Using Pisa/IIT SoftHand node [qb_interface_node], and attaching fsr sensors to the side of the robot hand as described in [ref] it is possible to set up a closed loop control of the robot force.
[qb_interface_node] package for Pisa/IIT SoftHand position control
[rosserial] package for enabling Arduino Uno to transmit data over ROS, it is used for reading values from fsr
[handshake] package includes 5 different controllers for human-robot handshake.
[arduino] contains the source file that must be flashed on the Arduino board in order to manage the fsr sensors
setup with empty machine:
Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS install ROS melodic following
sudo apt update && sudo apt install --reinstall python-catkin-pkg python-catkin-pkg-modules pip install -U rosdep rosinstall_generator wstools rosinstall six vcstools pip install empy
before cloning this repo, create a catkin workspace, f.i. [ros_ws] type in a terminal:
cd ros_ws
now you are in the folder /ros_ws with the cmd line. execute:
git clone /~
rename the folder [qb_interface_node] in [src] type in the terminal:
the package [handshake] contains:
node [] sends to the robot hand different closure position, the user should communicate when the robot hand is softly touching his/her hand; key 'x' on the keyboard should be pressed; the program stops define the last position as [q0]. 'starting position of the handshake' is a function of the handsize and must be used in the controllers aka .
The implemented controllers named [ctrl_i] i=1:5 must run as i.e.
[rosrun handshake ctrl_ ]
the file in [handshake/include/functions.h] contains the saving path for the experiments, if you want to save files acquiring data from the experiment modify the local path inside the file.
[rosrun handshake] is delaying the FSRs signal of 120ms.
terminal 1:
terminal 2: (robot hand)
rosparam load $(rospack find qb_interface)/conf/config.yaml
rosrun qb_interface qb_force_control
this is the node for the robot hand, for more details see inside folder [qb_interface_node]
terminal 3: (sensors)
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
terminal 4: (delay the sensors)
rosrun handshake
terminal 5: (controller)
[rosrun handshake ctrl_<idcontroller> <handsizecode> <userid>]
load the source in all used terminals, type:
nano .bashrc
go to the end of the file and add the following line:
source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash
in order to setup eclipse for developing a ros project you have to: open a terminal type:
cd /ros_ws
catkin_make --force-cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
plot the force resistors values open a terminal and type:
rqt_plot /sensors_FSR_2_delay/data[0] /sensors_FSR_2_delayata[1]