The Tribblix session wrappers
There are 2 wrapper scripts in /usr/bin:
setxsession setvncsession
which set up a user's normal X11 session (via the ~/.xinitrc file) or a VNC session (via the ~/.vnc/xstartup file).
These simply copy the file matching the session name given as an argument into the appropriate location. Then the traditional startx or vncserver commands will pick up the startup script to launch the desired desktop.
The session files are located in
and for each desktop there will be 3 files. For example, for wmaker these would be
wmaker.verify wmaker.xstartup wmaker.xinitrc
The xstartup or xinitrc files are copied to ~/.vnc/xstartup or ~/.xinitrc as appropriate.
The verify script is run before the copy takes place. If it fails, it will explain why on stdout and exit with a non-zero exit code; the copy of the session script will not take place.
The verify script is also run with the -query flag whenever a list of available sessions is generated. This will cause it to respond with a description and whether it is installed or not.