An online movie ticket booking web application with full admin support and having all real time booking functionalities like real booking apps & also interactive and beautiful user interface built with MERN stack
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Vercel deployment 🔗
Movie-Buzz allows users to order tickets for a show and gather information about movies and venues. To purchase show tickets, the customer must first register to the application. When selecting a show, the user is presented with a seating configuration from which he can select seats. He'll be redirected to the payment input screen. After completing the payment a ticket mail will be sent to the user email address with ticket details. The suggested application allows users to reserve a movie from a theatre for a specific date & time. The user can display their booking history as a theatre ticket, saving time.
- Register themselves
- Login to the application
- View currently released & coming soon movies
- Search movie
- Get movie details
- Watch movie trailer
- Get list of available shows for a particular movie
- Sort list of shows price & date wise
- View available & booked seats from seatmap (seat configuration)
- Select seat from available seats & get total price.
- Get ticket on mail after booking
- View booking history
- Give their feedback
- Login to admin panel
- View list of added movies
- Add new movie
- Delete movie from list
- View list of added shows
- Add new show
- Update show details
- View shows history
- Get show analytics (like earnings, available seats, booked seats, etc.)
- Add & delete cinema hall
- View list of customer feedbacks & load older feedbacks
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Login
- Logout
- Pagination, searching & sorting
- Node.js for building backend & web server.
- Express.js for building REST API.
- MongoDB as a database to store user information & chats.
- React.js for user interface.
- Context API to manage state of application.
- Axios for client side data fetching & api handling.
- Tailwind CSS to give custom styling to all components.
- Vite for managing frontend development environment.
- This web app is hosted on ec2 instance of aws cloud
- Movie media ( images ) is managed on s3 bucket storage.
- Database is hosted on mongodb atlas cloud platform
- pm2 is used for node process management on ec2
- Nginx is used as a web server, which serves frontend on port 80
** Admin panel is not accessible for everyone, if someone want to take a look on admin panel implementation he/she needs admin credentials, for that reach me on, I'll share.