Irrigation and garden management application, in Go and Angular 13. Based on Pirri.
- Activate irrigation zones on a schedule, or manually
- Track total seconds spent watering by zone, day of the week, and other metrics
- Estimate monthly costs to operate your irrigation system
- Using WeatherUnderground, leverage current weather data to automatically regulate watering (increase in heat waves, reduce when rain will do the job for you)
git clone /~
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.7.linux-armv6l.tar.gz
export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
go get ""
cd pirrigo/src/pirri-spa
npm install
This application no longer supports MySQL. Now it uses SQLite3
Configuration file (example)
"pirri": {
"welcome_message":"L/P is demo/demo",
"utc_offset": -8,
"monitor_interval": 60,
"rain_skip": true,
"use_rabbit": false,
"date_format": "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
"rabbitmq": {
"server": "",
"port": "5672",
"user": "rabbit",
"secret": "bunnyrabbit!!",
"task_queue": "pirri_go_work_dev"
"sql": {
"dbtype": "mysql",
"server": "localhost",
"user": "pirritesting",
"secret": "pirritesting",
"db": "pirritesting",
"port": "3306"
"newrelic": {
"active": false,
"license_path": "../../../nr_key"
"redis": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "6379"
"web": {
"port": "8001",
"user": "demo",
"secret": "demo"
"weather": {
"wunderground_key": "",
"state_abbreviation": "CA",
"city": "Atascadero",
"units": "imperial",
"station": "KCAATASC69"
"debug": {
"pirri": true,
"gorm": false,
"settings": false,
"simulate_gpio": true,
"log_path": "pirrigo.log"
cd pirrigo/src/pirri
./pirri /path/to/config.json
- Provide hardware assembly instructions
- Better automate initial stand-up and configuration of service.
- Finish making the front end less offensive.
- Make the calendar interactive (like in the original version, but prettier and more functional)
(when not using authentication)
curl -X POST -d "{\"StationID\": 2, \"Duration\": 60}" http://localhost:8001/station/run