Project: /~
cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins
git clone /~ elasticsearch
dokku plugins-install
This plugin also requires the dokku-link plugin to be installed: /~
The docker image is the official elasticsearch:latest image. The multicast discovery is disabled by default.
$ dokku help
elasticsearch:create <app> Create a Elasticsearch container
elasticsearch:delete <app> Delete specified Elasticsearch container
elasticsearch:info <app> Display container informations
elasticsearch:link <app> <container> Link an app to a Elasticsearch container
elasticsearch:logs <app> Display last logs from Elasticsearch container
Create a new Container:
$ dokku elasticsearch:create foo # Server side
$ ssh dokku@server elasticsearch:create foo # Client side
-----> Elasticsearch container created: elasticsearch/foo
Private ports: 9200, 9300
Deleting containers:
dokku elasticsearch:delete foo
Linking an app to a specific container:
dokku elasticsearch:link foo bar
Elasticsearch logs (per container):
dokku elasticsearch:logs foo
Elasticsearch information:
dokku elasticsearch:info foo