Keep promoted "ATDM" builds of Trilinos clean
This milestone/epic is to aggregate Issues for new failures in builds with the name "Trilinos-atdm-XXX" being posted to the "ATDM" CDash Track/Group that is sending out CDash error emails after these builds have been promoted. These failures have to be fixed in short order.
There is no end-date for this milestone/epic. As new failures are reported, new is…
This milestone/epic is to aggregate Issues for new failures in builds with the name "Trilinos-atdm-XXX" being posted to the "ATDM" CDash Track/Group that is sending out CDash error emails after these builds have been promoted. These failures have to be fixed in short order.
There is no end-date for this milestone/epic. As new failures are reported, new issues will be added.
There are no open issues in this milestone.
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