A server-side Vert.x Kotlin demo application.
It serves as a backend for the Universal Android Music Player Sample and shows how to:
create a web server
interact with a relational database
stream files from the disk
Download or fork this repository, open it in a terminal and then run:
./gradlew web:vertxRun
The server starts listening on port 8080
Clone this fork of the Universal Android Music Player Sample and checkout the vertx-kotlin-music
git clone /~https://github.com/tsegismont/android-UniversalMusicPlayer.git
cd android-UniversalMusicPlayer
git checkout vertx-kotlin-music
This branch modifies the code so that:
the catalog is loaded from
the data classes are shared with the web application.
Do not forget to put the shared classes in your local Maven repo before importing the project in Android Studio. |
To do so, open a Terminal in the backend project directory and run:
Then open Android Studio and import the project.
Finally, create or reuse a virtual device to deploy the mobile app.
Audio files in this repository come the YoutTube Free Music Library. They have been chosen because they do not require paternity attribution.