This repository contains the database used in W3Schools SQL tutorials.
I cloned the repo /~ and made some changes:
- changed table names to match the ones on W3School's website
- added a text file containing some query challenges and its solutions
- exported database to csv files
About the last one, you can play with the csv
files instead of creating a
database. There is a command-line software called textql
that allows
you to execute SQL commands against structured text such as csv
The dataset consists of the following tables with their respective columns:
- Categories: ID, Name, Description
- Customers: ID, Name, Contact, Address, City, PostalCode, Country
- Employees: EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, Birthdate, Photo, Notes
- OrderDetails: ID, OrderID, ProductID, Quantity
- Orders: ID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, Date, Shipper ID
- Products: ID, Name, SupplierID, CategoryID, Unit, Price
- Shippers: ID, Name, Phone
- Suppliers: ID, Name, Contact, Address, City, PostalCode, Country, Phone
myqsl -u yourUserName -p
You'll be asked to type your password. Then type your password.
Alternatively, you can enter mysql as root. Type the following:
sudo mysql
Next, within mysql, type:
source /path/to/w3schools.sql;
Of course, you need to replace /path/to/w3schools.sql
with the
absolute path of the file in your computer.