A shopping-cart API for case study using go, go-gin, swaggo, and postgresql. Main features for this case studiying are:
- User can view product list by product category
- User can add product to shopping cart
- User can see list of products that have been added to the shopping cart
- User can delete product list in shopping cart
- User can checkout and make payment transactions
- Login and register user
- Go
- Gin
- Swagger API Documentation
- Postgres
- Database Migration
- Unix based OS (for make command)
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Make
- Go (for development)
- Running using docker compose
git clone /~https://github.com/tirzasrwn/shopping-cart.git
cd shopping-cart
# start docker compose
make up
# stop docker compose
make down
- Running using go command, typically for development
make start
- Running spesific docker image
There are two docker images, backend go and database postgresql. You can run them separately.
make docker_<service>_build
make docker_<service>_start
make docker_<service>_stop
# where <service> is db for database and be for backend
This API documentaiton using Swagger API documentation. Here are all the routes:
route | method | description |
/category | get | this is api to get product category |
/login | post | this is api to authenticate user then returns jwt token |
/product | get | this is api to get all product |
/product/{category_id} | get | this is api to get product by category_id. category_id can be found at /category |
/register | post | this is api to register new user |
/user | get | this is api to get all user information |
/user/checkout | post | this api is to checkout and make payment transactions. total payment can be found at get /user/order |
/user/order | get | this api is to get user order |
/user/order | post | this api to post new order or update the quantity. prouduct_id can be found at /product |
/user/order/{order_id} | delete | this api to delete order by order_id. order_id can be found at get /user/order |
/user/payment | get | this api is to get user payment |
Swagger API documentaiton can be found at http://localhost:4000/swagger/index.html.
- User can view product list by product category
- use /product/{category_id} route
- category_id can be found at /category
- User can add product to shopping cart
- login using /login
- use post /user/order to create new order or add the quantity
- prouduct_id can be found at /product
- User can see list of products that have been added to the shopping cart
- login
- user get /user/order
- User can delete product list in shopping cart
- login
- use /user/order/{order_id} to delete
- order_id can be found at get /user/order
- User can checkout and make payment transactions
- login
- user /user/payment to checkout
- total payment can be found at get /user/order
- Login and register user
- use /register to create or register new user
- you need to pass new email and password
- Port
service name | port |
backend | 4000 |
database | 5432 |
- backend
email: user1@example.com password: user1
- database
username: postgres password: postgres db name: shopping-cart
If you want to do a database migration for development, read this documentation.