Releases: traas-stack/holoinsight
Major Features
- Add DCGM plugin
- #741 add dcgm plugin to sql
- Add data aggregation capabilities
- Utilize Annotation Processing for API Security Verification
- #756 api security
What's Changed
- fix: grpc in bound msg size = 40MB by @xiangwanpeng in #677
- fix: check sql injection by @masaimu in #678
- fix: fix grpc limit by @xiangwanpeng in #679
- fix: add valid character by @masaimu in #680
- feat: fix horizontal security by @masaimu in #681
- feat: force set order config for alert compute by @masaimu in #682
- fix: fix security hole of interface by @jsy1001de in #683
- fix: optimize interface errorcode by @jsy1001de in #684
- refactor(home): optimize crawlerTaskJob by @jsy1001de in #685
- feat: rename log path by @xiangwanpeng in #686
- feat: agg by @xzchaoo in #689
- feat: auto ctl by @xiangwanpeng in #690
- fix: update version aliyun-log by @jsy1001de in #691
- chore: add agg sql by @xzchaoo in #692
- fix: fix kafka message size by @xzchaoo in #693
- feat: auto close by @xiangwanpeng in #695
- fix: horizontal security by @masaimu in #696
- refactor(home): optimize authFilter by @jsy1001de in #698
- feat: supports multi fields data aggregation and HLL operator by @xzchaoo in #697
- refactor: refactor aggregation output by @xzchaoo in #699
- fix: alert compute await by @masaimu in #700
- refactor: agg dispatcher by @xzchaoo in #701
- fix: user check by @masaimu in #702
- fix: agg output by @xzchaoo in #703
- refactor(home): optimize integration_generated by @jsy1001de in #704
- feat: alert silence by @masaimu in #705
- fix(home): fix security vulnerabilities by @jsy1001de in #706
- refactor: agg window stat by @xzchaoo in #707
- feat: agg topn by @xzchaoo in #708
- feat: alert pid by @masaimu in #709
- feat: agg metric name format by @xzchaoo in #712
- refactor(home): add histogramLogCount by @jsy1001de in #713
- feat: serialize agg state using kryo by @xzchaoo in #714
- refactor(home): optimize folderFacadeImpl by @jsy1001de in #715
- feat: group parameter check by @masaimu in #716
- fix: no exception in kafka rebalance listener by @xzchaoo in #717
- fix(home): fix security hole of create request by @jsy1001de in #718
- fix: metric info cache by @masaimu in #719
- feat: agg fill zero by @xzchaoo in #720
- chore: agg log by @xzchaoo in #721
- refactor(home): optimize filters by @jsy1001de in #722
- feat: add kafka producer healthchecker by @xzchaoo in #723
- feat: add OTLP server by @xzchaoo in #724
- fix: optimize return code in authfilter by @jsy1001de in #725
- feat: add resource keys by @xiangwanpeng in #727
- feat: ceresdb meter by @xiangwanpeng in #728
- feat: add ip and hostname in alert notification by @masaimu in #730
- fix: fix displaymenu by @jsy1001de in #731
- feat: meter for detail by @masaimu in #732
- fix: fix redos vulenrability in logmonitor by @jsy1001de in #733
- fix: shutdown thread executor by @jsy1001de in #734
- fix: alert silence by @masaimu in #735
- fix: fix redos of regex by @jsy1001de in #736
- fix: fix npe when building target by @xzchaoo in #737
- fix: alert return in advance by @masaimu in #738
- feat: add dcgm plugin to sql by @masaimu in #741
- feat: add details for gaea config by @sw1136562366 in #742
- refactor(home): optimize authentication role verification function by @jsy1001de in #743
- feat: openapi meter by @xiangwanpeng in #744
- fix: get subscription for multiple alarm subscribers by @masaimu in #745
- refactor(home): optimize metricCrawler by @jsy1001de in #746
- feat: add product ctl log by @xiangwanpeng in #747
- docs: update logo by @xzchaoo in #749
- feat: add details storage by @xzchaoo in #748
- feat: add yyyy-MM-dd+HH:mm:ss format in dateUtil by @masaimu in #750
- feat: add gateway meta service by @xzchaoo in #751
- fix(home): fix pageQuery of alarmHistroySerivice by @jsy1001de in #754
- fix: fix javax.persistence.Id by @jsy1001de in #755
- feat: api security by @masaimu in #756
- feat: add pre calculate of logmonitor by @jsy1001de in #757
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
Major Features
Add OpenAIMonitor and LangChainMonitor plugin
Support spm in log monitoring
Support SLS logs as monitoring sources.
What's Changed
- refactor(home): log sample update by @jsy1001de in #531
- feat(home): log sample alert by @masaimu in #534
- feat(home): add log content in dingtalk alert template by @masaimu in #535
- feat(home): Log monitoring supports keylimt and character settings by @jsy1001de in #539
- feat(home): add type tag for distinguish different log type by @zzhb101 in #541
- feat(apm): optimize apm service topology by @sw1136562366 in #542
- fix: fix query service error by @sw1136562366 in #543
- fix(home): avoid empty collection in sql
by @masaimu in #540 - fix: alert calculation fails in non-aggregate mode by @masaimu in #545
- feat: check empty field in webhook request of alert notification by @masaimu in #547
- fix: rm slidingWindow for none aggregate by @masaimu in #548
- fix: set slidingWindow null for none aggregate by @masaimu in #550
- feat(home): add spm to log monitoring by @jsy1001de in #549
- fix: fix query trace with duration by @xiangwanpeng in #551
- refactor(home): spm update of log monitoring by @jsy1001de in #552
- feat: virtual metric by @xiangwanpeng in #554
- refactor(home): add translate in afterfilters of log monitoring by @jsy1001de in #555
- fix(home): spm metric of log monitoring by @jsy1001de in #556
- refactor(home): add relate of alarmrule and logmonitor by @jsy1001de in #557
- refactor: refactor hostIP resolver by @xzchaoo in #558
- fix: fix metadata deletion logic by @xzchaoo in #559
- feat: add @timestamp as a apm timeseries field by @xiangwanpeng in #560
- fix(home): sovle metasync by @jsy1001de in #561
- fix: add workspace field by @masaimu in #563
- feat(home): alert subscribe across tenants by @masaimu in #565
- refactor(home): add conditons when query tagvalues by @jsy1001de in #566
- feat: sofatracer by @sw1136562366 in #571
- fix(home): solve problem of queryByKeyword by @jsy1001de in #573
- refactor(home): add log in metricCrawler by @jsy1001de in #575
- feat: change apm ts field to @timestamp by @xiangwanpeng in #574
- refactor(home): add listening tasks for the integrationGenerated by @jsy1001de in #576
- fix: remove redundant alert switch by @masaimu in #577
- fix(apm): fix query trace tree by @sw1136562366 in #578
- fix(home): resolve the horizontal override vulnerablity by @jsy1001de in #579
- feat: apm model settings by @xiangwanpeng in #580
- feat(home): add storage_tenant column in metric_info table by @masaimu in #581
- refactor(home): optimize tenantInitService by @jsy1001de in #582
- feat: sql by @xiangwanpeng in #583
- refactor: openmetrics supports relabelconfigs by @xzchaoo in #584
- fix: setMetricRelabelConfigs by @masaimu in #587
- feat: track the processing of alerts by @masaimu in #586
- feat(home): Log monitoring supports json logs by @jsy1001de in #588
- refactor: use es as default trace store in test scene by @xzchaoo in #592
- fix: fix apm log level by @sw1136562366 in #593
- feat: trace guide by @sw1136562366 in #594
- fix: alert extra npe by @masaimu in #595
- feat: es shards and replicas extracted into configuration by @sw1136562366 in #596
- fix: collect target type by @xzchaoo in #597
- feat(home): support mysql integration conponent by @jsy1001de in #598
- feat: ql query by @masaimu in #599
- fix: log sample query by @masaimu in #600
- refactor(home): optimize integrationGeneratedFacadeImpl by @jsy1001de in #602
- fix: compatible with mesh spans by @sw1136562366 in #601
- fix: fix trace agent by @sw1136562366 in #603
- feat: sql query by @masaimu in #606
- fix: update params of LogQueryRequest by @jsy1001de in #607
- refactor(home): optimize logfacadeImpl by @jsy1001de in #608
- feat: trace dynamic config by @sw1136562366 in #617
- fix: add creator/modifier for trace agent configuration by @sw1136562366 in #618
- refactor(home): add environment in MonitorScope by @jsy1001de in #619
- fix: fix trace error by @sw1136562366 in #620
- feat: storage event by @sw1136562366 in #622
- feat: add app column in alarm_history and alarm_history_detail by @masaimu in #623
- feat: query schema by ql by @masaimu in #624
- fix: fix apm metering by @xiangwanpeng in #625
- feat: sync sls shard meta by @xzchaoo in #626
- feat: query dashboard by type and title by @masaimu in #628
- refactor(home): optimize integration component by @jsy1001de in #627
- fix: fix filename of flyway dbconfig by @jsy1001de in #629
- fix(home): fix collect table in integration component by @jsy1001de in #631
- fix: fix IT by @xzchaoo in #632
- fix: json result generic type by @xiangwanpeng in #630
- feat: slow sql dynamic threshold by @sw1136562366 in #633
- refactor: sls sync once by @xzchaoo in #634
- refactor: central agent by @xzchaoo in #635
- feat: event query api by @sw1136562366 in #636
- feat(home): support sls log monitoring by @jsy1001de in #638
- feat: product ctl by @xiangwanpeng in #640
- fix: fix cache by @xiangwanpeng in #641
- feat: trace product close by @sw1136562366 in #644
- refactor(home): optimize alarmBlock by @jsy1001de in #645
- fix: fix sls meta by @xzchaoo in #643
- fix: fix apm NullPointerException in build relation by @sw1136562366 in #646
- feat: add workspace metricinfo map by @masaimu in #648
- fix: query dashboard by type by @masaimu in /~
Major Features
Support OpenAI Function-Calling
Enhancement on log monitoring
Enhancement on agent
Enhancement on APM
- Support Tatris as an optional solution for trace data storage
Deployment and Dependency
- Support deployment mode based on Helm
- Switch metadata storage solution from MongoDB to MySQL
What's Changed
- refactor: add front scripts by @xzchaoo in #424
- feat(home): add metricCrawlerTask by @jsy1001de in #425
- feat: billing trace by @xiangwanpeng in #426
- feat(home): update metricCrawlerTask by @jsy1001de in #427
- fix: fix apm query by @sw1136562366 in #428
- feat: optimize APM statistic by @xiangwanpeng in #429
- feat: Optimize the crawlerTask by @jsy1001de in #431
- fix: fix build trace relation by @sw1136562366 in #432
- fix: fix analysis client span by @sw1136562366 in #434
- feat: statistic APM groups by @xiangwanpeng in #436
- feat: record gRPC slow requests by @xzchaoo in #430
- fix: fix APM metrics meta query by @xiangwanpeng in #438
- fix(query): statistic by @zzhb101 in #439
- feat(home): optimize integration component functions by @jsy1001de in #440
- refactor: error handle by @xzchaoo in #441
- refactor: add charset to resp by @xzchaoo in #442
- fix: Holoinsight demo startup failure by @jiwliu in #444
- fix(apm): fix query slow sql time field by @sw1136562366 in #445
- fix(apm): fix query apm service list by @sw1136562366 in #446
- feat(home): optimize auth filter by @jsy1001de in #447
- feat(home): optimize return errorcode of the authfilter by @jsy1001de in #448
- feat: expose tatris by @xiangwanpeng in #450
- feat: optimize the result of alarmFacadeImpl by @jsy1001de in #451
- feat: Support for using MySQL to store metadata by @jiwliu in #453
- fix: sqlInjection by @jiwliu in #454
- feat: query trace with tenant and time range by @xiangwanpeng in #455
- fix: ineffective global webhook by @masaimu in #457
- fix: always set TimeParse config by @xzchaoo in #458
- refactor(home): optimize set cookies of filters by @jsy1001de in #459
- fix: sovle problem of agent logtail by @jsy1001de in #461
- feat: limit queue size by @xiangwanpeng in #462
- feat: add null value check tool by @masaimu in #464
- fix: alarm rule creater and modifier by @masaimu in #465
- refactor: optimize ULA by @jsy1001de in #466
- chore: add template build timeout check by @xzchaoo in #467
- feat: optimize APM by @xiangwanpeng in #468
- fix: meta mysql write by @jiwliu in #471
- refactor: optimize the metadata sync reported by agent by @jsy1001de in #472
- refactor(home): remove redundant code by @jsy1001de in #475
- chore: add timezone field by @xzchaoo in #476
- feat: metadata module supports custom indexes by @jiwliu in #483
- feat: user information by @masaimu in #482
- feat: add meter submit trigger by @zzhb101 in #484
- feat: meta add log by @jiwliu in #486
- feat(home): support log samples by @jsy1001de in #485
- feat: tenant adaptation in alarm query by @masaimu in #488
- refactor: add relationship between logmonitor and alarmrule by @jsy1001de in #490
- feat: modify timestamp field of APM by @xiangwanpeng in #491
- feat(home): alert facade tenant by @masaimu in #493
- fix: horizontal security vulnerabilities by @jsy1001de in #494
- feat: tatris scene by @xiangwanpeng in #495
- refactor: solve the problem of horizontal overreach by @jsy1001de in #496
- refactor: add metric info in alarmrule by @jsy1001de in #498
- fix: apm gson by @xiangwanpeng in #499
- feat: update meta sync by @jiwliu in #501
- fix: alert coordinator by @masaimu in #504
- fix: select alert detail sort by @masaimu in #505
- refactor: fixed horizontal security vulnerabilities accociated with t… by @jsy1001de in #506
- refactor: optimize conditinos of queryFacadeImpl by @jsy1001de in #507
- feat: query trace with tags by @sw1136562366 in #508
- feat(apm): apm service error analysis by @sw1136562366 in #511
- refactor: optimize horizonal overreach by @jsy1001de in #512
- fix: alert time filter by @masaimu in #514
- fix: fix query apm service instance list by @sw1136562366 in #515
- feat: sample by @xiangwanpeng in #502
- fix(home): integrationGeneratedTask by @jsy1001de in #516
- feat: openai function calling by @masaimu in #518
- feat(home): add uid column in userinfo by @masaimu in #519
- docs: change chinese notes to english notes by @mooneylert in #521
- refactor: integrationGeneratedTask update by @jsy1001de in #522
- feat: remove default configurations related to MongoDB by @jiwliu in #523
- fix: alert cache exception by @masaimu in #525
- chore: add location property by @masaimu in #526
- feat(home): create log monitoring by OpenAI Function-calling by @masaimu in #528
- feat: add log for data clean task by @jiwliu in #529
- chore: update front docker image by @xzchaoo in #530
New Contributors
- @mooneylert made their first contribution in #521
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
Major Features
Support application monitoring (Apm monitoring)
- Support multiple Trace SDKs.
- Support the processing of Trace data using the OTEL protocol, and through OTEL-collector, mainstream SkyWalking Trace data can be easily integrated into the system.
For details, please refer to here
Enhancement on log monitoring
Enhancement on alarm
- #157 implemented configurable alarm templates that allow users to customize the alarm content.
- #256 implemented zero padding for time-series data to strengthen low-fall exception alarms.
- #372 optimized the way repeating tasks are defined.
- #405 added intelligent anomaly detection to alarms by introducing alarm anomaly detection algorithms.
- #412 implemented the inclusion of log samples in alarm history and notifications.
- #414 provides an interface to return the number of historical alarm details in a time-series data format, which can be used to display event monitoring dashboards in the front-end.
Enhancements on testing and operations capabilities
- #188 and #339 have improved the quick start demo, which can be easily set up using Docker Compose v1.29. Also, some additional helper containers were added for daily development and debugging purposes.
- #216 uses Flyway to manage database table structures.
- Enhanced E2E testing capability and added a large number of test cases.
- #329 improved agent events to assist in locating issues related to data collection.
Open-source front-end code
The open source of the front-end code mainly includes the log monitoring, infrastructure monitoring, integrated component, dashboard, and alarm management modules.
For details, please refer to here.
Heartfelt thanks to @kongluoxing for improving some util tools.
What's Changed
- feat(home): config timezone column (#142) by @zzhb101 in #143
- feat(home): marketplace product of hosting alert by @masaimu in #145
- feat: log trace report; optimize complex failed and data filling; by @xiangwanpeng in #146
- fix: remove redundant queries in complex-query by @xiangwanpeng in #147
- feat(home): add time format layout: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (#148) by @zzhb101 in #149
- feat: logmonitor support keyword match by @jsy1001de in #151
- docs: add logo and community support info into readme. by @archerny in #152
- docs: add community info into readme-cn by @archerny in #154
- feat: put the metadata_dictvalue table in common module by @jsy1001de in #155
- feat(home): alert notify template by @masaimu in #157
- feat(home): alert rule query by fuzzy matching by @masaimu in #158
- feat: add trace log in filters: identityFilter, authFilter, accessLog… by @jsy1001de in #160
- fix: repeat call sendError() in filters by @jsy1001de in #162
- fix(home): fix dingtalk notification template by @masaimu in #163
- docs: add product documentation links by @xzchaoo in #166
- feat(home): optimize notification template by @masaimu in #172
- fix: quick start demo use arm64v8 image in M1 mac by @xzchaoo in #174
- fix: replace IPAddressUtil with Apache commons-validator by @kongluoxing in #169
- fix: use another way to fetch realpath by @xzchaoo in #176
- feat: decouple module APM from elasticsearch by @xiangwanpeng in #178
- feat: supports building amd64/arm64v8 converged image by @xzchaoo in #179
- feat: add github action workflow to build docker image by @xzchaoo in #182
- fix: change http client by @masaimu in #181
- ci: add integration test basis using Github Actions by @xzchaoo in #168
- reactor: Move supercacheservice to the common module by @jsy1001de in #184
- docs: quick start demo requires docker-compose V2 by @xzchaoo in #187
- refactor: Quick Start demo supports docker compose v1.29 && v2 by @xzchaoo in #188
- feat(home): enable debug interfaces (#193) by @zzhb101 in #194
- feat: rename model storage as apm by @xiangwanpeng in #192
- feat(home): alert compute thread pool by @masaimu in #198
- feat: Add workspace model in product by @jsy1001de in #199
- docs: update README by @xzchaoo in #191
- docs: update some qr-codes by @archerny in #202
- chore(registry): Set 'maxInboundMessageSize' of registry grpc server to 64MB by @xzchaoo in #203
- fix(home): alert compute concurrently by @masaimu in #205
- fix(home): ConcurrentModificationException in alert by @masaimu in #208
- feat: optimize apm materialization by @xiangwanpeng in #206
- feat: improve duration parsing by @xiangwanpeng in #210
- fix(home): fix alert link by @masaimu in #211
- build: use simple port healthcheck for better compatibility by @xzchaoo in #214
- build: downgrade mongo version to 4.4.18 for better compatibility by @xzchaoo in #213
- docs: add links to holoinsight-docs website by @xzchaoo in #215
- feat: Support flyway by @jiwliu in #216
- feat(home): Home task execute for demand by @jsy1001de in #219
- feat: support logging integration component by @jsy1001de in #223
- fix: solve problem that blackfilters for logmonitor does not take effect by @jsy1001de in #230
- fix: missing db migration by @jiwliu in #227
- fix: remove duplicated sql by @xzchaoo in #231
- fix: update init ddl by @jiwliu in #232
- build: optimize example build by @xzchaoo in #228
- build(quick-start): get container name using docker inspect by @xzchaoo in #217
- fix(home): fix alarm rule facade by @masaimu in #235
- fix: fix example data.sql by @xzchaoo in #233
- fix: Resolve problem that blackfilters in logmonitor take not effect by @jsy1001de in #237
- feat(home): add fuse protector by @masaimu in #241
- feat: implement APM-related query interfaces in by @xiangwanpeng in #242
- feat(home): scheduling alert detection separately according to ruleType by @masaimu in #245
- fix: fix k8s demo db init error by @xzchaoo in #246
- fix(home): fix NPE in alert compute by @masaimu in #249
- fix(home): add extra map by @masaimu in #251
- fix: resolve the targetTable name problem in multilog integration by @jsy1001de in #252
- chore: remove extra quick start deployment files by @xzchaoo in #250
- fix(extension-storage-ceresdbx): dont check ceresdb instance size by @xzchaoo in #247
- test: add E2E tests by @xzchaoo in #238
- ci: rename merge gate by @xzchaoo in #253
- feat(home): alert zero fill by @masaimu in #256
- fix: deleting the gaea collectconfig when deleting the logmonitor config by @jsy1001de in #257
- test: optimize E2E test by @xzchaoo in http...
First release
What's Changed
- feat: add issue templates by @archerny in #1
- migrate base code by @xzchaoo in #3
- feat: add code formatter by @xzchaoo in #8
- migrate gateway by @sw1136562366 in #10
- init(query): migrate query by @xiangwanpeng in #12
- feat: migrate all-in-one module by @xzchaoo in #15
- feat(pre-commit): add pre-commit config and docs by @xzchaoo in #17
- feat(storage): migrage storage by @jiwliu in #19
- feat(meta): migrage meta by @jsy1001de in #21
- build(deps): bump protobuf-java from 3.18.2 to 3.19.6 in /server/holoinsight-dependencies by @dependabot in #6
- build(deps): bump pagehelper from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 in /server/holoinsight-dependencies by @dependabot in #4
- build(deps): bump fastjson from 1.2.83_noneautotype to 1.2.83 in /server/holoinsight-dependencies by @dependabot in #5
- feat(home): add home project by @masaimu in #23
- feat(registry): LogConfig supports dryrun mode by @xzchaoo in #29
- feat(registry): check config distribution by @xzchaoo in #30
- refactor: remove alipay related strings by @xzchaoo in #32
- fix: add prefix for internal or cluster APIs by @xiangwanpeng in #33
- feat(storage): statistic trace by @sw1136562366 in #37
- ci: add format and license check by @xzchaoo in #35
- docs: update by @xzchaoo in #38
- fix: cluster heartbeat & registry.domain property by @xzchaoo in #41
- style: format by @xzchaoo in #43
- chore: add javadoc by @xzchaoo in #44
- feat(storage): statistic trace by @sw1136562366 in #46
- feat(gateway): supports prometheus remote write by @sw1136562366 in #48
- remove Task related codes by @jsy1001de in #50
- Feat/simple alert by @masaimu in #52
- feat(storage): add interface for time series storage by @jiwliu in #55
- feat: alert exception by @masaimu in #57
- Remove MiniProgram related codes by @masaimu in #58
- feat(home): handle alert notify exception by @masaimu in #60
- fix(pom): add extension modules to parent pom by @xzchaoo in #61
- refactor(gateway): use new MetricStorage API by @xzchaoo in #64
- refactor(gateway,extension): refactor MetricStorage API by @xzchaoo in #66
- Fix/jsy 0130 by @jsy1001de in #72
- feat(query): add default QueryService impl by @xzchaoo in #68
- build(deps): bump dom4j from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 in /server/home/home-alert by @dependabot in #24
- build(deps): bump dom4j from 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 in /server/home/home-service by @dependabot in #25
- Feat/handle alert notify exception by @masaimu in #77
- feat: add some metrics for statistic trace by @sw1136562366 in #78
- feat: sort after filldata by @xiangwanpeng in #80
- feat(home): support pql parser (#76) by @zzhb101 in #79
- feat(home): remove unnecessary fields by @masaimu in #82
- fix(home): pql parser init lexer by @zzhb101 in #86
- feat: add alert statistics log by @masaimu in #88
- feat(home): add front-end files by @xzchaoo in #89
- chore: update default application.yaml config by @xzchaoo in #85
- fix: zero-fill failed of complex query by @xiangwanpeng in #90
- Feat/jsy 0202 by @jsy1001de in #92
- feat(home): supports mock authentication by @xzchaoo in #93
- reactor(home): optimize home boot by @xzchaoo in #94
- refactor(home): migrate TenantAppMetaSyncTask by @xzchaoo in #95
- Feat/support ceresdb4 by @jiwliu in #100
- delete unused code by @jsy1001de in #105
- feat(home, registry): support elect timezone by @zzhb101 in #108
- remove alarm-grpc pom by @jsy1001de in #110
- feat(home): use cron trigger in alarm scheduling by @masaimu in #112
- docs: add by @xzchaoo in #114
- Update by @xzchaoo in #113
- docs: update by @xzchaoo in #115
- fix(home): user favorite controller exception by @jsy1001de in #117
- docs: add conventional commit guide by @archerny in #120
- chore: upload logo files by @archerny in #122
- chore: migrate alert codes by @xzchaoo in #119
- ci: check PR title by @xzchaoo in #123
- refactor(alert): update pql alert content (#125) by @zzhb101 in #126
- fix(home): fix PropertiesListener startup order by @xzchaoo in #127
- chore(alert): rename AlarmService to AlertService by @xzchaoo in #128
- fix(query): fix query bootstrap error by @xzchaoo in #131
- refactor(storage): rename apm metrics by @xzchaoo in #132
- fix(home): fix webhook message encode charset by @masaimu in #138
- feat: optimize apm metrics materialization by @xiangwanpeng in #139
- chore: add by @archerny in #140
- chore: update deployment example scripts by @xzchaoo in #141
New Contributors
- @archerny made their first contribution in #1
- @sw1136562366 made their first contribution in #10
- @xiangwanpeng made their first contribution in #12
- @jiwliu made their first contribution in #19
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #6
- @masaimu made their first contribution in #23
- @zzhb101 made their first contribution in #79
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v1.0.0