This project is a FPGA based media player which is capable of playing Motion JPEG encoded video over HDMI or VGA on commonly available FPGA boards.
- 1280x720 [720p50 / 'standard HD'] 25fps video (also supports 24fps)
- 44.1KHz stereo audio (I2S or SPDIF)
- Hardware accelerated JPEG decoding
- SD/MMC card interface (FAT16/32 support)
- MP3 playback (SW codec)
- JPEG stills display
- IR remote control
Why? For the fun of it!
This project was an interesting test case for a number of my open-source digital IPs (RISC-V CPU, audio+video controllers), and also brings together various SW projects that I had written in years past (RTOS, FAT32 library).
- Digilent Arty A7 + PMOD I2S2 + PMOD MicroSD + PMOD VGA or PMOD2HDMI Breakout Cable + IR receiver
This repo contains submodules.
Make sure to clone them all with the following command;
git clone --recursive /~
The FPGA gateware for this project is constructed from various sub-projects;
- Peripherals
- UART -> AXI Debug Bridge
- SD/MMC interface
- JPEG decoder
- Audio controller
- DVI framebuffer
On the firmware side, this project uses;
The firmware needs to be built with the 32-bit RISC-V (RVIM) GCC;
# 1. Build firmware
cd firmware/app
# 2. Copy firmware/app/build.riscv.boot/boot.bin to a FAT32 SD card
The bootROM in the FPGA fabric will automatically load 'boot.bin' from the SD card root directory.
NOTE: The SD card must be formatted as FAT16 or FAT32 and not EXFAT!
Debug messages will be comming out of the ArtyA7 USB-UART @ 1M baud (8N1).
The project can be controlled via an IR remote (NEC protocol, currently).
The IR codes are device-specific but can be changed here;
// firmware/app/ir_decode.h
#define IR_CMD_RIGHT 0x20df609f
#define IR_CMD_LEFT 0x20dfe01f
#define IR_CMD_DOWN 0x20df827d
#define IR_CMD_UP 0x20df02fd
#define IR_CMD_BACK 0x20df14eb
Handily, the UART outputs any received IR codes so it is relatively straight forward to tune the controls to a new remote.