Gnosis safe starter with Ethers, Wagmi, Nextjs and TailwindCSS. Live preview app is using the Etherium Goerli test network.
You can request test ETH using Goerli alchemy faucet
- The user is be able to connect their wallet (metamask)
- The user is be able to create a new safe with multiple owners and specific threshold
- The user is be able to see a list of his safes
- The user is be able to transfer some ERC20 tokens to the safe
- The user is be able to propose an ERC20 transfer transaction
- The user is be able to accept and execute the transaction
- Wagmi - Web3 interaction
- Gnosis-sdk - Gnosis multi-sig
- Ethers.js - Wallet utilities
- Vercel - Deployment
- Next.js, Typescript - React
- Tailwind CSS - Stylings
- Components used throughout the site.layouts/*
- The different layouts used on each page.utils/*
- Short for "utilities", a collection of helpful utilitiespages/*
- All the pages.public/*
- Static assets including images, fonts, and videos.styles/*
- global styles and Tailwind.
git clone /~
cd gnosis-safe-next-starter
npm install
npm run dev
- add loading/pending states
- handle error state (at the moment, you can check the errors in the metamask)