Terrain assets (/GreenTD/assets/terrain/) from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. Copyright Blizzard Corporation 1995. Extracted by Maxim:
Tower sound effects from Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Copyright Blizzard Corporation 2003. Extracted by me.
Earth tower icon courtesy of Teekatas Suwannakrua:
Damage assist icon courtesy of ChrisL21:
Build instructions:
1. Install Visual Studio 2013 or Visual Studio Express 2013.
2. Open GreenTD.sln
3. BUILD -> Build Solution.
4. Copy *.dll from ./GreenTD/include/SDL2/lib/x86 to ./Debug
5. If you are running with VS debugger, run by clicking the play button, and you are done.
6 (optional). If you want to run without VS debugger, copy the contents of ./GreenTD/assets to ./Debug/assets and run GreenTD.exe in ./Debug