For Roman-Urdu & English, two separate agents are trained, evaluated and tested. Each having its own trainin samples, but same intent_names, actions & domain
- Spell Checker is implemented to correct only delibrate misspelled word through skipping vowels from original words. example ('balance': 'blnc', 'balanc', 'blnce')
- Language Detection is done through an ensemble of custom trained model and Fasttext language detection model.
- Parsers are written to convert text formats to JSON and back to text, for support of UI based drag-n-drop features.
1- Intnet Parser 2- Stories Parser 3- Domain Parser (json to yml is pending) - User Authenticatoin, users are verified based on PIN codes as of now
- Small Talk, a limited version of small talk is implemented (for both roman & english agents) alongwith other intents
- Logs, every conversation is being logged (separate file for each session-ID)
- Low Confidence Prompts are implemented using rasa's two stage fallback policy
- UI is currently implemented on LiveZilla (on Evamp & Sanga servers)
- Backend is deployed on redbuffer servers.
- Integration of Parsers with UI
- FAQs Knowledge Base
- Personalized Content
- Business Logic Prompts
- Low Confidence Prompt needs to be improved using some custom mechanism. Rasa's two stage fallback policy sovles this problem but causes a lot others too.
- One-Click integration modules for different platforms: Slack, Messenger, WhatApp etc.
- Admin Portal with support of self-learning chatbot system
There are 3 branches for project right now. 1- Master is holding the code version that is being used in live demo 2- Development other than live demo, latest stable code will be pushed here. 3- Dev2 all the tests can be conducted on this branch. OR incase multiple developers are working on project.
- Only phone numbers are allowed currently:
- 923441111111
- 923451234567
- Enter any 4-digit PIN number
- Enter '/restart' to restart the session
- For now page reload will also reset server sessions (will clear chat history)
$ sudo apt-get update -y
$ sudo apt-get install
$ sudo curl -L /~`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ cd base_docker;
$ bash ./
$ cd ..
$ bash ./
This installation is only for backend of Chatbot system.
This installation is only for backend of Chatbot system.
Setup Virtual Environment (Linux Environment):
- Make new python3 environent & activate:
$ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
- and install requirements from 'requirements.txt' file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Your environment should be ready by now 😃 !
Clone Project & open terminal in chatbot root directory 'tp_chatbot_rasa'
activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
run commands for RASA Action server:
rasa run actions --port 5005
open a new terminal window
activate the virtual environment by 2
run commands for RASA API server
rasa run -m models/ --enable-api --log-file out.log --cors "*" --endpoints endpoints.yml --port 8000 --debug
- open new terminal / linux screen in root directory
- activate virtual environment
- run flask api:
- open 'index.html' in browser
Setup and Port Numbers for Multi-Lingual Chatbot Redis Tracker Store: 6379 tracker_store: type: redis url: localhost port: 6379 db: 0 password:
Redis Interface: redis-commander (at port 8081)
Roman Urdu chat agent:
actions server:
>> rasa run actions -p 5056
shell/api server to listen action server:
(define action endpoint in endpoints.yml)
>> rasa shell --endpoints endpoints.yml -p 5006 --debug
English chat agent:
actions server:
>> rasa run actions -p 5055
shell/api server to listen action server:
(define action endpoint in endpoints.yml)
>> rasa shell --endpoints endpoints.yml -p 5005 --debug
>> todo: update docker file for single run, update readme for local UI, dockerized version is a bit slower,
clean readme, add directory structure, test cases for complete chatbot system