The Software Package Data Exchange® (SPDX®) specification is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with software packages.
The SPDX standard helps facilitate compliance with free and open source software licenses by standardizing the way license information is shared across the software supply chain. SPDX reduces redundant work by providing a common format for companies and communities to share important data about software licenses and copyrights, thereby streamlining and improving compliance.
This repository holds under active development version of the specification as:
See for the official releases of the specification or additional information also the SPDX website.
You have to Node.js installed on your machine. If you don't have it yet installed please follow these installation instrucions.
The OpenChain specification is written in MarkDown and HTML, PDF, ePUB, Mobipocket versions can be generated using Gulp and GitBook. Note in order to generate PDF, ePUB, Mobipocket you have to install Callibre using these instructions.
# Install via npm document build toochain
$ npm install -g gitbook-cli gulp
# Install all dependencies (GitBook + plugins, build tools, etc)
$ npm install
# Commands to build or publish the specification
$ gulp
gulp [TASK] [OPTIONS...]
Available tasks
all Generate all documument versions.
epub Generate ePUB in ./build/
help Display this help text.
html Generate HTML website in ./build/
mobi Generate Mobipocket in ./build/
pdf Generate PDF in ./build/
publish Publish HTML to GitHub pages.
webserver Open a web browser to webserver and will rebuild HTML on file change.