A Transmitly utility package for handling registration and controllers for channel provider delivery reports.
To use install the NuGet package:
dotnet add package Transmitly.Microsoft.AspnetCore.Mvc
Then add the model binders using AddChannelProviderDeliveryReportModelBinders()
using Transmitly;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
.AddTransmitly(tly => {...})
Inheriting the ChannelProviderDeliveryReportController will setup an POST
route named, HandleDeliveryReport
(example: https://yourapp.com/Communications/HandleDeliveryReport
) that will automatically trigger
your registered delivery report handlers for the provided ICommunicationsClient.
The HandleDeliveryReport
method can be overridden. Allowing you to customize behaviors and set route specifics.
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Transmitly;
using Transmitly.Delivery;
namespace Transmitly.Aspnet.Mvc.Examples
public class CommunicationsController : ChannelProviderDeliveryReportController
public CommunicationsController(ICommunicationsClient communicationsClient) : base(communicationsClient)
- See the Transmitly project for more details on how use and configure the library.
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