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Bots: Comment Response Bot Type

toddrob edited this page Nov 10, 2019 · 1 revision

The Comment Response Bot responds to comments in the configured subreddit(s) based on pre-configured keyword-response rules.


Add a bot in redball and select bot type: comment_response. Ensure a valid reddit authorization is selected.

The only required bot setting is SUBREDDIT in the Reddit category, which is the subreddit for the bot to monitor. Separate multiple subreddits with + (e.g. MySubreddit+MyOtherSub).

Although technically not required, the bot will not do anything unless keyword-response pairs are added to bot settings in the Keyword Response section. Each setting in this section should have a key containing the keyword/phrase (not case-sensitive) to trigger the bot, and a val containing the bot's response.

The other supported bot settings are in the Bot category:

  • REQ_NAME - Only reply if the comment includes the bot's username, default: true.
  • DEL_THRESHOLD - Delete comments with score at or below X, default: -2.
  • HISTORICAL_DAYS - Process comments X days old, default: 1.
  • PAUSE_AFTER - Pause comment stream to check for downvoted comments after X cycles with no new comments, default: 3. Decrease for more active subreddits, increase for less active subreddits.
  • REPLY_FOOTER - Text to include at the bottom of comment responses posted by the bot, default: ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^Downvoted ^^replies ^^will ^^be ^^deleted. ^^[[source/doc](/~] ^^[[feedback](].

Source Code

You can find the source code in bots\ Note that this is the latest official version of the code, and individual bot-runners may be running an earlier or custom version.


The bot will be invoked when a comment in a monitored subreddit contains a keyword from the bot settings. If configured to require the bot's username in the comment, then comments containing configured keywords but without the bot's username will be ignored.

Downvoted replies will be deleted automatically.