Library with rank reordering algorithms for the MPI_Cart_create routine with set reordering flag. A description of the algorithms can be found in the following technical report If you make use of our library, please cite the technical report.
This dynamic library aims at helping the user reduce the amount of communication between compute nodes (inter-node communication) in applications that make use of the Cartesian communicator in MPI with minimal changes of the codebase. Users can parse different parameters via environment variables, so that the input of the programm remains unchanged.
We use CMake for installation of the library. We recommend to make a build directory and call CMake from within. On UNIX systems just execute the following instructions.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Once the library is installed, one can link it to the application but should make sure it is linked before MPI, since the library intercepts calls to MPI_Cart_create.
mpicc *.c mympicode -lmpicartreorderlib -lmpi
The user can specify the algorithm to perform the reordering by setting the following environment variable
The default reordering algorithm is STENCIL_STRIPS
. The algorithms are explained in detail in the paper.
Using the this approach, no changes are needed to be done in the codebase, except setting the reordering flag to 1 in the MPI_Cart_create
routine. By default, the stencil used as input for the reordering schemes is a nearest neighbor stencil, that is, a stencil that specifies the communication neighbors to be the two closest processes in each dimension. The user has the possibilty to specify a costum stencil with a flattened, '@'-separated list by setting CART_REORDER_STENCIL
. For example, in a two dimensional case where each process should only communicate with its closest neighbors along the first dimension, one should set the stencil variable as follows:
export CART_REORDER_STENCIL=1@0@-1@0
We also included the possibilty to parse the stencil directly in the code. For that purpose, we included a wrapper routine with the signature
int MPIX_Cart_comm_stencil(MPI_Comm comm_old, int ndims, const int dims[],
const int periods[], int reorder, const int stencil[],
const int n_neighbors, MPI_Comm* comm_cart)
where n_neighbors
specifies the number of communication neighbors, not the length of the stencil array, that is, n_neighbors is sizeof(stencil)/ndims
and stencil is a flatted list of relative offset vectors.
both use the number of processes per compute node (ppn) as input for reordering algorithm. In case of different number or processes per node, the user can specifiy an aggregation scheme for ppn:
The user can also specify the log-level for the internal logger (spdlog /~ via the environmetal variables
By default logging is turned off.
We provide the possibility to evaluate the reordering schemes in terms of inter-node communication ammount, both the sum and in terms of the node with maximal number of inter-node communication (the bottleneck compute node). For that purpose, we included the two routines
void MPIX_Internode_cost(MPI_Comm cart_comm, int* total, int* max);
void MPIX_Internode_cost_stencil(MPI_Comm, cart_comm, int* total, int* max, int stencil[], int n_neighbors);
The communicator should have a Cartesian topology information attached to it. int stencil[]
and int n_neighbors
are defined as above. The total sum of inter-node communication is written in total
and the maximum im max
We included a small toy example in the test directory. The example should help illustrate the usage and installation of the library. The example consists of a two dimensional Cartesian grid where we instantiate the communicator and simply count the number of inter-node communication edges induced by it.
In order to compile it with the GNU compiler one can either link the library with rpath
, such that it is not needed to indicate the linker the path to library when running the programming with
gcc cart_test.c -I /path to library/include -Wl,-rpath=/path to library/lib/ -lmpicartreorderlib -lmpi -L<path to library/lib/> -o cart_test
or one can link the library without rpath
but then needs to specify the path to the library when launching the application
gcc cart_test.c -I /path to library/mpicartreorderlib/include/. -lmpicartreorderlib -lmpi -L/path to library/mpicartreorderlib/lib/ -ldl -o cart_test
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path to library/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH <execution command>
The test application can also be compiled using CMake. In the CMakeLists.txt file, provided in test directory, one can set the path to the header files of the library via include_directories(<path to header directory>)
. The linker needs to know where the library is found, this is specified with link_directories(<path to lib directory>)
. As demonstrated in the CMakeLists.txt of the test directory, both accept relative paths.
The program is licenced under MIT licence. If you publish results using our algorithms, please acknowledge our work by quoting the following paper:
author = {Sascha Hunold and
Konrad von Kirchbach and
Markus Lehr and
Christian Schulz and
Jesper Larsson Tr{\"{a}}ff},
title = {Efficient Process-to-Node Mapping Algorithms for Stencil Computations},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2005.09521},
year = {2020},
url = {},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2005.09521},
timestamp = {Fri, 22 May 2020 16:21:29 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}