An architecture diagram generator for Scala project.
These following screenshots are generated in the example Scala project.
A table of domain objects under the specified packages.
This is useful as a glossary of domain terms.
- List package, class/trait name, scaladoc and file path
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A diagram which indicates relation among domain objects.
- Show class/trait name with its alias in scaladoc
- Show inheritance relations
- Show properties
- Highlight references which is bound to outside of domain package in red
- Show argument names of constructors as labels on edges
- Jump to GitHub source
A diagram which shows method invocation chain.
- Show project-internal method invocations
- Show invocations of external libraries
- Jump to GitHub source
addSbtPlugin("io.github.todokr" % "sbt-zugen" % "2021.12.0")
domainPackages=example.domain # Package name which represent domain
domainObjectExcludePatterns=".+Repository" # Regex patterns to exclude classes from domain relation diagram
methodInvocationRootPackage=example.controllers # The root package of method invocation diagram
key | description | available values | default | example |
documentsToGenerate | Document types to generate. If empty, generates all kind of documents. |
domain-object-table domain-relation-diagram method-invocation-diagram |
empty | documentsToGenerate=domain-object-table,domain-relation-diagram,method-invocation-diagram |
domainPackages | Package names which represent domain. | comma separated string | empty | domainPackages=app1.domain,app2.domain |
domainObjectExcludePatterns | Regex patterns to exclude classes from domain relation diagram. | comma separated string | empty | domainObjectExcludePatterns=".+Repository" |
methodInvocationRootPackage | The root package of method invocation diagram | string | empty | methodInvocationRootPackage=controller |
documentPath | Directory to output documents | string | target/zugen-docs | documentPath=docs |
githubBaseUrl | The base URL of source code in GitHub repository | string | empty | githubBaseUrl=/~ |
Zugen loads source code information from SemanticDB. There are 2 ways to enable SemanticDB file generation.
From 1.13, sbt supports SemanticDB generation.
ThisBuild / semanticdbEnabled := true
ThisBuild / semanticdbVersion := "4.4.33"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Yrangepos", "-P:semanticdb:text:on")
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalameta" %% "semanticdb-scalac" % "4.4.27" cross CrossVersion.full)
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Yrangepos", "-P:semanticdb:text:on")
$ sbt zugen
Then, zugen diagrams are generated under the directory specified with documentPath
setting (default is target/zugen-docs
If any question you have, please feel free to contact me on Twitter.
Zugen is inspired by JIG, which is a document generator for Java project and its philosophy.