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Add costs across segments for measures that link heating/cooling equi…
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* Default behavior is to now count both the heating and cooling equipment costs (stock/energy/carbon) in calculations for measures that encompass both types of equipment (e.g., natural gas furnaces + CACs).
* Users may modify settings (via new no_lnkd_stk_costs and no_lnkd_op_costs options) such that these linked stock costs or linked operating costs are suppressed and only the anchor segment (currently heating) costs are considered.
* Heat pump stock costs are always assessed in the anchor (heating) segments regardless of user settings.
* Costs for minor linked heating/cooling equipment segments (e.g., room ACs in a measure that also includes central ACs) are excluded from the competition calculations.

Addresses #459
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jtlangevin committed Feb 20, 2025
1 parent 844f1d2 commit a55f8d6
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Showing 5 changed files with 170 additions and 49 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions docs/config_readable.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,17 @@ ecm_prep:
alt_regions to be set to `EMM`. Default False
no_eff_capt: (boolean) If true, suppress reporting of ECM-captured
efficient energy use. Default False
no_lnkd_op_costs: (boolean) For measures that span heating
or cooling and other end uses, count operating costs for
only the anchor end use (rather than all end uses) in representing
competition w/ other measures (default anchor is heating).
Default False
no_lnkd_stk_costs: (boolean) For measures that span heating
or cooling and other end uses, count stock costs for only
the anchor end use (rather than all end uses) in representing
competition w/ other measures (default anchor is heating).
Default False
no_scnd_lgt: (boolean) If true, disable the calculation of secondary
heating and cooling energy effects from changes in lighting
efficacy. Default False
Expand Down
184 changes: 139 additions & 45 deletions scout/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3094,7 +3094,27 @@ def fill_mkts(self, msegs, msegs_cpl, convert_data, tsv_data_init, opts,
mskeys[0], mskeys[1], mskeys[2], mskeys_swtch_fuel,
mskeys_swtch_eu, mskeys_swtch_tech, mskeys[6]]
mskeys_swtch = ""
mskeys_swtch, mskeys_swtch_fuel, mskeys_swtch_eu, mskeys_swtch_tech = (
"" for n in range(4))

# Flag that will suppress inclusion of baseline heat pump segment stock costs for
# non-anchor segments to avoid double counting. For example, if the default anchor
# segment is heating, all HP costs are counted in the heating segment, while cooling
# segment stock costs are suppressed by this flag.
# (costs already fully reflected in anchor end use)
rmv_hp_dblct_base_stkcosts = (mskeys[-2] and "HP" in mskeys[-2])
# Flag to suppress inclusion of measure (e.g., switched to or like-for-like replacement)
# heat pump segment stock costs for non-anchor segments to avoid double counting.
rmv_hp_dblct_meas_stkcosts = (
(mskeys_swtch_tech and "HP" in mskeys_swtch_tech) or
(not mskeys_swtch_tech and rmv_hp_dblct_base_stkcosts))
# Flag to remove minor HVAC tech stock costs from calculations when the measure applies
# to major HVAC techs (e.g., unit costs in competition should be based on major heating/
# cooling tech. unit costs, not room ACs or secondary heaters)
rmv_minor_hvac_stkcosts = (
# Multiple techs. including minor HVAC tech.
any([x in mskeys for x in self.handyvars.minor_hvac_tech]) and not
all([x in self.handyvars.minor_hvac_tech for x in["primary"]]))

# Check whether early retrofit rates are specified at the
# component (microsegment) level; if so, restrict early retrofit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5964,40 +5984,6 @@ def fill_mkts(self, msegs, msegs_cpl, convert_data, tsv_data_init, opts,
retro_rate_mseg, calc_sect_shapes, lkg_fmeth_base,
lkg_fmeth_meas, warn_list)

# Remove minor HVAC equipment stocks in cases where major
# HVAC tech. is also covered by the measure definition, as
# well as double counted stock and stock cost for equipment
# measures that apply to more than one end use that
# includes heating or cooling. In the latter cases, anchor
# stock/cost on on heating end use tech.,
# provided heating is included, because they are
# generally of greatest interest for the stock of measures
# like ASHPs and span fuels (e.g., electric resistance, gas
# furnace, oil furnace, etc.). If heating is not covered,
# anchor on the cooling end use technologies. This
# adjustment covers all measures that apply across
# heating/cooling (and possibly other) end uses
if sqft_subst != 1 and ((
# Multiple techs. including minor HVAC tech.
any([x in mskeys for x in
self.handyvars.minor_hvac_tech]) and not
all([x in self.handyvars.minor_hvac_tech for
x in["primary"]])) or (
# Multiple end uses
len(ms_lists[3]) > 1 and ((
"heating" in ms_lists[3] and
"heating" not in mskeys) or (
"heating" not in ms_lists[3] and
"cooling" in ms_lists[3] and
"cooling" not in mskeys)))):
add_stock_total, add_stock_compete, \
add_stock_total_meas, add_stock_compete_meas, \
add_stock_cost, add_stock_cost_compete, \
add_stock_cost_meas, \
add_stock_cost_compete_meas = ({
yr: 0 for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years}
for n in range(8))

# Combine stock/energy/carbon/cost/lifetime updating info.
# into a dict. Note that baseline lighting lifetimes are
# adjusted by the stock of the contributing microsegment
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6047,17 +6033,120 @@ def fill_mkts(self, msegs, msegs_cpl, convert_data, tsv_data_init, opts,
"efficient": add_carb_cost_eff},
"competed": {
"baseline": add_carb_cost_compete,
"efficient": add_carb_cost_compete_eff}}},
"lifetime": {
"baseline": {
yr: life_base[yr] * add_stock_total[yr] for
yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years},
"measure": life_meas}}
"efficient": add_carb_cost_compete_eff}}}}

# If user has not suppress the inclusion of linked stock/operating costs for
# measures that apply to heating or cooling and other end use segments, transfer
# any costs from linked segments over to the anchor end use segments
# (by default this is the heating end use segments).
if (not opts.no_lnkd_stk_costs or not opts.no_lnkd_op_costs) and (
(self.linked_htcl_tover and
mskeys[4] != self.linked_htcl_tover_anchor_eu)):
# Find the specific contributing microsegment data for the anchor end use
# to add costs to. Ensure that linked data are only added to anchor end
# use segments that apply to the same mseg type (primary/secondary),
# region, building type, and building vintage, and that no envelope (
# "demand") msegs are pulled into this calculation, which applies to equip.
ctb_mseg_to_add_cost_to = [x for x in[adopt_scheme][
"mseg_adjust"]["contributing mseg keys and values"].keys() if
"demand" not in x and self.linked_htcl_tover_anchor_eu in x and all([
elem in x for elem in [
mskeys[0], mskeys[1], mskeys[2], mskeys[-1]]])]
# Loop through the applicable msegs to add costs to and add costs
for add_to_mseg in ctb_mseg_to_add_cost_to:
# Shorthand for mseg data to add costs to
add_to_dict =[adopt_scheme]["mseg_adjust"][
"contributing mseg keys and values"][add_to_mseg]
# Add in all cost data (stock, energy, and carbon)
add_to_dict["cost"] = {cost_key: {output: {
# Add to cost data for baseline/efficient cases
case: {
# anchor mseg cost data plus unit costs for current
# linked mseg, multiplied by the number of anchor mseg units.
# Handle cases where linked mseg units are zero, or a heat pump
# case where stock costs will already have been counted in the
# anchor end use, or user has suppressed linked stock or
# operating cost calcs, or the current linked mseg represents a
# minor technology that shouldn't be counted towards stock costs
# (do not modify anchor mseg data further)
yr: (add_to_dict["cost"][cost_key][output][
case][yr] + ((add_dict["cost"][
cost_key][output][case][yr] /
add_dict["stock"][output][stk_var][yr]) *
if (add_dict["stock"][output][stk_var][yr] != 0 and (
(cost_key == "stock" and not opts.no_lnkd_stk_costs
and not rmv_hp
and not rmv_minor_hvac_stkcosts)
or cost_key != "stock" and not opts.no_lnkd_op_costs)) else
for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years} for case, stk_var, rmv_hp in
zip(["baseline", "efficient"], ["all", "measure"],
[rmv_hp_dblct_base_stkcosts, rmv_hp_dblct_meas_stkcosts])
} for output in ["total", "competed"]
} for cost_key in ["stock", "energy", "carbon"]}

# Remove minor HVAC equipment stocks in cases where major HVAC tech. is also
# covered by the measure definition, as well as double counted stock and stock
# cost for equipment measures that apply to more than one end use that includes
# heating or cooling. In the latter cases, anchor stock/cost on on heating end
# use tech., provided heating is included, because they are generally of
# greatest interest for the stock of measures like ASHPs and span fuels (e.g.,
# electric resistance, gas furnace, oil furnace, etc.). If heating is not
# covered, anchor on the cooling end use technologies. This adjustment covers
# all measures that apply across heating/cooling (and possibly other) end uses
if sqft_subst != 1 and (rmv_minor_hvac_stkcosts or (len(ms_lists[3]) > 1 and ((
"heating" in ms_lists[3] and "heating" not in mskeys) or (
"heating" not in ms_lists[3] and "cooling" in ms_lists[3] and
"cooling" not in mskeys)))):
# Only count stock in anchor end uses (e.g., when heating and cooling
# stock are both assessed, only count number of heating units, such that
# all stock costs are normalized to only the number of heating units)
add_dict["stock"]["total"]["all"], add_dict["stock"]["competed"]["all"], \
add_dict["stock"]["total"]["measure"], \
add_dict["stock"]["competed"]["measure"] = ({
yr: 0 for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years} for n in range(4))
# Remove all linked stock costs for baseline when suppressed by the user or
# in the case of HPs where the full stock cost for HPs is already counted in
# the anchor end use, or in the case of minor HVAC techs that should be
# excluded from the cost calculations
if opts.no_lnkd_stk_costs or rmv_minor_hvac_stkcosts or \
add_dict["cost"]["stock"]["total"]["baseline"], \
add_dict["cost"]["stock"]["competed"]["baseline"] = ({
yr: 0 for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years} for n in range(2))
# Remove all linked stock costs for measure when suppressed by the user or
# in the case of HPs where the full stock cost for HPs is already counted in
# the anchor end use, or in the case of minor HVAC techs that should be
# excluded from the cost calculations
if opts.no_lnkd_stk_costs or rmv_minor_hvac_stkcosts or\
add_dict["cost"]["stock"]["total"]["efficient"], \
add_dict["cost"]["stock"]["competed"]["efficient"] = ({
yr: 0 for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years} for n in range(2))
# Remove all linked energy and carbon costs for baseline and measure when
# suppressed by the user
if opts.no_lnkd_op_costs:
for var in ["energy", "carbon"]:
for case in ["baseline", "efficient"]:
add_dict["cost"][var]["total"][case] = {
yr: 0 for yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years}

# Append lifetime data multiplied by # of stock units (after any adjustments to
# remove linked stock totals above), to support later calculation of
# stock-weighted overall lifetime
add_dict["lifetime"] = {
"baseline": {
yr: life_base[yr] * add_dict["stock"]["total"]["all"][yr] for
yr in self.handyvars.aeo_years},
"measure": life_meas}

# Add captured efficient energy if not suppressed
if add_energy_total_eff_capt:
add_dict["energy"]["total"]["efficient-captured"] = \
add_dict["energy"]["total"]["efficient-captured"] = None

# Check fugitive emissions option settings and update
# dict with fugitive emissions, broken out by the source
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6089,10 +6178,15 @@ def fill_mkts(self, msegs, msegs_cpl, convert_data, tsv_data_init, opts,
# Populate detailed breakout information for measure
self, mskeys, contrib_mseg_key, adopt_scheme, opts,
add_stock_total, add_energy_total, add_energy_cost,
add_carb_total, add_stock_total_meas,
add_energy_total_eff, add_energy_total_eff_capt,
add_energy_cost_eff, add_carb_total_eff,
Expand Down
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion scout/supporting_data/config_schema.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -210,7 +210,18 @@ properties:
type: boolean
default: false
description: If true, suppress reporting of ECM-captured efficient energy use.

type: object
type: boolean
default: false
description: For measures that span heating or cooling and other end uses, count stock costs for only the anchor end use (rather than all end uses) in representing competition w/ other measures (default anchor is heating).
type: boolean
default: false
description: For measures that span heating or cooling and other end uses, count operating costs for only the anchor end use (rather than all end uses) in representing competition w/ other measures (default anchor is heating).
type: object
required: []
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase, Utils):
files and directly from the command line.

# Expected ecm_prep and run default values; aligns with test_files/default_config.yml
# Expected ecm_prep and run default values
default_config = {
"ecm_prep": {
"ecm_directory": None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase, Utils):
"pkg_env_sep": False,
"detail_brkout": [],
"fugitive_emissions": [],
"no_eff_capt": False,
"no_lnkd_stk_costs": False,
"no_lnkd_op_costs": False
"run": {
"results_directory": None,
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def __init__(self, site_energy, capt_energy, regions, tsv_metrics,
no_scnd_lgt, floor_start, pkg_env_costs, exog_hp_rates,
grid_decarb, adopt_scn_restrict, retro_set, add_typ_eff,
pkg_env_sep, alt_ref_carb, detail_brkout, fugitive_emissions,
warnings, no_eff_capt):
warnings, no_eff_capt, no_lnkd_stk, no_lnkd_op):
# Options include site energy outputs, captured energy site-source
# calculation method, alternate regions, time sensitive output metrics,
# sector-level load shapes, and verbose mode that prints all warnings
Expand All @@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ def __init__(self, site_energy, capt_energy, regions, tsv_metrics,
self.detail_brkout = detail_brkout
self.fugitive_emissions = fugitive_emissions
self.no_eff_capt = no_eff_capt
self.no_lnkd_stk_costs = no_lnkd_stk
self.no_lnkd_op_costs = no_lnkd_op

class NullOpts(object):
Expand All @@ -138,7 +140,7 @@ def __init__(self):
self.opts = ecm_args(["--ecm_directory", str(test_ecms),
"--detail_brkout", "regions",
"--alt_regions", "AIA",
"--no_eff_capt", "--no_lnkd_stk_costs"])
self.opts_dict = vars(self.opts)

Expand Down

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