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Parse Guide

nabgilby edited this page Mar 9, 2017 · 26 revisions

Host a Parse API with back4app

  1. Sign up for an account on back4app
  2. In the apps tab, press Build new Parse app and enter an app name. You can change the app name later if you need to. newapp
  3. Go back to the apps tab and click on your app to view it. Click on Parse Dashboard. You can now use the Parse Dashboard normally! newapp
  4. Note that there is already a User class, under Browser
    In Dashboard, Core tab, left panel note there is a class created for you called "User"

Note that there is already username column

  1. Get your keys: Go back to your back4apps dashboard. Then go to the core settings and server page. Copy down the Application ID, JavaScript Key, and REST API keys. Don't publish these because they identify your program to Parse. You can simply paste the keys into a word document or some other temporary place. The copy button may not work, but selecting the text, right-clicking and selecting copy should work if this is an issue.

Add keys to the app

  1. Open the project in SublimeText Open SublimeText, and use File > Open. Select the web-app-master folder and click the open button. This will open the whole folder for easier navigation.
  2. Open the file key_example.js. This is an example key file. You will need to paste your keys in the file.
  3. Use File > Save As. Save the file as 'keys.js'

Now your app can talk to Parse!

You can now go to step 5 in the setup guide