This is a simple Tweet Search App built with python
+ snscrape module
+ Streamlit
I got tired of searching tweets using Twitter
search and decided to build out a standalone app that I can query for keywords/phrases/hashtags/usernames...e.t.c.
and subsequently download the data into a csv
file for further custom analysis
FYI: This is roughly put together but does the job for what I needed.
The DataFrame UI community package by aggrid
- The app is deployed on Streamlit here.
If you would like to customize it for your development purposes follow these steps(these are windows commands):
- Clone this repo to your folder of choice:
git clone /~
- Change directory into the folder:
cd scrapeTwitter
- Create a python virtual environment:
python -m venv env
- Activate virtual environment:
- Install dependecies which are in the
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Now you are ready top run the program in your localhost:
cd app
streamlit run
- The app will open in your browser. Feel free to play with the code and as you save changes, the app will update in real-time.
- Maybe make it a bit robust by adding unit tests and refactoring some of the code.
- Add a page for querying tweets by user.
- Create a dashboard after doing some analysis on mined tweets.
You can dm me on Twitter for collaboration or just holla!