🚨 This site was rewritten from the ground up with PRPL. See the current version, tysite.
The personal site of Ty Hopp. See it live here.
git checkout /~https://github.com/tyhopp/basework.git
cd tysite && npm i
npm run start
- Open http://localhost:8000
- bear-to-contentful, a lambda function that lets me write in Bear and publish to Contentful. Check out the blog post about how it's built.
- Basework, a framework built concurrently with this site
- Web components, specifically the custom elements portion
- Custom properties
- This version of the site is a complete rewrite of tysite-gatsby, a prior version written with a completely different set of tools.
- The content for this site is stored in Contentful, so if you clone or fork this repo and run it, it may break. However, the source code can still be useful as a reference.