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Geolab : Geometric-based tractography parcellation of Superficial white matter


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This repository release the source-code from "Geolab : Geometric-based tractography parcellation of Superficial white matter" accepted by the ISBI 2023 ( It also makes available the altas used in the article.

GeoLab is a tool for superficial white matter parcellation, which improves the RecoBundles framework (made for deep white matter parcellation) to work on superficial white matter. This method outperforms the SOTAs on semi-ground truth (ARCHI dataset) and has a comparable result on the UKBiobank dataset.

Alt text


The contents of this repository are released under Apache-2.0 license.


  • C++ compiler with full C++17 support
  • Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
  • CMake >= 3.20.2
  • Boost >= 1.65.1
  • Eigen >= 3.3
  • OenMP >= 4.5
  • Python >= 3.6.9
  • Dipy >= 1.5
  • Numpy >= 1.19.5
  • Setproctitle >= 1.2.3
  • fitter >= 1.5.1
  • nibabel >= 3.2.2
  • SupWMA if you want to apply the SupWMA trained with the ESBA atlas.

Quick install

  1. Install dependencies.

  2. In ./GeoLab/CMakeLists.txt line 19 ("set(PYTHON_BINARY "/usr/bin/env python3")") replace "/usr/bin/env python3" by your python binary if you are using a virtual environment or if your python binary is not in the default path.

  3. Clone Git repository and compile:

    $ git clone /~

    $ cd GeoLab

    $ mkdir build

    $ cd build

    $ cmake ..

    $ make

  4. Configure PATH : Edit the startup ~/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc file manually by adding this line :

    $ export PATH=//GeoLab/build/bin:$PATH

    $ export ESBA_DIR=//GeoLab/Atlas

  5. Check installation :

    $ ProjectAtlasGeoLab -h

Usage example on ESBA atlas

To extract the bundles of the ESBA atlas from a subject you first need to compute the tractogram (.tck/.trk/.bundles), register it to MNI space (recommended : image-based with ANTs) and resample it to 15 points per fiber. Then use the ProjectAtlasGeoLab command :

$ ProjectAtlasGeoLab -i input${format} -o outputDir -nbPoints 15 -nbThreads ${nbThreads}
  • Replace ${format} with {.trk, .tck, .bundles} according to your tractogram format.
  • input${format} : path to subject's tractogram (.tck/.trk/.bundles).
  • outputDir : directory where to save the results.
  • ${nbThreads} : number of threads to use for OpenMP.

Usage example on other atlas

First, you'll need to resample your atlas to a fixed number of points per fiber, if your atlas is in .tck format you can use MRTrix's command tckreample.

You'll need to analyse your atlas to get the bundle-specific thresholds, you can do this step once, then the thresholds will be saved in the .minf files :

$ -i atlasDir -f ${format} -r referenceImage.nii
  • Replace ${format} with {.trk, .tck, .bundles} according to your tractogram format.
  • atlasDir : Path to your atlas directory.
  • referenceImage.nii : path to the reference .nii where the atlas is.

You'll also need to precompute the full atlas (all bundles in one single file), the atlas neighborhood and the atlas centroids :

// Compute full atlas
$ fuseAtlas -i atlasDir -o outDirFullAtlas -f ${format}

// Compute atlas neighborhood
$ computeNeighborhood -i outDirFullAtlas/fullAtlas${format} -o outDirNeighborhoodAtlas -r referenceImage.nii

// Compute atlas centroids
$ computeCentroids -i outDirNeighborhoodAtlas -o outDirCentroidsAtlas -r referenceImage.nii -nbPoints ${nbPoints} -nbThreads ${nbThreads} -f ${format}
  • Replace ${format} with {.trk, .tck, .bundles} according to your tractogram format.
  • atlasDir : Path to your atlas directory.
  • outDirFullAtlas : output directory of command fuseAtlas.
  • referenceImage.nii : path to the reference .nii where the atlas is.
  • outDirNeighborhoodAtlas : output directory of command computeNeighborhood.
  • outDirCentroidsAtlas : output directory of command computeCentroids.
  • ${nbThreads} : number of threads to use for OpenMP.

Then use the ProjectAtlasGeoLab command :

$ ProjectAtlasGeoLab -i input${format} -a atlasDir -ref referenceImage.nii -o outputDir -nbPoints 15 -an NeigborhoodAtlas -anc CentroidsAtlas -nbThreads ${nbThreads}
  • Replace ${format} with {.trk, .tck, .bundles} according to your tractogram format.
  • input${format} : subject's tractogram (.tck/.trk/.bundles).
  • atlasDir : Path to your atlas directory (after analysing it with analyseAtlasBundle).
  • referenceImage.nii : path to the reference .nii where the atlas is.
  • outputDir : directory where to save the results.
  • NeigborhoodAtlas : outDirNeighborhoodAtlas.
  • CentroidsAtlas : outDirCentroidsAtlas.
  • ${nbThreads} : number of threads to use for OpenMP.

To compute the scores of prediction on labelled data

Your labelled data should be in the form of two files :

  • .txt -> labels for each fiber in the form of :

  • fiber_index_k : label_i


    fiber_index_l : label_j

    With :

    • label_i, ..., label_j integers.

    • fiber_index_l is the index of the fiber in the tractogram used as input for segmentation.

    If a fiber has multiple labels you just need to have several lines for that fiber.

  • .dict -> dictionary for the labels in the form of :

    label_name_i : label_i


    label_name_j : label_j

    With :

    • label_i, ..., label_j the same integers as in the .txt.

    • label_name_i, ..., label_name_j the names of the labels.

Once you have those files you can use the following command :

$ -pl labels.txt -pd labels.dict -tl trueLabels.txt -td trueLabels.dict -o outDir

With :

  • labels.txt : file produced by ProjectAtlasGeoLab, saved in output directory of ProjectAtlasGeoLab.
  • labels.dict : file produced by ProjectAtlasGeoLab, saved in output directory of ProjectAtlasGeoLab.
  • trueLabels.txt : your labelled data as explained above.
  • trueLabels.dict : your labelled data as explained above.
  • outDir : directory where to save scoresPerBundle.tsv file. This file contains the scores per bundle (label).

If you want to reproduce the result of the paper, the semi-ground truth is in the SGT folder.

Apply SupWMA model trained with ESBA atlas

First you need to extract the features for SupWMA with command :

$ -i SGT.bundles -o outSGT.h5 -v 1

With :

  • SGT.bundles : path to your input tractogram in .bundles format (compatibility with other formats will be added soon)
  • outSGT.h5 : path of the output file which must be .h5

Then you can use the applySupWMA command :

$ -t tractogram.bundles -f tractogram.h5 -ep encoderParameters.pickle -ew encoderWeights.pth -cw classifierWeights.pth -ln labelNames.h5 -ld labelsDictSupWMA.txt -spw SupWMA_path -o outDir

With :

  • tractogram.bundles : your input tractogram in .bundles (compatibility with other formats will be added soon)
  • tractogram.h5 : the output of command.
  • encoderParameters.pickle : found in GeoLab/TrainedSupWMA
  • encoderWeights.pth : found in GeoLab/TrainedSupWMA
  • classifierWeights.pth : found in GeoLab/TrainedSupWMA
  • labelNames.h5 : found in GeoLab/TrainedSupWMA
  • labelsDictSupWMA.txt :found in GeoLab/TrainedSupWMA
  • SupWMA_path : path to where you cloned the SupWMA repository.
  • outDir : output directory where to save the results.


Currently, GeoLab is available as a docker container upon request (email :

Access to Atlases

The atlases are available upon request (email :


Geolab : Geometric-based tractography parcellation of Superficial white matter








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