bash script for renaming pictures (and matching raw files) with the help of exiftool (linux) - date, camera name, serial numbers e.g.
- Rename image files after their exif creation date and time
- use format
(year in 4 digits, month, date, hour, minute, seconds in 2 digits) - Also rename matching orf (raw) + xmp (metadata) files with this same new name
If there are images created with the same date+time (more than one image per second) a counter to the name (avoid overwriting) will be added.
Alternativly set additional serial numbers (option -s)
This script did do what I expected on Linux OpenSuse Tumbleweed, 2019-02 for picture files created with Olympus(TM) DSL(R|M) and some older point and shot cameras.
Other OS / cameras might need changes on the script (e.g. your raw file name ending might be different -> see variable rawsuffix1 and RAWSUFFIX2).
Anyway, the script might not work as intended, files or directories might be deleted or damaged, so please use backups and common sense.
- Requires package exiftool
- Requires package "dateutils" for dateconv
- Requires sed
exipicrename [option] JPG-Files.jpg
renames jpg-files and matching rawfiles + xmp-files
-h | --help this help
-r[raw] | --rawdir [raw] save raw files to separate directory [defaultname raw]
-s[3] | --serial 3 attach a serial number [default 3 digits]
-d | --datedir move files to directory with date in the format YYYY-mm-DD
-k | --kamera attach camera model name
-l | --length attach lens focal length
-a | --aperture attach aperture
-m | --meta [meta] fresh after import meta file [optionally to separate directory [meta]]