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