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The SSRLCV utilities to help with debugging and data analysis of SSRLCV

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SSRLCV Utitilities

The SSRLCV utilities are meant to help with debugging and data analysis of the SSRLCV output. This repository does not include the SSRLCV library, the SSRLCV is maintained at the SSRLCV gitlab page and mirrored on github.

The programs are broken roughly into IO and visualization. IO helps with generating test cases or analyzing test data. Visualization helps with graphing and viewing test data.

Recommended Additional Software Tools

  • MeshLab - Critical for viewing the results of SSRLCV.
  • CloudCompare - Useful for comparing ground truth models, the ICP algorithm within CC is great for this.

Requirements and Dependencies

  • Python 3.*
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • plyfile

IO Helpers -- simple point cloud modification

This program performs simple point cloud modification. It scales, rotates, or translates an ASCII encoded PLY file.


Run the program with

python3 file.ply scale rotate_x rotate_y rotate_z translate_x translate_y translate_z

Where the arguments are:

  • file.ply -- the PLY file to modify
  • scale -- scales all points in point cloud by this amount
  • rotate_x -- in degrees, rotates all points around x axis this amount
  • rotate_y -- in degrees, rotates all points around y axis this amount
  • rotate_z -- in degrees, rotates all points around z axis this amount
  • translate_x -- translates all points on x axis this amount
  • translate_y -- translates all points on y axis this amount
  • translate_z -- translates all points on z axis this amount

The program outputs a PLY file titled modified.ply

DEPRECATED -- anatomy of SIFT conversion

This program converts the anatomy of SIFT "raw" matches into a format that can be easily viewed or scripted with. This is written in python 2.7 and is DEPRECATED; it should be converted into python3 and updated to output an encoded unity struct; it is only included because of its potential usefulness for research.

to generate the anatomy of SIFT matches, view the SSRL mirror of the repo for details. The following is the expected use:

./bin/sift_cli images/everest01.png >; ./bin/sift_cli images/everest02.png >; ./bin/match_cli > matches_raw.txt

INCOMPLETE -- scans the surface of the planet, rather than point tracking

This program generates position and orientation input for testing the camera parameters of a pushbroom scanner. The program is currently incomplete and needs additional contributions


Run the program with

python3 altitude stepAngle numSteps

Where the arguments are:

  • altitude -- the altitude of the circular orbit in km
  • scanDistance -- the distance on earth to scan, in km
  • numImages -- the number of images locations to produce during the scan -- determines if more points are on the left or right of csv histogram

Given a particular reference point, this program determines if there are more points on the left of an input csv file. The input data is interpreted as unordered singular values in a histogram.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/file.csv cutoff \n

Where the arguments are:

  • file.csv -- a path to a csv file that you want to make a histogram of
  • cutoff number -- a number which represent the cutoff value to sum either side of -- generates perfect matches for testing R2 -> R3 conversions

This program generates perfect matches on the image planes of various cameras. It can be used to test if a conversion from the image plane to the real world coordinate system is working correctly. The test points are output as c++ / CUDA code which can be copy / pasted into a test program.


simply run the program:


Additions to give more arguments are parameters are welcome -- generates test positions, orientations, and slews of cameras

Perhaps the most useful util program for testing. This program generates example camera positions and orientations which can be used to test 3D reconstructions, and to make camera parameters for blenderGIS generated test imagery.

This program also outputs slew rates for the given inputs. These slew rates are given from image to image and not as a whole.


Run the program with:

python3 altitude stepAngle numSteps

Where the arguments are:

  • altitude -- the altitude of the circular orbit in km
  • stepAngle -- the off angle from the point track normal
  • numSteps -- the numbers of angle steps to take

An example is to take 3 images at 400km with a 15 degree off angle for each is:

python3 400 15 3

Use for Pointing Budget

The script produces some values that are usable for pointing and controls bounding. The script will output the following values (in order)

  • orbit angle (rad): The angle a single stepAngle defined above makes with the center of mass of the orbiting body
  • input angle (rad): The given input angle stepAngle converted to radians
  • orbit arclen (km): The arc length of the orbit path
  • ground arclen (km): The arc length of the ground path
  • velocity (km/s): The orbital velocity at the altitude
  • slew time (s): The total time it take to slew between one set of images. To get a total slew time multiply this by numSteps defined above

The script also produces slew rate values between one set of images.

  • Tracking Slews: These slews are tracking (by pointing directly at) an arbitrary point on the surface of the orbiting body
    • slew rate (rad/s): the slew rate between one set of images
    • slew rate (deg/s): the slew rate between one set of images
  • Nadir Slews:
    • slew rate (rad/s): the slew rate between one set of images
    • slew rate (deg/s): the slew rate between one set of images

Data Visualization -- plots a csv file

This program accepts a list of values and plots them in that order. The input values must be an ASCII encoded csv file


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/file.csv xlabel ylabel

Where the arguments are:

  • file.csv -- a path to a csv file that you want to graph
  • xlabel -- a string to label the x axis
  • ylabel -- a string to label the y axis -- view a plot of the minimization process of bundle adjustment

This program plots values that are output during a tests of bundle adjustment. This helps a programmer view convergences to an optima, how long these convergences take, and when they fail. To have the necessary outputs for graphing, debug needs to be enabled within bundle adjustment. A graph of the optimizations is produced as an output.

The script is graphing multiple csv files what are of the form $$$Errors.csv where the ### indicates and integer run number of a specific bundle adjustment test.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/ba/tests/ badRunCut OptimalVal

Where the arguments are:

  • directoryPath -- a directory path
  • badRunCut -- A value representing a bad run
  • OptimalVal -- A value representing the optimal value

DEPRECATED -- shows a disparity map from dense matches

Used in disparity testing, this script is now deprecated. It could still be used to generate example disparities. -- draws feature vectors over an image segment

This program draws arrows that represent vectors over each pixel in the input image. The input image should be small and ideally square. An input image of 25 by 25 pixels is the largest size that should realistically be used. This should be used to view example HOGS or SIFT descriptors.


Run the program with:

python3 /path/to/image

Where the arguments are:

  • imagePath -- a directory path including the image -- graphs SSRLCV logger power, voltage, current, and state output

This allows a programmer to view the state transitions, voltage, current, and power draw over time as an SSRLCV pipeline is executed. These values are graphed if enabled. This is incredibly useful for power budget related things.

The program reads the ssrlcv.log file which leaves tags for state, power, voltage, and current. This could be extended to graph thermal output as well. The output is visually graphed.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/log.csv enableStates enableVoltage enableCurrent enablePower

Where the arguments are:

  • file.csv -- a path to the log file
  • enableStates -- Graph the state transitions of the pipeline
  • enableVoltage -- Graph the voltage of the system over time
  • enableCurrent -- Graph the voltage of the system over time
  • enablePower -- Graph the wattage of the system over time -- analyzes runtimes between SSRLCV pipeline states

This program returns accurate runtimes for states of the pipeline. This is used to measure how long feature detection, extraction, and matching takes. It is used to measure how long triangulation, filtering, and bundle adjustment take.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/log.csv

Where the arguments are:

  • file.csv -- a path to the log file

Use in precise timing

The program outputs the following precise timing of SSRLCV:

  • Total Runtime: The total time taken to run the pipeline in ms
  • Seed Image Time: The time taken to generate seed image features in ms
  • Feature Gen Time: The time taken to generate features in ms
  • Matching Time: The time taken to match features in ms
  • Triangulate Time: The time taken to triangulate in ms
  • Filtering Time: The time taken to filter in ms
  • Bundle Adj Time: The time taken in bundle adjustment in ms -- view matched points between images

This program visualizes matched points between images. It shows the location on one image where the feature is located and draws a line to the feature on the corresponding image.


Run the program with:

python2 -m matches -1 image1 -2 image2

Where the arguments are:

  • -m matches the path and file location of a CSV encoded matches file
  • -1 image1 the path and file location of image 1 in the matched set
  • -2 image2 the path and file location of image 2 in the matched set -- view matched points between several images



TODO -- plot bundle adjustment sensitivities

This program should be used with the generateSensitivityFunctions() method in SSRLCV. This allows the programmer to analyze the practical objective functions. Hopefully, the programmer will notice these objective functions follow a specific pattern or are differentiable.

The necessary CSV files are generated within the generateSensitivityFunctions() method, the partialFilename is specified there. 6 graphs are generated.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/partialFilename xlabel ylabel

Where the arguments are:

  • partialFilename -- a path with a PARTIAL filename, which does not inclde the _Delta######.csv part
  • xlabel -- a string to label the x axis
  • ylabel -- a string to label the y axis -- plot 2D CSV data

This method plots paired CSV encoded data. Each value in the CSV is encoded as x,y\n with a newline character after each entry.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/file.csv xlabel ylabel

Where the arguments are:

  • file.csv -- a path to a csv file that you want to graph
  • xlabel -- a string to label the x axis
  • ylabel -- a string to label the y axis -- plot CSV data as a histogram

This program will plot CSV data to be seen as a histogram. The program takes a set of CSV encoded values (all on the same line) and plots them as desired.


Run the program with:

python3 file/path/to/file.csv bin# xlabel ylabel

Where the arguments are:

file.csv -- a path to a csv file that you want to make a histogram of bin# -- an integer representing the number of bars you want in the histogram xlabel -- a string to label the x axis ylabel -- a string to label the y axis xlimit -- the x limit of the chart, if 0 there will be no limit


The SSRLCV utilities to help with debugging and data analysis of SSRLCV






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