Releases: three-types/three-ts-types
Releases · three-types/three-ts-types
What's Changed
- CCDIKSolver: Add blendFactor support. by @Methuselah96 in #1528
- Renderer: Disable autoClear in the output pass. by @Methuselah96 in #1530
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1531
- WebGPURenderer: Add setOutputRenderTarget() by @Methuselah96 in #1532
- Docs: Improve Raycaster page. by @Methuselah96 in #1533
- PMREMGenerator: Add size and position options to fromScene(). by @Methuselah96 in #1534
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1535
- TSL: Introduce RaymarchingBox and raymarchingTexture3D by @Methuselah96 in #1537
- Remove examples by @Methuselah96 in #1538
- MTLLoader: Add support for displacement maps. by @Methuselah96 in #1539
- Timer: Add usePageVisibilityAPI ctor parameter. by @Methuselah96 in #1540
- WebGPURenderer: Support rotation of env maps. by @Methuselah96 in #1541
- Raymarching: Move raymarchingTexture3D to example and update webgpu_volume_perlin by @Methuselah96 in #1542
- Renderer: Return self in init(). by @Methuselah96 in #1543
- WebGPURenderer: Volumetric lighting by @Methuselah96 in #1544
- Animation: Rename frame parameter to xrFrame. by @Methuselah96 in #1545
- WebXRManager: Mark XR rendertarget as needing a resolve for depth or stencil. by @Methuselah96 in #1546
- Timer: Add connect()/disconnect(). by @Methuselah96 in #1547
- Update TorusGeometry.html by @Methuselah96 in #1548
- Docs: Fixes missing material on the doc page about the LOD class by @Methuselah96 in #1549
- Reflector: Add forceUpdate. by @Methuselah96 in #1550
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1551
- Add back WebGLState buffer class type exports by @Methuselah96 in #1552
- Fix NodeMaterial.receivedShadowNode by @Methuselah96 in #1553
Full Changelog: r173...r174
What's Changed
- Improve TSL color function typing by @Methuselah96 in #1489
- refactor(@types/three): AnimationClip#toJSON method patch by @Neosoulink in #1492
- RenderContexts: Introduce getForClear(). by @Methuselah96 in #1495
- Nodes: Optimize getCacheKey(). by @Methuselah96 in #1496
- InteractiveGroup: Add disconnect(). by @Methuselah96 in #1497
- PostProcessing: Allow usage with more than one instance. by @Methuselah96 in #1498
- Docs: Improve Matrix4 page. by @Methuselah96 in #1499
- WebGPURenderer: Introduced .toConst(), Const(), Var() by @Methuselah96 in #1500
- Introduce VideoFrameTexture. by @Methuselah96 in #1501
- Docs: Improve Texture page. by @Methuselah96 in #1502
- RenderContext: Add missing properties. by @Methuselah96 in #1503
- RenderObject: Fix geometry key for morph targets. by @Methuselah96 in #1504
- WebGPURenderer: Improve PointsNodeMaterial by @Methuselah96 in #1505
- MeshGouraudMaterial: Deprecate module. by @Methuselah96 in #1506
- TextGeometry: Remove deprecated code. by @Methuselah96 in #1507
- WebGPURenderer: Add .outputType backend parameter by @Methuselah96 in #1508
- WebGPURenderer: Improve ArrayCamera performance and fixes by @Methuselah96 in #1509
- WebGPURenderer: Add XRManager. by @Methuselah96 in #1510
- NodeBuilder: Rename .monitor to .observer by @Methuselah96 in #1511
- TSL: Rename .varying -> .toVarying and .vertexStage -> .toVertexStage by @Methuselah96 in #1512
- InstancedMesh, BatchedMesh docs: clarify lack of negatively scaled matrix support by @Methuselah96 in #1513
- XRManager: Add layers support. by @Methuselah96 in #1514
- Add XRRenderTarget. by @Methuselah96 in #1515
- WebGPURenderer: Add mat2 uniform support by @Methuselah96 in #1516
- TSL: Add missing atomicLoad Support by @Methuselah96 in #1517
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce TimestampQueryPool by @Methuselah96 in #1518
- WebGPURenderer: TimestampQuery constant by @Methuselah96 in #1519
- TSL: Introduce array() by @Methuselah96 in #1520
- NodeMaterialObserver: Detect geometry exchange. by @Methuselah96 in #1521
- TSL: Introduce struct by @Methuselah96 in #1522
- Renderer: Introduce colorBufferType. by @Methuselah96 in #1523
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1524
- ShaderNodeFn: improve DX for Layout by @linbingquan in #1493
- Fix references to THREE in docs by @Methuselah96 in #1525
- Allow null in WebGLRenderer's setOpaqueSort & setTransparentSort by @Methuselah96 in #1526
New Contributors
- @Neosoulink made their first contribution in #1492
Full Changelog: r172...r173
What's Changed
interface to avoid confusion with the WebGPURenderer
class. UseWebGLRenderer
instead, or define your own interface instead containing the parts of the interface that are necessary for your use case. (see #1487) - OrbitControls: Add keyRotateSpeed. by @Methuselah96 in #1424
- Docs: Add JSDoc config and improve Node docs. by @Methuselah96 in #1425
- Node: Document more modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1426
- UniformGroup: Delete unused file. by @Methuselah96 in #1427
- Node: Document more modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1428
- Addons: Remove MMD modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1429
- Three.Legacy: Remove deprecated code. by @Methuselah96 in #1430
- Node: Document more modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1431
- Node: Document more modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1432
- WebGPURenderer: Fix filterable depth textures by @Methuselah96 in #1433
- LineSegments2: Fix raycast(). by @Methuselah96 in #1434
- Examples: webgpu_lines_fat_raycasting by @Methuselah96 in #1435
- UniformArrayNode: add support for mat2, mat3 and mat4 types by @Methuselah96 in #1436
- Docs: Improve material pages. by @Methuselah96 in #1437
- ShadowBaseNode: Fix CSM shadowWorldPosition by @Methuselah96 in #1438
- TextureNode: Rename .uv() -> .sample() by @Methuselah96 in #1439
- Node: Add .customCacheKey() by @Methuselah96 in #1440
- Editor: Fix vertex normals helper regression. by @Methuselah96 in #1441
- WebGLRenderer: Add transmission render target scale by @Methuselah96 in #1442
- TSL: Improve fog approach. by @Methuselah96 in #1443
- WebGPURenderer: Fix Hardware Clipping issues by @Methuselah96 in #1444
- TSL: Add texture_depth_multisampled_2d for wgslFn by @Methuselah96 in #1445
- TSL: Vertex shader revision by @Methuselah96 in #1446
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1447
- TSL: Overloaded atan2 to atan by @Methuselah96 in #1449
- Fix typos by @Methuselah96 in #1450
- TSL: Vertex shader revision 2 by @Methuselah96 in #1451
- CurveModifiers: typos by @Methuselah96 in #1452
- TSL: More consistent names shadowPositionWorld, materialAO by @Methuselah96 in #1453
- TSL: GLSL alias functions by @Methuselah96 in #1454
- ShadowNode: Ensure background does not influence shadow map. by @Methuselah96 in #1455
- WebGPURenderer: Rename PostProcessingUtils -> RendererUtils by @Methuselah96 in #1456
- TSL: Add vertexStage() function by @Methuselah96 in #1457
- Docs: Improve Material page by @Methuselah96 in #1458
- WebGPURenderer: Fix and improve the dynamic updating of the scene nodes cache by @Methuselah96 in #1460
- TSL: Add
for Fn by @linbingquan in #1459 - RendererUtils: Honor fog. by @Methuselah96 in #1461
- Add webgpu_animation_retargeting example by @Methuselah96 in #1462
- ComputeNode:
optional by @linbingquan in #1463 - Allow Fn to return void by @Methuselah96 in #1464
- Add better Loop types by @Methuselah96 in #1465
- Make Loop types more strict by @Methuselah96 in #1466
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce RenderTarget3D and RenderTargetArray by @Methuselah96 in #1467
- WebGPURenderer: Disable fog in shadow-material by @Methuselah96 in #1468
- TSL: add addMethodsChaining by @Methuselah96 in #1469
- WebGPURenderer: Improved Shaders Names For Debug by @Methuselah96 in #1470
- TSL: Removing addMethodChaining from Three.TSL.js by @Methuselah96 in #1471
- Revert "TSL: add addMethodsChaining (#30201)" by @Methuselah96 in #1472
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1473
- Add more compute examples by @Methuselah96 in #1474
- Add more webgpu examples by @Methuselah96 in #1475
- Add more WebGPU examples by @Methuselah96 in #1476
- TSL: Use correct elementType with WorkgroupInfoNode by @Methuselah96 in #1477
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1478
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1479
- Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #1480
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1481
- Add more WebGPU examples by @Methuselah96 in #1482
- Add more WebGPU exmples by @Methuselah96 in #1483
- Add more WebGPU examples by @Methuselah96 in #1484
- Add more WebGPU examples by @Methuselah96 in #1485
- Restrict swizzle options by @Methuselah96 in #1486
- Accept Node as Loop parameter by @Methuselah96 in #1488
Full Changelog: r171...r172
What's Changed
- Add shadowNode property to LightShadow by @Methuselah96 in #1376
- Add missing onUpload and onUploadCallback on InterleavedBuffer by @eiriklegernaes in #1373
- fix(types): sync GLTFWriter and GLTFExporterPlugin types with impleme… by @ybt-new in #1377
- WebGLRenderer: Add support for copying mipmap data between textures by @Methuselah96 in #1381
- Materials: Revert static types of builtins materials by @Methuselah96 in #1382
- Docs Batched/InstancedMesh: emphazise difference by @Methuselah96 in #1383
- Docs Clock: Remove outdated description by @Methuselah96 in #1384
- fix(TransformControls.d.ts): add missing export by @demike in #1385
- Remove textures/types by @Methuselah96 in #1388
- WebGPURenderer: implement ClippingGroup object by @Methuselah96 in #1389
- WebGPURenderer: Make Animation WebXR compatible. by @Methuselah96 in #1390
- WebGPURenderer: hardware clipping support. by @Methuselah96 in #1391
- GTAONode: Add resolutionScale. by @Methuselah96 in #1392
- Line2NodeMaterial: Fix broken dash. by @Methuselah96 in #1393
- RenderObject: Added .setGeometry() by @Methuselah96 in #1394
- TSL: shadows by @Methuselah96 in #1395
- Codesplit WebGL/WebGPU entrypoints by @Methuselah96 in #1396
- fix types for AnimationClip.findByName by @Methuselah96 in #1397
- NodeMaterial: Added .castShadowNode and .receivedShadowNode by @Methuselah96 in #1400
- Docs:: Add documentation for ClippingGroup. by @Methuselah96 in #1401
- Make Material.type mutable by @Methuselah96 in #1402
- DecalGeometry: Add default parameters. by @Methuselah96 in #1403
- WebGPU: Logarithmic Depth Buffer Rename/Revision + GTAONode Fixes by @Methuselah96 in #1404
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1405
- TSL: Add blendNormal() to BlendMode. by @Methuselah96 in #1406
- TSL: Introduce instance() for custom use by @Methuselah96 in #1407
- ArcballControls: Add enableFocus. by @kxxhan in #1387
- BlendModes: Added blend* prefix by @Methuselah96 in #1408
- Update stats-gl by @Methuselah96 in #1409
- Renderer: Add hasInitialized(). by @Methuselah96 in #1410
- WebGPURenderer: Add PointShadowNode by @Methuselah96 in #1411
- Update prettier by @Methuselah96 in #1412
- SSRNode: Support logarithmic depth. by @Methuselah96 in #1413
- Renderer: Add initTexture(). by @Methuselah96 in #1414
- Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #1311
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1312
- TSL: Introduce attributeArray and instancedArray by @Methuselah96 in #1415
- PMREMGenerator: Add fromSceneAsync() by @Methuselah96 in #1416
- Builds: Introduce three.tsl.js by @Methuselah96 in #1417
- WebGPURenderer: Fix integer uniforms by @Methuselah96 in #1418
- TSL: Deprecated storageObject() by @Methuselah96 in #1419
- Renamed Three.core.js to Three.Core.js. by @Methuselah96 in #1420
- WebGPURenderer: Add Missing Export NodeAccess by @Methuselah96 in #1421
- Update three.js to r171 by @Methuselah96 in #1422
New Contributors
- @eiriklegernaes made their first contribution in #1373
- @kxxhan made their first contribution in #1387
Full Changelog: r170...r171
What's Changed
- WebGLRendererParameters: "powerPreference" union type by @satelllte in #1291
- README: Small improvements by @satelllte in #1293
- fix: Now
accept both anumber
by @Byloth in #1286 - fix: Now
node don't require aNode
object anymore. by @Byloth in #1287 - Discard: Add
operate by @linbingquan in #1289 - Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #1284
- fix:
has been deprecated.three
simply uses thestring
type. by @Byloth in #1290 - Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1285
- Global: Move some WebGPU modules from core to addons. by @Methuselah96 in #1295
- TransformControls: Fix dispose(). by @Methuselah96 in #1296
- ColorManagement: Add ColorManagement.define( { ... } ) by @Methuselah96 in #1297
- WebGPURenderer: Fix NodeLibrary Logic for Minified Builds by @Methuselah96 in #1298
- USDZExporter: Add support for WebGPURenderer. by @Methuselah96 in #1299
- WebGPURenderer: Fixed shadows not rendering correctly with logarithmicDepthBuffer by @Methuselah96 in #1300
- TSL: Deprecated .temp() by @Methuselah96 in #1304
- TextureHelper: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1305
- BatchedMesh: Add deleteGeometry(). by @Methuselah96 in #1306
- BatchedMesh: Add optimize(). by @Methuselah96 in #1307
- NURBSCurve: Add toJSON() and fromJSON(). by @Methuselah96 in #1308
- DecalGeometry: Support geometries without normals. by @Methuselah96 in #1309
- Wireframe: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1310
- TSL: Add CDLNode by @Methuselah96 in #1313
- Renderer: Added sync .compute() support by @Methuselah96 in #1314
- Color: Improve documentation about color management by @Methuselah96 in #1315
- NodeMaterial: Introduce .geometryNode by @Methuselah96 in #1316
- Addons: Add SMAANode. by @Methuselah96 in #1317
- TSL: Introduce time by @Methuselah96 in #1318
- WebGPURenderer: introduce ShadowNode by @Methuselah96 in #1319
- Addons: Add OutlineNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1320
- BatchedMesh: add support for resizing instance count, geometry size by @Methuselah96 in #1321
- GTAONode: Fix AO with WebGL backend. by @Methuselah96 in #1322
- OutlineNode: Improve approach by @Methuselah96 in #1323
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce PostProcessingUtils by @Methuselah96 in #1324
- WebGPURenderer: remove obsolete code by @Methuselah96 in #1325
- Addons: Add SSRNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1326
- PostProcessingUtils: Improve names, replaced some save to reset by @Methuselah96 in #1327
- PostProcessingUtils: Add getScreenPosition(). by @Methuselah96 in #1328
- WebGPURenderer: Fix missing updates to geometry attributes by @Methuselah96 in #1329
- TSL: Introduce premultipliedGaussianBlur by @Methuselah96 in #1330
- Examples: Added hashBlur and improve webgpu_backdrop_area example by @Methuselah96 in #1331
- TransformControls: Add min/max constraints. by @Methuselah96 in #1332
- ReflectorNode: Remove getTextureNode(). by @Methuselah96 in #1333
- WebGPURenderer: Introducing an IndirectStorageBufferAttribute by @Methuselah96 in #1334
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce indirect drawing support by @Methuselah96 in #1335
- TransformControls: Add scaleSnap by @noname0310 in #1336
- Nodes: Fixes and improvements for reflector and gaussianBlur by @Methuselah96 in #1337
- ReflectorNode: Add getDepthNode(). by @Methuselah96 in #1338
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce TiledLighting by @Methuselah96 in #1339
- WebGLRenderer: sRGB decoding for VideoTexture emissiveMap. by @Methuselah96 in #1340
- Addons: Add TRAAPassNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1341
- GLTFExporter: Add support for WebGPURenderer by @Methuselah96 in #1342
- BatchedMesh: Consolidate internal geometry information by @Methuselah96 in #1343
- BatchedMesh: Batched cleanup 2 by @Methuselah96 in #1344
- WebGLRenderer: Support render target textures in copyTextureToTexture(). by @Methuselah96 in #1345
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce waitForGPU by @Methuselah96 in #1346
- BufferGeometry: Check for existing attribute in setFromPoints(). by @Methuselah96 in #1347
- PostProcessingUtils: Add method for normal reconstruction. by @Methuselah96 in #1348
- TSL: Support defined color spaces in ColorSpaceNode by @Methuselah96 in #1349
- Docs: Fix typos by @Methuselah96 in #1350
- Addons: Add LensflareNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1351
- WebGLRenderer: Stable reversed Z buffer implementation. by @Methuselah96 in #1352
- LensflareNode, OutlineNode: Added *Node suffix by @Methuselah96 in #1353
- WebGPURenderer: Added double-side transmission 2/2 by @Methuselah96 in #1354
- WebGLRenderer: Allow for copying 2d targets to and from layers of 3d textures by @Methuselah96 in #1355
- Addons: Deprecate MMD modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1356
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1357
- Examples: Clean up. by @Methuselah96 in #1358
- KTX2Loader: Support transcoding UASTC HDR to BC6H and RGBA16 by @Methuselah96 in #1359
- ScriptableNode: Rename global to ScriptableNodeResources by @Methuselah96 in #1360
- ProgressiveLightMap: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1361
- Addons: WebGPU CSM shadows - using shadowNode by @Methuselah96 in #1362
- Addons: Remove CinematicCamera. by @Methuselah96 in #1363
- LDrawLoader: Add WebGPU support. by @Methuselah96 in #1364
- Vector4: Add divide(). by @Methuselah96 in #1365
- NodeMaterial: Add support for alphaHash. by @Methuselah96 in #1366
- WebGPURenderer: Support Scene.backgroundRotation. by @Methuselah96 in #1367
- WebGPURenderer: copyFramebufferToTexture - support for post-rendering usage by @Methuselah96 in #1368
- Remove examples by @Methuselah96 in #1370
- TSL: Add function for BPCEM. by @Methuselah96 in #1369
- Examples: Remove raymarching GLSL demo. by @Methuselah96 in #1371
- WebGPURenderer: Handle Device Lost Event by @Methuselah96 in #1372
New Contributors
- @satelllte made their first contribution in /~
What's Changed
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1221
- #1222-DRACOLoader.d.ts-add-parse-function by @Adamatoma in #1223
- WebGPURenderer: Added basic three.webgpu.nodes.js by @Methuselah96 in #1225
- WebGPURenderer: add BundleGroup by @Methuselah96 in #1226
- Augment Scene with Node parameters by @Methuselah96 in #1227
- fix: Quaternion fromArray and toArray signatures by @mattrossman in #1230
- WebGPURenderer: Fix Material Arrays and Geometry Groups by @Methuselah96 in #1232
- Checkout DefinitelyTyped faster by @Methuselah96 in #1233
- Nodes: Introduce static type by @Methuselah96 in #1234
- TSL: Export color space, tone mapping methods by @Methuselah96 in #1235
- Addons: Remove SDFGeometryGenerator. by @Methuselah96 in #1236
- WebGPURenderer: sort bind groups and minimise setBindGroup() commands by @Methuselah96 in #1237
- WebGLRenderer: Remove deprecated BufferAttribute.updateRange() and InterleavedBuffer.updateRange(). by @Methuselah96 in #1238
- LightProbeHelper: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1239
- WebGPURenderer: Compute modelViewMatrix using GPU by @Methuselah96 in #1240
- EXRExporter: Add support for WebGPURenderer. by @Methuselah96 in #1241
- WebGPURenderer: Use world space normal approach by @Methuselah96 in #1242
- KTX2Exporter: Add support for WebGPURenderer. by @Methuselah96 in #1243
- WebGPURenderer: Add cube face to readRenderTargetPixelsAsync parameters by @Methuselah96 in #1244
- WebGPURenderer: Add support for VSM. by @Methuselah96 in #1245
- Addons: Remove GPUStatsPanel. by @Methuselah96 in #1246
- ShadowMapViewer: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1247
- Examples: add webgpu_animation_retargeting by @Methuselah96 in #1248
- TSL: Introduce screenUV, screenSize, screenCoordinate and viewport revision by @Methuselah96 in #1249
- WebGPURenderer: extract common draw call logic from backends by @Methuselah96 in #1250
- Examples: Add webgpu_tonemapping.html by @Methuselah96 in #1251
- Controls: Add null as default parameter for domElement. by @Methuselah96 in #1252
- TextureUtils: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1253
- Addons.js: Remove WebGPU modules. by @Methuselah96 in #1254
- LightProbeGenerator: adapt for WebGPU compatibility by @Methuselah96 in #1255
- Addons: Remove PackedPhongMaterial. by @Methuselah96 in #1256
- Docs: Document the examples/jsm/lines components. by @Methuselah96 in #1257
- Audio: Add delay parameter to stop(). by @Methuselah96 in #1258
- LOD: Add removeLevel(). by @Methuselah96 in #1259
- TSL: Add workingToColorSpace, colorSpaceToWorking by @Methuselah96 in #1260
- TransformControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1261
- TransformControls: Rename getGizmo() to getHelper(). by @Methuselah96 in #1262
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce NodeMaterialObserver and updates by @Methuselah96 in #1263
- BatchedMesh setGeometryIdAt getGeometryIdAt by @Methuselah96 in #1264
- SkeletonUtils: added hipInfluence by @Methuselah96 in #1265
- WebGPURenderer: WebGL fallback, use shared UBOs for common uniform groups by @Methuselah96 in #1266
- SkeletonUtils: added trim by @Methuselah96 in #1267
- Examples: Retargeting animation - mixamo to by @Methuselah96 in #1268
- WebGPURenderer: copyFrameBufferTexture() rectangle parameter added by @Methuselah96 in #1269
- Raycaster: Add barycoord to intersection result, make attribution interpolation more convenient. by @Methuselah96 in #1270
- BatchedMesh: add deleteInstance() by @Methuselah96 in #1271
- Lensflare: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1272
- WebGLRenderer: add reverse-z via EXT_clip_control by @CodyJasonBennett in #1231
- WebGLProgram: add USE_REVERSEDEPTHBUF define by @Methuselah96 in #1273
- Fix running tests locally by @Methuselah96 in #1274
- RenderObject: Introduce getGeometryCacheKey() by @Methuselah96 in #1275
- CurveModifier: Add WebGPU version. by @Methuselah96 in #1276
- BatchedMesh: Add getGeometryRangeAt by @Methuselah96 in #1277
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce hash-based cache key by @Methuselah96 in #1278
- ToonOutlinePassNode: Add FX pass for toon outlines. by @Methuselah96 in #1279
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1280
- Addons: Remove TiltLoader. by @Methuselah96 in #1281
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1282
New Contributors
- @Adamatoma made their first contribution in #1223
Full Changelog: r168...r169
What's Changed
- BREAKING CHANGE Unknown events can no longer be dispatched in
. Define an event map as the first type parameter toEventDispatcher
to declare known events. (#1145) - Add missing type-only exports by @Methuselah96 in #1131
- Improve Matrix toArray typings by @Methuselah96 in #1132
- StackNode:
by @linbingquan in #1134 - ShaderNode:
by @linbingquan in #1135 - Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #1137
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1138
- fix: add
exports back by @asyncore in #1140 - add an option for stencil buffer in SSAARenderPass by @gdu041 in #1141
- Add remaining missing type exports by @Methuselah96 in #1144
- KTX2Loader: Add parse() method for direct buffer processing. by @Methuselah96 in #1148
- Examples > Add VFX flames by @Methuselah96 in #1149
- WebGPURenderer: Add webgpu_shadowmap_opacity by @Methuselah96 in #1150
- Examples > Add coffee smoke by @Methuselah96 in #1151
- TSL: Add spherizeUV by @Methuselah96 in #1152
- Nodes: Rename uniforms() to uniformArray(). by @Methuselah96 in #1153
- Nodes: Add SepiaNode by @Methuselah96 in #1154
- UniformArrayNode: Add uniforms() fallback. by @Methuselah96 in #1155
- SepiaNode: Clean up by @Methuselah96 in #1156
- WebGPURenderer: Add debug.getRawShaderAsync(). by @Methuselah96 in #1157
- WebGPURenderer: Rename .getRawShaderAsync() to .getShaderAsync() by @Methuselah96 in #1158
- TSL: Introduce billboarding() by @Methuselah96 in #1159
- Nodes: Ensure that setBindGroup matches with @group in the shader. by @Methuselah96 in #1160
- Sky: Add WebGPURenderer version. by @Methuselah96 in #1161
- Water: Add WebGPURenderer version. by @Methuselah96 in #1162
- TSL: Introduce viewportSafeUV() by @Methuselah96 in #1163
- Water2: Add WebGPURenderer version. by @Methuselah96 in #1164
- Addons: Rename SkyGPU and WaterGPU. by @Methuselah96 in #1166
- NodeMaterial: Use materialReference() for env maps. by @Methuselah96 in #1167
- RoomEnvironment: Remove obsolete renderer parameter. by @Methuselah96 in #1168
- Material: Add onBeforeRender() back. by @Methuselah96 in #1169
- Nodes: Bleach Node by @Methuselah96 in #1170
- WebGLProperties.has by @Methuselah96 in #1171
- StackNode: Rename
by @linbingquan in #1146 - TSL: Flow control function names revision by @Methuselah96 in #1172
- Add missing WebGPURenderer parameters by @Methuselah96 in #1173
- WebGPURenderer: Support for access previous frame textures using pass() by @Methuselah96 in #1174
- Nodes: Add LightProbeNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1175
- Nodes: Add CubeMapNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1176
- Examples: Add Performance Comparison for WebGL and WebGPU Renderers by @Methuselah96 in #1177
- DragControls: Refactor API. by @Methuselah96 in #1178
- SSAARender: Add property to control the stencil buffer. by @Methuselah96 in #1179
- PointerLockControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1180
- Nodes: Add VelocityNode and MotionBlurNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1181
- FlyControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1182
- FirstPersonControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1183
- ArcballControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1184
- Nodes: Rename remainder() to modInt(). by @Methuselah96 in #1185
- ViewportDepthNode: Fix material.depthNode=depth assign by @Methuselah96 in #1186
- Nodes: Add SSAAPassNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1187
- TrackballControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1188
- Effects: Use FullScreenQuad. by @Methuselah96 in #1189
- Nodes: Remove keywords by @Methuselah96 in #1190
- ContextNode: Rename .context -> .value by @Methuselah96 in #1191
- Controls: Move into core. by @Methuselah96 in #1192
- OrbitControls: Derive from Controls. by @Methuselah96 in #1193
- MaterialX: Fix mx_hsvtorgb and brick_procedural example by @Methuselah96 in #1194
- WebGPURenderer: New normal nodes approach by @Methuselah96 in #1195
- WebGL: Deprecate isWebGLAvailable() and getWebGLErrorMessage(). by @Methuselah96 in #1196
- WebGPU Renderer: cache GPUBindGroupLayouts by @Methuselah96 in #1197
- Nodes: Add StereoPassNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1198
- Nodes: Update DotScreenNode, ColorAdjustmentNode, BlendModeNode by @Methuselah96 in #1199
- Nodes: Add anaglyph and parallax barrier pass nodes. by @Methuselah96 in #1200
- WebGPURenderer: BatchedMesh colors support by @Methuselah96 in #1201
- Nodes: StereoCompositePassNode.js by @Methuselah96 in #1202
- TSL: Rename viewportTopLeft -> viewportUV by @Methuselah96 in #1203
- WebGPURenderer: Reduce bindingGroup creation for data texture content updates. by @Methuselah96 in #1204
- WebGPURenderer: Update Packing, Hash, Discard by @Methuselah96 in #1205
- WebGPURenderer: Get fallback approach by @Methuselah96 in #1206
- Nodes: IndexNode - invocationLocalIndex by @Methuselah96 in #1207
- TSL: Prevent viewportBottomLeft breaking change and cleanup by @Methuselah96 in #1208
- OutlinePass: Improve performance of VisibilityChangeCallBack(). by @Methuselah96 in #1209
- WebGPURenderer: Improve clippingContext cachekey by @Methuselah96 in #1210
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1211
- WebGPURenderer: Tree-shaking 1/2 by @Methuselah96 in #1212
- Object3D: Fix onBeforeShadow and onAfterShadow by @vanruesc in #1213
- Removed LogLuvLoader by @Methuselah96 in #1214
- ViewportNode: Clean up by @Methuselah96 in #1215
- TSL: Color Space revision by @Methuselah96 in #1216
- Nodes: InstancedPointsNodeMaterial - Add pointWidthNode by @Methuselah96 in #1217
- WebGPURenderer: Tree-shaking 1/2 - revision by @Methuselah96 in #1218
- TSL: New color space name functions by @Methuselah96 in #1219
- Update three.js for testing by @Methuselah96 in #1220
- Remove loosely-typed event listener m...
What's Changed
interface was removed in #1124. Use a type union (e.g.,Matrix3 | Matrix4
) instead or create your ownMatrix
interface. - Update dependency prettier to ^3.3.3 by @renovate in #1065
- Update dependency dprint to ^0.47.2 by @renovate in #1066
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1067
- Three json by @Hoodgail in #426
- Delete files in testing by @Methuselah96 in #1069
- Update Material type definitions: Add MaterialJSON format by @Hoodgail in #1072
- Add ShapeJSON support to Object3D and Shape types by @Hoodgail in #1073
- WebGPURenderer: BatchMesh support for Instanced rendering by @Methuselah96 in #1074
- TSL: Nodes - Add missing export by @Methuselah96 in #1076
- Examples: Add webgpu_refraction. by @Methuselah96 in #1077
- Update Three.d.ts by @Methuselah96 in #1079
- Fix THREE imports and CSMFrustum export by @Methuselah96 in #1081
- Add type checking by @Methuselah96 in #1082
- WebGPURenderer: Build - three.webgpu.js by @Methuselah96 in #1078
- MathNode: Add rand(). by @Methuselah96 in #1083
- Node: Add FilmNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1084
- TSL: Update DoF node and example by @Methuselah96 in #1085
- Add scripts to automate updating examples and src by @Methuselah96 in #1086
- TSL: Introduce node.toTexture() and rtt() by @Methuselah96 in #1087
- Nodes: Simplify effect nodes. by @Methuselah96 in #1088
- Node: Add Lut3DNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1089
- TextureNode: Add biasNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1090
- TSL: Introduce renderOutput() by @Methuselah96 in #1091
- TSL: Added texture.bias( value ) syntax by @Methuselah96 in #1092
- Shaders: Improve Packing by @Methuselah96 in #1093
- Renderer: Move quad out of module scope. by @Methuselah96 in #1094
- WebGPURenderer: Support MSAA with Postprocessing by @Methuselah96 in #1095
- TSL: Share context between RTT by @Methuselah96 in #1096
- MeshBasicNodeMaterial: Refactor env map support. by @Methuselah96 in #1097
- NodeMaterial: Honor lightMapIntensity. by @Methuselah96 in #1098
- NodeMaterial: Honor aoMapIntensity. by @Methuselah96 in #1099
- Examples: Improve the slider in the wide gamut example by @Methuselah96 in #1100
- LightingModel: Refactor indirect lighting by @Methuselah96 in #1101
- CubeTextureNode: Support CubeRefractionMapping. by @Methuselah96 in #1102
- MeshBasicNodeMaterial: Add lightMap support. by @Methuselah96 in #1103
- WebGPURenderer: Auto-MRT by @Methuselah96 in #1104
- Examples: Add UltraHDRLoader by @Methuselah96 in #1105
- Nodes: Add GTAONode. by @Methuselah96 in #1106
- GTAONode: Implement composite. by @Methuselah96 in #1107
- Examples: Make AO demo more configurable. by @Methuselah96 in #1108
- Nodes: Add FXAANode. by @Methuselah96 in #1109
- Nodes: Add PixelationNode by @Methuselah96 in #1110
- Nodes: Add DenoiseNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1111
- GTAONode: Bring getTextureNode() back. by @Methuselah96 in #1112
- Examples: Improve AO demo. by @Methuselah96 in #1113
- WebGPURenderer: Remove deprecated Node.construct() method. by @Methuselah96 in #1114
- Nodes: Add BloomNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1115
- ColorManagement: Add .getLuminanceCoefficients by @Methuselah96 in #1116
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce renderer.transparent and renderer.opaque by @Methuselah96 in #1117
- Nodes: Add TransitionNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1118
- MRTNode: Remove support to array and added getNode() by @Methuselah96 in #1119
- WebGPURenderer: Add bloom emissive/selective examples by @Methuselah96 in #1120
- fix: NodeMaterial, add missing
by @0b5vr in #1121 - fix: expose addNodeMaterial and createNodeMaterialFromType by @0b5vr in #1122
- Core: Add Matrix2 class by @Methuselah96 in #1124
- WebGPURenderer: Add PCFShadowMap support. by @Methuselah96 in #1125
- NodeMaterial: Add setupOutgoingLight(). by @Methuselah96 in #1126
- Nodes: Cache linear depth and viewZ of depth textures in PassNode by @Methuselah96 in #1127
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1128
- Update three.js by @Methuselah96 in #1129
- Fix Matrix2 tuple by @Methuselah96 in #1130
Full Changelog: r166...r167
What's Changed
- Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #1008
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #1009
- WebGPURenderer: Add class declarations for SampledTexture and NodeSampledTexture by @cmhhelgeson in #1011
- WebGPURenderer: Add class declarations for Sampler and NodeSampler classes. by @cmhhelgeson in #1012
- LineMaterialParameters: extends ShaderMaterialParameters not MaterialParameters by @puxiao in #1013
- Upgrade pnpm by @Methuselah96 in #1015
- WebGPURenderer: Add WGSL Node Parsing and Building Types by @cmhhelgeson in #1016
- Add access to WebXR depth texture + add example by @Methuselah96 in #1018
- Fix imports by @Methuselah96 in #1019
- TSL: add transpose() function by @Methuselah96 in #1020
- Remove dead files by @Methuselah96 in #1022
- BatchedMesh: Add support for Instanced rendering by @Methuselah96 in #1021
- Fix type of
by @HunterLarco in #1024 - Strongly type Texture.mipmaps by @Methuselah96 in #1025
- TSL: Fix label() usage in uniform() by @Methuselah96 in #1023
- Add XR depth sensing example by @Methuselah96 in #1026
- TSL: Introduce Node.updateAfter by @Methuselah96 in #1027
- Vector4.setFromMatrixPosition by @Methuselah96 in #1028
- WebGPURenderer: PostProcessing - Introduce .needsUpdate=true by @Methuselah96 in #1029
- LightShadow: Add intensity. by @Methuselah96 in #1030
- TSL: Add Return Expression by @Methuselah96 in #1031
- TSL: Introduces cache hierarchy by @Methuselah96 in #1032
- Add RGBIntegerFormat constant by @Methuselah96 in #1033
- WebGPURenderer: RectAreaLight support by @Methuselah96 in #1034
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1035
- Add missing return type by @Methuselah96 in #1036
- Add parseAsync to GLTFExporter doc by @Methuselah96 in #1037
- WebGPURenderer: Enhance GLSL Error in WebGLBackend by @Methuselah96 in #1038
- TeapotGeometry: Add Documentation by @Methuselah96 in #1039
- TSL: UniformNode Support Int/Uint by @Methuselah96 in #1040
- WebGPURenderer: Revision texture filtering and rain example by @Methuselah96 in #1041
- WebGPURenderer: Fix uniform update tests by @Methuselah96 in #1042
- WebGPURenderer: Update attribute only when needed by @Methuselah96 in #1043
- WebGPURenderer: optimize interleaved buffer update by @Methuselah96 in #1044
- Material: Remove obsolete callbacks. by @Methuselah96 in #1045
- Add TextureUtils by @Methuselah96 in #1046
- TSL: Update MaterialX library by @Methuselah96 in #1047
- ViewHelper: Make label text and style configurable. by @Methuselah96 in #1048
- TextureUtils: Add contain(), cover() and fill(). by @Methuselah96 in #1049
- Fix: ShapeUtils is a class by @Methuselah96 in #1051
- Fix precision typo by @Methuselah96 in #1052
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce Bind Groups by @Methuselah96 in #1053
- GLTFLoader: GLTFParser.assignTexture () is missing the colorSpace parameter, the return value is incorrect. by @IvanLi-CN in #1050
- TSL: Depth nodes revision by @Methuselah96 in #1054
- WebGPURenderer: Bind groups cache per renderer by @Methuselah96 in #1055
- Node: Add SobelOperatorNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1056
- TSL: PassNode - Revision linearDepth property by @Methuselah96 in #1057
- Node: Add DepthOfFieldNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1058
- Examples: Using node approach - webgpu_postprocessing_dof by @Methuselah96 in #1059
- WebGPURenderer: Read/Write Only Storage Buffer Creation by @Methuselah96 in #1060
- WebGPURenderer: Improve performance tracking logic for better accuracy by @Methuselah96 in #1061
- Docs: Improve Material page. by @Methuselah96 in #1062
- Node: Add DotScreenNode and RGBShiftNode. by @Methuselah96 in #1063
- Fix tests by @Methuselah96 in #1064
New Contributors
- @HunterLarco made their first contribution in #1024
- @IvanLi-CN made their first contribution in #1050
Full Changelog: r165...r166
What's Changed
- Update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #927
- Lock file maintenance by @renovate in #928
- GLTFLoader add ktx2Loader and meshoptDecoder fields by @marwie in #926
- Use MeshoptDecoder type by @Methuselah96 in #930
- Fix Nodes storage types by @Methuselah96 in #931
- Add If function by @Methuselah96 in #933
- Make o property optional on font glyphs by @Methuselah96 in #934
- Implement *Assign by @Methuselah96 in #937
- Check formatting for examples by @Methuselah96 in #939
- USDZExporter: Add ar and includeAnchoringProperties options by @vincentfretin in #938
- Added types for UniformGroupNode and UniformGroup, and created type d… by @cmhhelgeson in #940
- Add missing mode argument for TransformControls.d.ts events by @s-rigaud in #941
- Docs: Improve SceneUtils page. by @Methuselah96 in #944
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #945
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #946
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #947
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #948
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #949
- WebGPURenderer: MeshMatcapNodeMaterial by @Methuselah96 in #950
- WebGPURenderer: MeshToonNodeMaterial by @Methuselah96 in #951
- support updating only dirty CompressedArrayTexture layers by @Methuselah96 in #952
- LoaderUtils: Deprecate decodeText(). by @Methuselah96 in #953
- KeyframeTrack: Improve docs and subtype ctors. by @Methuselah96 in #954
- WebGLRenderer: Add "readRenderTargetPixelsAsync" function by @Methuselah96 in #955
- WebGLRenderer: Enable subframe upload in copyTextureToTexture, align API to 3d version by @Methuselah96 in #956
- WebGLRenderer: Add initRenderTarget(). by @Methuselah96 in #957
- Docs: Add WebGLRenderer.initRenderTarget docs by @Methuselah96 in #958
- WebGPURenderer: copyTextureToTexture subframe upload and new API by @Methuselah96 in #959
- WebGLRenderer: Update copyFramebufferToTexture function signature by @Methuselah96 in #960
- TSL: Adding toType conversion by @Methuselah96 in #961
- WebGPURenderer: NodeMaterial extends Material by @Methuselah96 in #962
- WebGPURenderer: Export texturePass node by @Methuselah96 in #963
- LDrawLoader should accepts onError callback in parse() by @Methuselah96 in #964
- BatchedMesh: add getColorAt and setColorAt by @Methuselah96 in #965
- TSL: AttributeNode .defaultNode as defaultValue by @Methuselah96 in #966
- TSL: VaryingNode support for setup() by @Methuselah96 in #967
- TSL: NormalNode - Improve tree shaking using TSL by @Methuselah96 in #968
- TSL: TangentNode and BitangentNode - Improve tree shaking using TSL by @Methuselah96 in #969
- TSL: Introduce modelWorldMatrixInverse by @cmhhelgeson in #970
- fix spelling of TextGeometryParameters.height jsdoc deprecated by @Methuselah96 in #971
- TSL: CameraNode - Move to TSL approach by @Methuselah96 in #972
- TSL: Node - Introduce getElementType() by @Methuselah96 in #973
- WebGPURenderer: Introduce dispersion by @Methuselah96 in #974
- Document InstancedMesh multi-material support. by @Methuselah96 in #975
- WebGPURenderer: support using 3d textures by @Methuselah96 in #976
- Add initial TSL patch testing by @Methuselah96 in #977
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #978
- Update WebGLRenderer.html by @Methuselah96 in #979
- WebGLRenderer: Remove deprecated WebGLRenderer.useLegacyLights by @Methuselah96 in #980
- Type more examples/jsm by @Methuselah96 in #981
- Copy built declaration files by @Methuselah96 in #982
- More examples/jsm updates by @Methuselah96 in #983
- Use built Node.d.ts by @Methuselah96 in #984
- Start work on renderer types by @Methuselah96 in #985
- Flesh out renderer types by @Methuselah96 in #986
- Check built declaration files in CI by @Methuselah96 in #987
- Use more built declarations by @Methuselah96 in #988
- Use built RenderList and RenderLists by @Methuselah96 in #989
- Use built RenderBundle and RenderBundles by @Methuselah96 in #990
- Add built ClippingContext and RenderContext by @Methuselah96 in #991
- Update more types by @Methuselah96 in #992
- Add Nodes.d.ts by @Methuselah96 in #993
- Add Animation and Background by @Methuselah96 in #994
- Add more files by @Methuselah96 in #995
- Add more types by @Methuselah96 in #996
- Use more built declarations by @Methuselah96 in #997
- WebGPURenderer: Export texture3D by @Methuselah96 in #998
- TSL: Introduce .toGlobal by @Methuselah96 in #999
- TSL: PositionNode/ReflectVectorNode - Move to TSL approach by @Methuselah96 in #1000
- TSL: UVNode - Move to TSL approach by @Methuselah96 in #1001
- docs: Add EdgeSplitModifier docs by @Methuselah96 in #1002
- Update built declaration files by @Methuselah96 in #1003
- WebGLRenderer: Fix WebXR depth sensing. by @Methuselah96 in #1004
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1005
- docs: add docs for the Sky object instance by @Methuselah96 in #1006
- Update examples by @Methuselah96 in #1007
New Contributors
- @vincentfretin made their first contribution in #938
- @cmhhelgeson made their first contribution in #940
- @s-rigaud made their first contribution in #941
Full Changelog: r164...r165