A polyhedral dice rolling bot for Telegram. To use this bot in Telegram, click here. This bot was built to enable playing tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) over Telegram.
- python-telegram-bot - See /~https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot for installation instructions.
/roll [equation] [label]
or/r [equation] [label]
- Equation is required, label is optional.
- Roll dice using dice notation as the equation (includes Fate/Fudge Dice with 4dF). Do not include spaces in the equation.
- Example:
/roll 4d8+16-2d4
- Exploding dice with exclamation point:
/r 6d6!
- Highest and Lowest dice kept for advantage/disadvantage:
/r 2d20H Advantage
/rf [modifier] [label]
- The modifier and label are optional, but if both are given the modifier must come first.
- Roll 4 Fate (Fudge) dice.
- Example:
/rf 3 Athletics
SEE THE WIKI for usage instructions and examples.
To run the code, download and extract to a folder. You will need to use the Bot Father bot to generate a token for your app. Once you have that token, use the command below to run the bot. Replace /PATH/TO/
with the path to bot.py on your computer and [YOUR_TOKEN_HERE]
with the token you just generated through the Bot Father.
If you are receiving an error that says Server response could not be decoded using UTF-8
, make the following changes to the python-telegram-bot requests.py file: Bug Fix Diff