A Python/Plotly.Dash or html/Javascript Interactive epilepsy seizure diary
Epilepsy is a medical condition affecting approximately 65 million people worldwide. Of these people ~30% fail to be effectively treated by anti-seizure drugs. Many of these patients will be switching between different drug combinations with the aim of better controlling their seizures whilst recording when they have their seizures using a seizure diary.
In the absence of effective wearable medical devices Epileptologists ultimately have to judge the efficacy of a change in medication from the patients seizure diary, with limited time in office a good method for visualisation may be valuable to pick out trends in changes in seizures over time.
This code is an adaptation of /~https://github.com/tomjensen2/Epilepsy_Seizure_Diary_visualisation and uses Plotly.Dash or html/javascript to generate an interactive seizure diary from diary data stored as .csv format. It provides a clickable heatmap chart of seizure count vs hour that can be viewed with different binning periods. And a comparison tool where two time periods can be easily compared
Click the heatmap to plot detailed data, double click to compare time periods
To Do’s
-- Better/more relevant statistics
-- Sleep/exercise
-- import of new data
:credit to chatGPT for help getting this done