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This package contains a Shiny application that works as an interface to the packages deSolve and phaseR. This app was developed as a final proejct for a course on mathematical modelling taught by Marco Scavino on February 2020 in Rosario.
The goal of this app is to make it easier to solve system of differential equations without having to write R code or knowing how to use packages deSolve/phaseR.
One of the nice features of this app is that the user can write
autonomous system of differential equations using a mathInput()
the package shinymath with
arbitrary state and parameter names. Under the hood, the LaTeX
representation is translated to R code via
The app automatically recognizes states, parameters, and the independent variable of the system. Then, the app shows the inputs that correspond to these components. What’s more, the user not only gets graphics to analyze the ODE system but also the R code required to reproduce the analysis. Thus, this app also serves as a starting point to those who don’t know how to use packages deSolve and phaseR.
Finally, the app is now multi-lingual. It supports both Spanish and English.
This package is not published on CRAN and it is not likely to happen in the near future. The development version can be installed from GitHub via:
# install.packages("devtools")
You just need to call launch_app()
It is important to remark some characteristis and limitations of the system.
This app comes with all the limitations and characteristics from the
parser implemented in latex2r
. Please have a look at these
notes before
using the app.
The differential equations must be expressed using Leibniz notation.
dX/dt = -\lambda * X
X' = -\lambda * X