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Jonathan Guyer edited this page Sep 26, 2014 · 1 revision

Homebrew has become a widely recommended package manager for Mac OS X.

This has all been written as though you're using `bash` (which is the Snow Leopard default). If you're using a `tcsh` variant, then you'll need to replace all of the `export` statements with appropriate `setenv` statements.

Developer Tools

Install Xcode from the Apple Developer site.


Install Homebrew using any one of the methods described at /~

I chose to install in my `$HOME` directory to completely isolate my FiPy installation from my system.

Note: if you choose this option and already have a `/usr/local`, it is best to move it out of the way:

You can probably move it back when you're done.

Edit your `.bashrc` file to include

For matplotlib and Mayavi

For Mayavi

Apply vtk patch via `brew edit` (or otherwise)

For PyTrilinos


Now you can [wiki:InstallFiPy/MacOSX/SnowLeopard#Trilinos10.6.4].

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