ossapi (documentation) 
ossapi is the definitive python wrapper for the osu! api. ossapi has complete coverage of api v2 and api v1, and provides both sync (Ossapi
) and async (OssapiAsync
) versions for api v2.
If you need support or would like to contribute, feel free to ask in the #ossapi
channel of the circleguard discord.
To install:
pip install ossapi
# or, if you want to use OssapiAsync:
pip install ossapi[async]
To upgrade:
pip install -U ossapi
To get started, read the docs: https://tybug.github.io/ossapi/.
The docs have an in depth quickstart, but here's a super short version for api v2:
from ossapi import Ossapi
# create a new client at https://osu.ppy.sh/home/account/edit#oauth
api = Ossapi(client_id, client_secret)
# see docs for full list of endpoints
print(api.user(12092800, mode="osu").username)
ossapi provides an async variant, OssapiAsync
, which has an identical interface to Ossapi
import asyncio
from ossapi import OssapiAsync
api = OssapiAsync(client_id, client_secret)
async def main():
await api.user("tybug")
Read more about OssapiAsync on the docs.
You can use ossapi to interact with the api of other deployments of the osu website, such as https://dev.ppy.sh.
from ossapi import Ossapi
api = Ossapi(client_id, client_secret, domain="dev")
# get the dev server pp leaderboards
ranking = api.ranking("osu", "performance").ranking
# pearline06, as of 2023
Read more about domains on the docs.
All endpoints for api v2.
- Beatmap Packs
- Beatmaps
- Beatmapsets
- Changelog
- Chat
- Comments
- Events
- Forums
- Friends
- Home
- Matches
- Me
- News
- OAuth
- Rankings
- Rooms
- Scores
- Seasonal Backgrounds
- Spotlights
- Users
- Wiki
You can get your api v1 key at https://osu.ppy.sh/home/account/edit#legacy-api.
Basic usage:
from ossapi import OssapiV1
api = OssapiV1("key")
print(len(api.get_replay(beatmap_id=221777, user=6974470)))