Raspbery Pi Zero W Kiln Controller
copyright 2017 Dominic Richens
Uses /~https://github.com/steve71/MAX31856 to read kiln temp from a K-type thermocouple. GPIO through transistor to drive BEM-14840DA 40A SSR
Usage: kilncon.py -c -r -s cone - 01 to 09 or 1 to 13 - default is 04 (1060 C) ramp - degrees C / hr - default is 200 soak - time to hold at 100 C - default 2 hrs
cgi-bin/temp.py is a web page that displays the current temperature and a chart of the temperature over time since kilncon was started.
plot.it is a gnuplot script for printing the chart.
Copy plot.it to /var/www/html Copy cgi-bin/temp.py to /var/www/html/cgi-bin symlink /var/www/html/output.png to /var/www/html/cgi-bin/output.png cd /var/www/html /rectemp2.py -l 1100 -f temps
from web browser, http:///cgi-bin/temp.py