ptrotR is a free and open-source R package for analyzing and reconstructing plate motion. It provides:
- import of GPLATES *.rot files:
- interpolate total reconstruction poles between time steps:
- extraction of relative plate motion parameters from sequence of total reconstruction poles:
- a grid of plate motion vectors (incl. azimuth, distance to Euler pole, and absolute velocity):
You must have R installed on your system (see Additionally, to install ptrotR from Github, you also need the devtools package. This can be installed by typing the following code at the R command line prompt:
The most recent development version of ptrotR is available from Github and can be installed on your system as follows:
remotes::install_github('tobiste/euler') % requiered package from my repository
Import total reconstructions from a GPLATES *.rot file:
fname <- system.file("Pangea.rot", package="ptrotR")
pangea <- read.gplates(fname)
Extract stage rotations for a specific plate:
stage_pols <- extract_stage_rotations(pangea, plate = 137)
Create a grid of plate motion vectors for a specific stage pole (here first in stage_pols
vectors <- plate_motion_grid(stage_pols[1,])
% plot the motion vectors:
tectonicr::axes(vectors$lon, vectors$lat, vectors$azimuth, add = FALSE)
Tobias Stephan
Greiner, B. (1999). Euler rotations in plate-tectonic reconstructions. Computers and Geosciences, 25(3), 209–216.
Schaeben, H., Kroner, U., & Stephan, T. (2021). Euler Poles of Tectonic Plates. In B. S. Daza Sagar, Q. Cheng, J. McKinley, & F. Agterberg (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Mathematical Geosciences. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series (pp. 1–7). Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.
Schaeben, H., Kroner, U., & Stephan, T. (2024). Mathematical fundamentals of spherical kinematics of plate tectonics in terms of quaternions. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 47(6), 4469–4496.