fork of UAParser.js
Python library to detect Browser, Engine, OS, CPU, and Device type/model from User-Agent data.
pip install ua-parser-py
- returns new instance
- returns result object
{ 'ua': '', 'browser': {}, 'cpu': {}, 'device': {}, 'engine': {}, 'os': {} }
- returns result object
- returns
{ 'name': '', 'version': '' }
- returns
# Possible '':
2345Explorer, 360 Browser, Alipay, Amaya, Android Browser, Arora, Avant, Avast,
AVG, Baidu, Basilisk, Blazer, Bolt, Brave, Bowser, Camino, Chimera,
Chrome Headless, Chrome WebView, Chrome, Chromium, Cobalt, Comodo Dragon, Dillo,
Dolphin, Doris, DuckDuckGo, Edge, Electron, Epiphany, Facebook, Falkon, Fennec,
Firebird, Firefox [Focus/Reality], Flock, Flow, GSA, GoBrowser, Heytap,
Huawei Browser, iCab, ICE Browser, IE, IEMobile, IceApe, IceCat, IceDragon,
Iceweasel, Instagram, Iridium, Iron, Jasmine, Kakao[Story/Talk], K-Meleon,
Kindle, Klar, Klarna, Konqueror, LBBROWSER, Line, LinkedIn, Links, Lunascape,
Lynx, MIUI Browser, Maemo, Maxthon, Midori, Minimo, Mobile Safari, Mosaic,
Mozilla, NetFront, NetSurf, Netfront, Netscape, NokiaBrowser, Obigo,
Oculus Browser, OmniWeb, Opera Coast, Opera [Mini/Mobi/Tablet], PaleMoon,
PhantomJS, Phoenix, Polaris, Puffin, QQ, QQBrowser, QQBrowserLite, Quark,
QupZilla, RockMelt, Safari, Sailfish Browser, Samsung Internet, SeaMonkey, Silk,
Skyfire, Sleipnir, Slim, SlimBrowser, Smart Lenovo Browser, Snapchat,
Sogou [Explorer/Mobile], Swiftfox, Tesla, TikTok, Tizen Browser, UCBrowser,
UP.Browser, Viera, Vivaldi, Vivo Browser, Waterfox, WeChat, Weibo, Yandex, w3m,
Whale Browser, ...
# 'browser.version' determined dynamically
- returns
{ 'model': '', 'type': '', 'vendor': '' }
- returns
# Possible 'device.type':
console, mobile, tablet, smarttv, wearable, embedded
# NOTE: 'desktop' is not a possible device type.
# UAParser only reports info directly available from the UA string, which is not the case for 'desktop' device type.
# If you wish to detect desktop devices, you must handle the needed logic yourself.
# You can read more about it in this issue: /~
# Possible 'device.vendor':
Acer, Alcatel, Amazon, Apple, Archos, ASUS, AT&T, BenQ, BlackBerry, Dell,
Essential, Facebook, Fairphone, GeeksPhone, Google, HP, HTC, Huawei, Infinix,
Jolla, Kobo, Lenovo, LG, Meizu, Microsoft, Motorola, Nexian, Nintendo, Nokia,
Nvidia, OnePlus, OPPO, Ouya, Palm, Panasonic, Pebble, Polytron, Realme, RIM,
Roku, Samsung, Sharp, Siemens, Sony[Ericsson], Sprint, Tecno, Tesla, Ulefone,
Vivo, Vodafone, Xbox, Xiaomi, Zebra, ZTE, ...
# 'device.model' determined dynamically
- returns
{ 'name': '', 'version': '' }
- returns
# Possible ''
Amaya, Blink, EdgeHTML, Flow, Gecko, Goanna, iCab, KHTML, LibWeb, Links, Lynx,
NetFront, NetSurf, Presto, Tasman, Trident, w3m, WebKit
# 'engine.version' determined dynamically
- returns
{ 'name': '', 'version': '' }
- returns
# Possible ''
AIX, Amiga OS, Android[-x86], Arch, Bada, BeOS, BlackBerry, CentOS, Chromium OS,
Contiki, Fedora, Firefox OS, FreeBSD, Debian, Deepin, DragonFly, elementary OS,
Fuchsia, Gentoo, GhostBSD, GNU, Haiku, HarmonyOS, HP-UX, Hurd, iOS, Joli, KaiOS,
Linpus, Linspire,Linux, Mac OS, Maemo, Mageia, Mandriva, Manjaro, MeeGo, Minix,
Mint, Morph OS, NetBSD, NetRange, NetTV, Nintendo, OpenBSD, OpenVMS, OS/2, Palm,
PC-BSD, PCLinuxOS, Plan9, PlayStation, QNX, Raspbian, RedHat, RIM Tablet OS,
RISC OS, Sabayon, Sailfish, SerenityOS, Series40, Slackware, Solaris, SUSE,
Symbian, Tizen, Ubuntu, Unix, VectorLinux, Viera, watchOS, WebOS,
Windows [Phone/Mobile], Zenwalk, ...
# 'os.version' determined dynamically
- returns
{ 'architecture': '' }
- returns
# Possible 'cpu.architecture'
68k, amd64, arm[64/hf], avr, ia[32/64], irix[64], mips[64], pa-risc, ppc,
- returns UA string of current instance
import json
from uaparser import UAParser
uastring1 = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.10 Chromium/15.0.874.106 Chrome/15.0.874.106 Safari/535.2'
result = UAParser(uastring1)
print(result.browser) # {'name': 'Chromium', 'version': '15.0.874.106', 'major': '15'}
print(result.device) # {'vendor': None, 'model': None, 'type': None}
print(result.os) # {'name': 'Ubuntu', 'version': '11.10'}
print(result.os['version']) # '11.10'
print(result.engine['name']) # 'WebKit'
print(result.cpu['architecture']) # 'amd64'
uastring2 = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.1; OpenBSD) KHTML/4.1.4 (like Gecko)'
result = UAParser.parse(uastring2)
print(result['browser']['name']) # 'Konqueror
print(result['os']) # {'name': 'OpenBSD', 'version': None}
print(result['engine']) # {'name': 'KHTML', 'version': '4.1.4'}
uastring3 = 'Mozilla/5.0 (PlayBook; U; RIM Tablet OS 1.0.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ Safari/534.11'
result = UAParser.parse(uastring3)
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4))
# {
# "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (PlayBook; U; RIM Tablet OS 1.0.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ Safari/534.11",
# "browser": {
# "name": "Safari",
# "version": "",
# "major": "7" // @deprecated
# },
# "cpu": {
# "architecture": null
# },
# "device": {
# "vendor": "RIM",
# "model": "PlayBook",
# "type": "tablet"
# },
# "engine": {
# "name": "WebKit",
# "version": "534.11"
# },
# "os": {
# "name": "RIM Tablet OS",
# "version": "1.0.0"
# }
# }