A simple search engine based on an Inverted Index with results sorted by TF-IDF and Cosine-Similarity
Example documents:
- the brown fox jumped over the brown dog
- the lazy brown dog sat in the corner
- the red fox bit the lazy dog
The starting point of the application is SearchEngine.java. There are two other files (entities): Posting, Document, TermMetrics, ComparableEntity.
ComparableEntity is a dummy entity used to sort a list of documents according to the values of cosine-similarity.
TermMetrics is an entity to store all metrics in a single place.
The program has two inputs:
- A file having the documents. (sample file: attached documents.txt)
- The strategy to calculate Term Frequency. The value can be either one of the below: doc - Term frequency adjusted for document length aug - Augmented Frequency
The basic idea of the Inverted Index implemented in SearchEngine is: Word Postings List fox 1, 3 dog 1, 2, 3 ....
i.e. The Inverted Index is a map between a word and a list of instances of Posting
Each Posting in the Postings list points to one document and it holds the documentID, and information about the relevance between a word and the document that is referenced by the Posting.
Document refers to a document in the input file and it holds a few properties of the document.
A query can be either one-word or multi-word. In the case of multi-word, the relevant documents are sorted by using the cosine-similarity between a query and each document.
When the query is one-word, the relevant documents will be sorted according to the values of TF-IDF.
Steps to run the program: javac searchengine/*.java java searchengine.SearchEngine documents.txt doc
Technology: Java