Rhino-js is a utility library based on Mozilla Rhino.
Focused on using JavaScript in Java application easily, includes the JavaScript debugger support.
- NetBeans: http://wiki.netbeans.org/NetBeans_80_NewAndNoteworthy#JavaScript_in_Nashorn
- Eclipse: Nodeclipse/nodeclipse#135
- IntelliJ IDEA: http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2014/03/debugger-for-jdk8s-nashorn-javascript-in-intellij-idea-13-1/
- /~https://github.com/killmag10/nodeschnaps
- A NodeJS compatibility layer for Java Javscript engines like Rhino
- /~https://github.com/Nodeclipse/nodeclipse-1
- Eclipse plugin for Node.js, PhantomJS and Nashorn JJS development
- /~https://github.com/dannote/rhinomvc
- Java + Rhino + Jetty + FreeMarker sample
- /~https://github.com/softwarfair/RhinoEmbeddedExample
- An example of how to embed Mozhilla Rhino within a custom Java project
- See http://www.ivanparraga.com/2014/03/16/embedding-mozilla-rhino-and-pass-java-objects-to-javascript/
- /~https://github.com/henrypoter/rhinodebugger
- a rhinodebugger demo, it provide functions to remote/local debug javascript.
- /~https://github.com/cevou/rhino-script-engine
- A replacement for the RhinoScriptEngine which is bundled in Java to use a newser Rhino version