This project collects national Covid-19 infection statistics and generates state maps with county by county data. The output is in HTML suitable for integration into a website.
macOS or Linux (Not tested on Windows)
Apache2 (configured to support Sites or Virtual Hosts)
PHP installed and configured with Apache2
Python 3.3+
SQLite 3.28+
Copy the 'scr' and 'www' directories to the location you will run the application from.
Install the following Python modules:
- requests 2.23.0
- urllib3 1.25.8
pip3 install requests urllib3
- Determine where to serve the generated maps from.
On macOS I recommend using the Sites folder.
- mscOS -Create a symbolic link from the www folder to your Sites folder
Sites % ln -s <install root>/www /Users/<userID>/Sites/corona
On Linux I found creating a folder off the documentRoot is easiest.
- Linux - Create a symbolic link from the www folder to the DocumentRoot
Sites % ln -s <install root>/www /<DocumentRootDir>/corona
You should now be able to browse to http://localhost/~/corona/ and see the the default index.php page.
The script is located in the src directory. Running it using Python 3 will generate the individual state maps into the www directory.
The maps will be visible by browsing to http://localhost//Corona.
Initially I recommend using the Alaska page for testing. Uncomment the "assemblePage('AK', 'Alaska')" and comment out the three lines following the second '-- For testing' comment
self.locations = self.getCovidLocationData()
if (os.path.exists(dbFilename)): # check that the database exists = sqlite3.connect(dbFilename)
# -- For testing -- uncomment the following line
#assemblePage('AK', 'Alaska')
# -- For testing comment out the following three lines
for stateCode in self.states.keys():
self.assemblePage(stateCode, self.states[stateCode])
print('Error: Cannot find database:', dbFilename)
Depending on your preference, you can change the formatting of the Date/Time in the map subtitle. Line 75 of the script displays using 24 hour time format in the first map. Line 86 displays using 12 hours with AM/PM. You'll need to determine the appropriate time zone based on your system's time configuration.
104 bodyCode2 += ' subtitle: { text: \'As of: ' +"%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M UTC") + '\' },\n'
115 bodyCode2 += ' subtitle: { text: \'As of: ' +"%A, %d %B %Y %I:%M%p ET") + '\' },\n'
The map generation uses the HighMaps library. HighCharts and HighMaps are licensed for non-commercial use - (Non-Profit or personal use) You can request a Non-Commercial license here -
The census.db was generated from downloaded data. The relevant fields were imported into a SQLite table in the census.db database file.
Shawn Porter (sporter42)
- Tim Porter (tporter01)
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
See HighCharts section above for other licensing requirements.