TFHEpp is full Scracthed pure C++ Ver. of TFHE. TFHEpp is slightly(about 10%) faster than original TFHE implementation. In addition to that, THFEpp supports Circuit Bootstrapping, Private Boootstrapping many LUT, and Modifed Cheng's Packing. TFHEpp depends on AVX2 because we use SPQLIOS FMA. If you want run TFHEpp without AVX2, see spqlios++ branch. It include pure C++ implementation of SPQLIOS as header only library, but slow.
This code includes utf-8 identifiers like α, using extern template
, and std::make_unique_for_overwrite. Therefore, GCC11 or later and Clang16 or later are primarily supported compilers.
The default parameter is 128-bit security. Please add -DUSE_80BIT_SECURITY=ON to use a faster but less secure parameter.
Some environments which do not support AVX2 cannot use spqlios. Instead of spqlios, TFHEpp can use fftw3.
To use fftw3, install libfftw3-dev
and add -DUSE_FFTW3=ON
to the compile option.
Codes under thirdparties directory contain third-party libraries, Randen, Cereal, and SPQLIOS. See the corresponding directory to check the licenses.
TFHEpp uses this as a Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator (CSPRNG). Original repository is here. I just removed some unnecessary codes, with no modification.
cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. TFHEpp uses this to export ciphertexts and keys. Cereal is treated by the git submodule.
SPQLIOS is the FFT library using AVX2 that is dedicated to the ring R[X]/(X^N+1) for N a power of 2. These codes come from experimental-tfhe. We just renamed instances to adapt to our codes.
This is the AVX512 version of SPQLIOS developed in MOSFHET. I confirmed that this is faster than SPQLIOS on Intel i5-11400.
FFTW is one of the most famous FFT libraries.
Intel MKL is the library provided by Intel and including FFTW compatible interface for FFT.
We assume to install MKL by this procedure and already ran source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/
to the CMake option to use MKL
To use this, you have to also add -DUSE_FFTW3
Instead of FFTW3 API, I also added native API version. This will be enabled if -DUSE_FFTW3
is not specified with -DUSE_MKL
concrete-fft is the pure rust FFT library developed by This can be enabled by -DUSE_CONCRETE_FFT
spqliox_aarch64 is the FFT library for aarch64 forked from SPQLIOS.
This is slightly faster than FFTW3(average 1ms).
This library requires xbyak_aarch64, and
to use this library, add -DUSE_SPQLIOX_AARCH64=on
to the CMake option.
FFTW3 | spqliox_aarch64 |
15.801ms | 14.368ms |
HEXL is the NTT library optimized for AVX512.
To use this library, add -DUSE_HEXL=on
to the CMake option.
Following Code measure how many time homomorphic NAND takes on your computer with TFHEpp.
git clone /~
cd TFHEpp
mkdir build
cd build
ulimit -s unlimited
If you want to run semantically equivalent test on original TFHE, run below code.
git clone /~ --recursive
cd tfhe
mkdir build
cd build
If you have Docker on your system, this will do above on docker.
git clone /~
cd TFHEpp
docker build -t tfheppbench .
This is for TFHE-10ms. Because TFHE-10ms only supports 80-bit security parameter, this is not included in Dockerfile
git clone /~ --recursive
cd tfhe-10ms
mkdir build
cd build
Here is the slides (in japanese).
For the people who want to cite this library directly (may be in addition to VSP paper), I give a below example of bibtex citation.
author = {Kotaro Matsuoka},
title = {{TFHEpp: pure C++ implementation of TFHE cryptosystem}},
year = {2020},
howpublished = {\url{/~}}