On the Extraction of Lexicalized Grammars and Parsing via Supertagging for Discontinuous Constituent Structures
This repository contains the LaTeX source files for my phd thesis. The compiled version is published at qucosa.de. To cite the publication, please use:
title={{O}n the {E}xtraction of {L}exicalized {G}rammars and {P}arsing via {S}upertagging for {D}iscontinuous {C}onstituent {S}tructures},
author={Ruprecht, Thomas},
school={{T}echnische {U}niversit\"at {D}resden},
The implemenatations of the supertag extraction, training and parsing procedures that were developed over the course of my phd are published as free software at github.com/truprecht/disutapa.