DEPRECATION NOTICE: This project has been deprecated and largely left around as a historical reference. The explorations done here led to the development of a new codebase for deploying Batch and related resources in Azure here. As of 06/2023, the azfinsim and web-visualization applications have been ported over to this new accelerator. The docs for the accelerator include several step-by-step tutorials for different applications in different configurations.
This project demonstrates how to setup an Azure environment that uses Azure Batch managed service for typical HPC use-cases. This can serve as the starting point for production deployments for similar applications and use-cases applicable to wide variety of domains.
This project currently includes the following demos.
AzFinSim is a simple application that models a typical trade risk analysis in FinTech. While the application provided is a synthetic risk simulation designed to demonstrate high throughput in a financial risk/grid scenario, the actual framework is generic enough to be applied to any embarrassingly parallel / high-throughput computing style scenario. If you have a large scale computing challenge to solve, deploying this example is a good place to start, and once running it's easy enough to insert your own code and libraries in place of AzFinSim.
Key features:
- application containerized using
- executed by performing a parameter sweep in an embarrassingly parallel mode
: add more stuff that mentions important aspects of this demo
LULESH a simple application that represents other mainstream hydrocodes like ALE3D. It is hardcoded to solve a simple Sedov blast propagation problem. To make the results interesting, lets also say we want to generate visualization results to monitor the progress of the simulation. For that we use ParaView, an open source scientific data analysis and visualization tool that is widely used within the HPC community. ParaView supports in situ data processing API called Catalyst which makes it possible to generate visualization results inline with the simulation code, without having to save the simulation results to disk.
This demo can be used as a template for any large scale batch data analysis and visualization problems typical in scientific computing applications.
This demo uses a public fork of LULESH which adds Catalyst API instrumentation to the simulation code.
Key features:
- 3D-rendering using ParaView-Catalyst
- [todo] MPI
- [todo] add other stuff (perhaps parameter sweep, custom script upload etc. etc.)
Visualizing computation results is key to gaining insights from HPC workloads. This application demonstrates how we can use Azure Batch to support a website that lets users visualize scientific datasets interactively from the browser itself.
This demo uses the ParaView/trame-based visualization application available here.
Before you can try any of the demos, you first need to deploy the infrastructure on Azure. This section takes you through the steps involved in making a deployment.
Ensure valid subscription: Ensure that you a chargeable Azure subscription that you can use and you have
access to the subscription. -
Accept legal terms: The demos use container images that require you to accept legal terms. This only needs to be done once for the subscription. To accept these legal terms, you need to execute the following Azure CLI command once. You can do this using the Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure portal or your local computer. To run these commands on your local computer, you must have Azure CLI installed.
# For Azure Cloud Shell, pick Bash (and not powershell) # If not using Azure Cloud Shell, use `az login` to login if needed. # accept image terms az vm image terms accept --urn microsoft-azure-batch:ubuntu-server-container:20-04-lts:latest
Get Batch Service Id: Based on your tenant, which may be different, hence it's best to confirm. In Azure Cloud Shell, run the following:
az ad sp list --display-name "Microsoft Azure Batch" --filter "displayName eq 'Microsoft Azure Batch'" | jq -r '.[].id' # output some alpha numeric string e.g. f520d84c-3fd3-4cc8-88d4-2ed25b00d27a
Save the value shown then you will need to enter that value, instead of the default, for
(shown as Batch Service Object Id, if deploying using the portal) when deploying the infrastructure.If the above returns an empty string, you may have to register "Microsoft.Batch" as a registered resource provider for your subscription. You can do that using the portal, browse to your
Subscription > Resource Providers
and then search forMicrosoft.Batch
. Or use the following command and then try theaz ad sp list ...
command againaz provider register -n Microsoft.Batch --subscription <your subscription name> --wait
Ensure Batch service has authorization to access your subscription. Using the portal, access your Subscription and select the Access Control (IAM) pge. Under there, we need to assign Contributor or Owner role to the Batch API. You can find this account by searching for Microsoft Azure Batch (application ID should be ddbf3205-c6bd-46ae-8127-60eb93363864). For additional details, see this.
Validate Batch account quotas: Ensure that the region you will deploy under has not reached its batch service quota limit. Your subscription may have limits on how many batch accounts can be created in a region. If you hit this limit, you may have to delete old batch account, or deploy to a different region, or have the limit increased by contacting your administrator.
Validate compute quotas: Ensure that the region you will deploy under has not sufficient quota left for the SKUs picked for batch compute nodes. The AzFinSim and LULESH-Catalyst demos use
while the trame demo usesStandard_DS5_V2
by default. You can change these by modifying thepools.bicep
files for each of the demos underapps/
There are multiple ways of deploying any infrastructure in Azure. Here, we use Azure CLI to deploy the infrastructure described using Bicep files.
Make sure you have the latest Azure CLI installed on your workstation. ALternatively, you can use the Azure Cloud Shell from Azure portal which already has the necessary tools installed.
# clone this repository
git clone /~
# change working directory
cd simplified-batch
# login to your account
az login
# set active subscription
az account set -s <subscription name or ID>
# location where you want to deploy
# name for this deployment
# a string to identify you (or any text you like)
# batch service object id obtained earlier
# some prefix used for resources etc.
# this can be any alphanumeric string;
# one suggestion is given below
AZ_PREFIX=<your initials><MMDDYY><suffix>
# create deployment
az deployment sub create --location $AZ_LOCATION \
--template-file infrastructure.bicep \
--query properties.provisioningState \
--output tsv \
--parameters \
prefix=$AZ_PREFIX \
deployer=$AZ_DEPLOYER \
batchServiceObjectId=$AZ_BATCH_SERVICE_OBJECT_ID \
enableAzFinSim=true \
enableLuleshCatalyst=true \
# on success, this print
# if deployment succeeded, use this to get some deployment outputs.
az deployment sub show --name $AZ_DEPLOYMENT_NAME \
--query '{AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT: properties.outputs.batchAccountEndpoint.value, AZ_ACR_NAME: properties.outputs.containerRegistryName.value, TRAME_WEBSITE_URL: properties.outputs.trameURL.value, DATASETS_STORAGE_NAME: properties.outputs.datasetsSAName.value}'
# this will generate output of the form:
"AZ_ACR_NAME": "<name>",
This will trigger the deployment in a default configuration. Supported parameters
and their details are given in the following section. The output text shows three values:
URL for the batch service, the name of the container registry, and, if trame
was enabled, then the URL for the trame website. Store these values so you can use them when executing the demo apps.
NOTE: Feel free to change the enableAzFinSim, enableLuleshCatalyst, or
enableTrame parameters to false
(or simply remove them) if you want to test out
only one specific application. All applications are independent of one another and
can be deployed by themselves.
The following are required parameters:
- batchServiceObjectId (string): the object id for the Azure Batch Service obtained using steps described in the prerequisites section.
Here are the optional parameters:
location (string, default-value: deployment location): the location for all the resources. Currently, pools without public IP addresses (which is what this setup uses) is only available at the locations listed here.
environment ([
], default-value:dev
): a string used to identify the deployment. Currently, this is just used to when creating resource group names etc. Primarily intended to demonstrate how one can setup infrastructure for different environment like testing, development production etc. with ease. -
prefix (string, default-value:
uniqueString(environment, subscription().id, location)
): a prefix string used when naming groups, resources, and deployments. Makes it easier to deploy multiple instances of this infrastructure under the same subscription. -
deployer (string, default-value:
): a string that is added as a tag nameddeployed-by
to the resource groups created. while it may be used to determine who created these resources, it's does not serve any specific purpose in this setup and only provided for illustrative purposes. -
useSingleResourceGroup (bool, default-value:
): when set to true, all resources are created under a single group. Default is to create different resource groups for resources as appropriate. -
enableDiagnostics (bool, default-value:
): when enabled, log analytics workspace and application sights resources are created and used to collect diagnostic information from resources. -
enableHubAndSpoke (bool, default-value:
): when enabled, deploys the network in a hub-spoke topology. Default it simply use a locked-down subset with full egress access and limited ingress. -
enableVPNGateway (bool, default-value:
): this is only used when enableHubAndSpoke istrue
; when set to true a VPN gateway is deployed in the hub to allow clients VPN into the network. -
enableAzFinSim (bool, default-value:
): when set to true, enables the AzFinSim application demo and deploys extra resources needed for the demo. -
enableLuleshCatalyst (bool, default-value:
): when set to true, enables the LULESH-Catalyst application demo and deploys extra resources needed for the demo. -
enableTrame (bool, default-value:
): when set to true, enables the trame application demo and deploys extra resources needed for the demo. -
enableAzFinSimRedisCache (bool, default-value:
): when set to true, enables the Redis cache for AzFinSim application demo. Deployment of the redis cache alone can take 20+ minutes. -
branchName (string, default-value:
): primarily intended for development purposes, identifies the branch from this repository to use in the deployment.
Once the deployment is successful, we can see each of the demos in action.
The deployment step deploys the infrastructure i.e. the services, the network, the databases, etc. In a real-world production environment, one would then develop applications that use this infrastructure to perform the computation and generate results. In this project, we use simple Python-based applications that demonstrate this.
To run these applications, you need Python (3.8 or newer) installed on your workstation. Using a virtual environment is not needed, but highly recommended. The following snippets show how to install the controller application.
# you may want to use a virtual environment
# upgrade pip (if needed)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
# install the controller application
python3 -m pip install -e apps/controller
# test the installation
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim --help
# this should generate the following output
usage: [-h] -e BATCH_ENDPOINT {pool,job,cache} ...
The AzFinSim demo application allows us to inspect the batch pool, resize it, and submit jobs to populate the cache with trades and process the trades from cache. The following snippets show how this can be done.
# these variables must be set to the values obtained on a
# successful deployment (see `az deployment sub show ....`)
# get pool information
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim pool -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT --info
# output:
azfinsim-pool (display name: '<n/a>')
State: active (allocation state: steady)
Current Dedicated Size: 0
Current Spot Size: 0
# By default, the pool is setup to have size 0, you can resize it using
# `--resize` as follows
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim pool -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT --resize 1
# Resize continues in the background and can take a while.
# You can check resize status using the same `--info` command as earlier.
# Once the 'Current Dedicated Size' is 1 and allocation state changes to 'steady'
# the resize complete.
The AzFinSim application can analyze trades from the redis cache deployed as
part of the deployment when deployed with enableAzFinSimRedisCache=true
One of the first tasks is to populate the redis cache.
Let's fill up the cache with 100,000 synthetic trades using the following command.
# populate 1000 trades using 20 parallel tasks
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim cache -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--trade-window 1000 \
--tasks 20
Once the cache has been populated, we can analyze it by submitting another job as follows.
# process 1000 trades using 20 parallel tasks
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim job -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--trade-window 1000 \
--tasks 20
These commands submit jobs to the batch account deployed. You will have to wait for the cache population tasks to complete before dispatching the trade processing tasks. You can monitor the status of the tasks using Batch Explorer or the Azure portal.
Another option provided in this demo is to submit these jobs as a workflow. The workflow relies on task dependencies supported by Azure Batch. Tasks within a job can be made to depend on other tasks in the same job. This allows us to submit a job with a set of tasks that are expected to be executed in a particular order. The following command submits the cache population and trade processing tasks as a workflow.
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim workflow -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--trade-window 1000 \
--tasks 20
This will submit 10 tasks to populate the cache and 10 tasks to process the trades. Each task to process trade will depend on the corresponding task to populate the cache.
Another mode supported by AzFinSim is to read/write trades from/to files. This is the only mode supported
when enableAzFinSimRedisCache=false
. The deployment is setup to use a storage account
with blob storage to store the files. The storage account it automatically mounted on the compute nodes
in the pool. The following command submits a job to generate/process trades to/from files.
# generate 1000 trades in a single task
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim cache-fs -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--trade-window 1000 \
--file "trades.csv"
# process 1000 trades in a single task
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim job-fs -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--file "trades.csv"
For files, the demo is setup to use a single task to generate all trades and save to a single file. And then process that entire file using a single processing task.
To do concurrent processing of trades, we can use the workflow option as follows. The workflow generates a single trades file as the first task. That file is then split into multiple files to match number of tasks requested. Then each file is processed by a task to produce the results file for that task. Finally, the results files are merged into a single file.
# generate 1000 trades -> split to 20 files -> process 20 files -> merge results
python3 -m batch_controller.azfinsim workflow-fs -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT -c $AZ_ACR_NAME \
--trade-window 1000 \
--tasks 20 \
--file "trades.csv"
Currently, you can use the Azure portal to monitor. Navigate to the batch account
deployed and you can then navigate to the pool
, jobs
etc. to see the pool
and job status. You can also use Batch Explorer.
We also plan to extend the batch_controller.azfinsim
to support commands to
monitor jobs and tasks in near future.
[todo] notes about this demo
The trame
demo is a web-application for interactive visualization. Before we go
the web app, we have to do two things: upload datasets to visualize and resize the
First, locate the name of the storage account that was deployed on which the web-app is designed to browse
datasets. The name is output as the value for 'DATASETS_STORAGE
during deployment. You can also find it
by simply browsing to the resource group named rg-${environment}-${prefix}-trame
. It's the storage account named
under this group.
By default, the deployment is setup in a rather locked-down configuration following good security practices. So you won't
be able to copy dataset files from your local machine directly. You'll need to update firewall exceptions to allow it. Navigate
to the Networking page on the storage account in the portal. There, under Firewall, you should see a checkbox for
Add your client IP address ('......'). Check that and hit Save. After a few minutes to update the configurations, you should
be able to browse to Containers > datasets and then upload datasets to the storage account. You an also use standard Azure tools
like azcopy
or Storage Explorer
to transfer datasets at this stage.
You can resize the pool as follows:
# these variables must be set to the values obtained on a
# successful deployment (see `az deployment sub show ....`)
# get pool information
python3 -m batch_controller.trame pool -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT --info
# output:
trame-pool (display name: '<n/a>')
State: active (allocation state: steady)
Current Dedicated Size: 0
Current Spot Size: 0
# by default, pool is set to size 0, you can resize it using
# `--resize` as follows:
python3 -m batch_controller.trame pool -e $AZ_BATCH_ENDPOINT --resize 1
# Resize continues in the background and can take a while.
# You can check resize status using the same `--info` command as earlier.
# Once the 'Current Dedicated Size' is 1 and allocation state changes to 'steady'
# the resize complete.
Alternatively, you can also use Azure Portal or Azure Batch Explorer to resize the pool named trame-pool
on the batch account deployed.
Once the pool resize has completed, open your web browser and navigate to the TRAME_WEBSITE_URL
which was printed out
during deployment. Alternatively, you can browse to the resource group named rg-${environment}-${prefix}-trame
and then
click on the App Service resource, and navigate to the URL displayed on the Overview page. That will take you
to the demo web-app as shown in the video earlier on this page.
[TODO] Let's take a look at the main resources used in this deployment.
- spot-vm reclaming and checkpointing
To cleanup and delete all resources, we simply delete all the resource
groups that were deployed during the deployment. You can use the Azure Portal for it. Simply search for all resource groups under your subscription with the name rg-{environment}-{prefix}
where environment and prefix match the parameter values used when creating the deployment. Once you have located the resource groups, you can delete them one at a time. Alternatively, you can use the following Azure CLI command to search and delete the resource groups.
# list all resource groups matching the criteria
az group list --query "[?contains(name,'dev-uda1121a')].name" -o tsv
# output will be of the form
# rg-dev-uda1121a-trame
# rg-dev-uda1121a-network
# rg-dev-uda1121a
# rg-dev-uda1121a-diagnostics
# confirm that there are no resources groups listed that you do no
# want to delete.
# delete all resource groups matching the query
az group list --query "[?contains(name,'dev-uda1121a')].name" -o tsv | \
xargs -l az group delete -y --no-wait -g
# if using Windows terminal without `xargs` support, you can delete
# the group individually by using command of the following form
# replacing `<resource-group-name>` with name for the resource group to delete
# listed earlier one at a time.
az group delete <resource-group-name>
- The deployment architecture is based on AzureBatch-Secured.
- The AzFinSim application is forked from AzFinSim.