ESP32-Flocker is a shell script used to concatenate several esp32 binaries and their application launcher into a single firmware.
The goal is to ease the creation of all-in-one-firmware application suites without having to manually edit the partitions.csv file or requiring the creation of a custom bootloader.
In this scenario, the factory partition which holds the applications launcher is near the end of the flash space, just before spiffs, OTA0 is available for flashing, and all space in between is used to stack the applications.
Example of generated partition scheme with 16MB flash size:
# 9 Apps + Factory
# Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags, Comment
nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000,,
otadata, data, ota, 0xe000, 0x2000,,
ota_0, 0, ota_0, 0x10000, 0x200000,, OTA0 (available slot)
ota_1, 0, ota_1, 0x210000, 0x090000,, WiFiManager
ota_2, 0, ota_2, 0x2a0000, 0x1f0000,, BLEScanner
ota_3, 0, ota_3, 0x490000, 0x0c0000,, I2CScanner
ota_4, 0, ota_4, 0x550000, 0x090000,, SerialBridge
ota_5, 0, ota_5, 0x5e0000, 0x0c0000,, HomeAssistant
ota_6, 0, ota_6, 0x6a0000, 0x090000,, Camera
ota_7, 0, ota_7, 0x730000, 0x090000,, Tetris
ota_8, 0, ota_8, 0x7c0000, 0x110000,, Pacman
ota_9, 0, ota_9, 0x8d0000, 0x420000,, Leftover space (available slot)
firmware, app, factory, 0xcf0000, 0x100000,, Factory Launcher
spiffs, data, spiffs, 0xdf0000, 0x200000,,
coredump, data, coredump, 0xff0000, 0x010000,,.
The shell script will:
- Read a JSON settings file
- Gather/build the binaries for every applications, including the launcher
- Create a custom partition scheme
- Generate the NVS data for the launcher
- Merge all binaries
- Flash the ESP
ℹ️ applications[]
items listed in the JSON settings file and can be either of:
- Path/git-url to .bin file
- Path/git-url to arduino project source
- Path/git-url to platformio project source
ℹ️ Project sources will be compiled with arduino-cli
and platformio
according to their nature.
ℹ️ Although the recommended application launcher with this shell script is M5Stack-SD-Updater's M5Stack-FW-Menu example, any custom launcher will work as long as it's capable of enumerating the ota partitions and setting any of them as bootable.
The bash script needs a JSON settings file to work, here's an example:
"name": "MyApplicationSuite",
"fqbn": "esp32:esp32:m5stack-cores3:DebugLevel=debug",
"build_properties": "-DMY_CUSTOM_FLAG",
"name": "M5Stack-FW-Menu",
"path": "~/Arduino/libraries/M5Stack-SD-Updater/examples/M5Stack-FW-Menu",
"depends": [ "M5Stack-SD-Updater", "ESP32-Chimera-Core" ]
"path": "/path/to/Arduino_Projects/WiFiManager/examples/SmartConfig"
"path": "/~",
"depends": [ "SQLiteEsp32", "ESP32-Chimera-Core", "NimBLE-Arduino" ]
"path": "/path/to/Arduino_Projects/SerialBridge",
"depends": [ "SoftwareSerial" ]
"path": "/path/to/Platformio_Projects/SmartHass#env-name"
"path": "/path/to/Precompiled_Projects/Camera.bin"
: additional compilation flags e.g.-DMY_CUSTOM_FLAG
for arduino-cliflash_size
: defaults to16MB
: defaults to80m
: defaults todio
: defaults to/dev/ttyUSB0
: defaults to921600
: data partition type, defaults tolittlefs
: data partition size, defaults to2MB
: factory partition size, defaults to1MB
: list of arduino-cli library dependencies for a given app, assumed as all satisfied if empty or missingverify
: grep sketches and launcher source to verify that M5StackUpdater library is used, defaults totrue
Uncommenting the directories
entry in arduino-cli.yml
file only makes sense if no local installation of Arduino IDE exists
e.g. a CI is running the bash script and needs to cache downloads on a different volume to save bandwidth
In any other situation it is safe to keep the directories
block commented out.
Every /data/
folders from the listed applications will be merged into a single filesystem image, and only one of spiffs/littlefs/fatfs
can be used (default is littlefs), obviously every application using the flash filesystem will have to agree on this.
Every application must provide a way to load the factory partition, this can be achieved by using M5Stack-SD-Updater
- With
and through the lobby by callingcheckFWUpdater()
instead of the usualcheckSDUpdater()
- With
outside the lobby by callingFlash::loadFactory()
- Without
by implementing this function:
#include "esp_ota_ops.h"
#include "bootloader_common.h"
void loadFactory()
if( !factory ) {
log_e( "this partitions scheme has no factory partition");
auto factory_partition = esp_partition_get(factory);
if( !factory_partition ) {
log_e( "Failed to find factory partition" );
// Set partition for boot
auto err = esp_ota_set_boot_partition ( factory_partition );
// restart on success
if ( err != ESP_OK ) {
log_e( "Failed to set boot partition" ) ;
} else {
log_i("Will reboot to factory partition");
esp_restart() ;
- linux
- bash
- git
- php
- platformio