Certoshi - A Decentralized Certificate Issuance and Verification System powered by Ethereum Smart Contracts
You can view the DEMO of the application here!! ๐
You are welcome to visit the live website connected to the Ethereum Rinkeby network at https://certoshi.vercel.app/ ๐
Click here to view other screenshots of our application!
Node Version Used: 14.16.1 NPM Version Used: 6.14.12
Add metamask plugin to your supported browser (chrome) from here and login
Please follow the instructions below closely. As some packages are not well maintained, you may face some issues in installation. If you do face issues in installation, you may refer to Debug.md to view suggestions on how to debug.
git clone /~https://github.com/thawalk/Certoshi.git
cd Certoshi
There are two ways to set up local blockchain with Truffle Ganache, either with GUI or CLI.
- Create a
Populate the following environment variables:
The port number and network ID can be changed to your preference
An example
file is created for reference. You can copy and paste the contents of the file and edit the variables.
- Download Truffle
Visit https://www.trufflesuite.com/truffle for more information
npm install -g truffle
Truffle helps us with deployment, testing, migration, etc.
- Install node dependencies
npm install
- Download Ganache GUI
Visit Truffle Ganache to download the application
- Create a ganache workspace & run ganache blockchain network
Click on 'New Workspace' and under 'Add Project', select the truffle-config.js
file in the Certoshi directory. This should create a new workspace project with the same truffle settings defined in the truffle-config.js
Once created with the workspace open, the local ganache blockchain network should be running on the defined port and network ID.
Note: This blockchain network will be running as long as the Ganache GUI Application is open with the workspace.
- Deploy Smart Contracts
Npm scripts has been included for ease of contract deployment. You may view the commands used under package.json
for better understanding
In the root directory of Certoshi
truffle compile
npm run deploy:local
In your terminal/bash
- Install Ganache CLI
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Run Ganache blockchain network
npm run ganache
In the root directory of Certoshi
- Deploy Smart Contracts
npm run deploy:local
For our application, we will be running it on the Rinkeby test network, feel free to use other test networks like Ropsten, just change the settings accordingly.
Before you are able to deploy the smart contracts, you will need some ether in your account first. Visit the Rinkeby faucet and follow the instructions on the page to get some ether transferred to your account.
We will be using Infura to help us deploy easily on our development set up with truffle.
Visit Infura to create an ethereum project. Click on settings and change the 'endpoints' to Rinkeby and copy the endpoint link for the environment variables below.
For the mnemonic, use your metamask account mneumonic.
MNEMONIC="<your account's mnemonic with the ether on rinkeby>"
Connect to the rinkeby test network in your metamask and then, deploy the smart contracts.
npm run deploy:testnet
Alternatively, may use Ethereum's Remix for smart contract development and deployment as well, without using Infura.
Regardless, we will be using Infura on our client application as well, and will reuse this endpoint.
The client application (which is built with React.js) is located under the /client
folder in the directory.
cd client
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Create a
Populate the following environment variables:
The port number and network ID can be changed to your preference Use the same Infura project endpoint with instructions given above
An example
file is created for reference. You can copy and paste the contents of the file and edit the variables.
- Start application
npm start
To use the front-end application running at http://localhost:3000/, connect to the Localhost Network in metamask
Import in the account that you used to deploy the contracts using the private key of the account, you can find it in the key symbol of the Ganache UI beside your account.
npm run start:testnet
To use the front-end application running at http://localhost:3000/, connect to the Rinkeby Test Network in metamask and use the account that you used to deploy the contracts.
This will connect to the Rinkeby network with Infura, only for viewing of certificates. The other functions uses the Ethereum-based browsers (connected to Metamask wallets) to access the network.
This will run the testing files with the test cases defined the files, located under /test
Make sure the local ganache blockchain network is running first before testing. Testing will be done on the local network.
truffle test
If these test cases pass, you are good. If not, please double check the local blockchain network is set up correctly (especially the Port number and network ID)
We are using Mythrill to conduct security analysis of our Smart Contracts - Institutions.sol
and Certification.sol
This will be run on Docker images, so make sure you have Docker on your machine.
# Set up
docker pull mythril/myth
docker run mythril/myth --help
docker run mythril/myth disassemble -c "0x6060"
# Mounting and Running analysis on Smart Contracts
docker run -v %(cd)%:/contracts mythril/myth analyze /contracts/Institutions.sol
docker run -v %(cd)%:/contracts mythril/myth analyze /contracts/Certification.sol
Refer to the Mythrill documentation if you need instructions running on other OS
You are welcome to visit the live website connected to the Ethereum Rinkeby network at https://certoshi.vercel.app/ ๐
There are 4 main Use Cases:
1. Registering Institutes by Central Authority
2. Issuing Certificates by Institutes
3. Revoking Certificates by Institutes
4. Viewing Certificates by Employers/Public
For Use Cases 1 to 3, Metamask extension is needed to connect to the Ethereum Rinkeby network, as well as the required authorizations.
Use Case 4 can be accessed by anyone on any browser
๐ฝ Here are some additional screenshots of our application to view how it works!
Interface to Register an Institute
Confirmation on Registering an Institute
Success on Registering an Institute
Unauthorized Access to page for Registering Institutes
Interface to Issue a Certificate
Success on Issuing a Certificate
Unauthorized Access to page for Issuing Certificates
Interface to Revoke a Certificate
Success on Revoking a Certificate
Certificate before it is revoked
Certificate after it is revoked
Interface to enter Certificate ID to view Certificate
Example of Verified Certificate
Additional Information of a Verified Certificate
Example of a Revoked Certificate
Additional Information of a Revoked Certificate
Accessing an Invalid Certificate
Accessing Use Cases 1 to 3 on a normal browser without Metamask