Image Convert As CC65 Atari 8-Bit Code To Display Image On Atari 8-Bit Micro Computers is a tkinter GUI python application. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10, but, should easily work on any compatible station that can run Python with PIL/Pillow (Python Imaging Library).
To start the app,
- run
- Browse for an image you'd like to convert. This version supports height up to 96 in multiples of 8, width up to 160 in multiples of 8 and up to 4 colors. Currently the script doesn't validate anything, so, any image that doesn't comply might not work as expected.
- Once image was selected, some properties will be printed on the dialog including width, height and colors A8 palette.
- Select antic mode 4 or 5.
- Clicking "Process" will print CC65 compatible code that includes multiple charsets and screen data required to display the image on an Atari 8-Bit Micro Computer.
Requirements: python 3.x (tested with 3.7.2 on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04) PIL/Pillow (Python Imaging Library/PIL fork)
- PIL is installed by default on most linux python installations
- To install you need to run the following, you might need some priviliges for that: python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade Pil
For image background you will also need ImageTK from PIL. To install on Ubuntu use: sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
Optional requirements: CC65 cross compiler Altirra or any other emulator for the Atari 8-Bit computer (tested with Altirra on a PAL Atari 800XL ROM)