The VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress) is Ansible playbooks for website developer, designer, webmaster and WordPress theme/plugin developer.
Launch the development environment in Vagrant, you can build the website and verify the operation of the website. Of course, you can also develop WordPress themes and plugins.
The VAW is also a collaboration tool. You can take advantage of collaboration tool that share the environment with development partners, designers and clients.
VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress) documentation:
The VAW will build OS from CentOS or Debian or Ubuntu, server from Apache or nginx or H2O, and build database from MariaDB or MySQL.
On all web servers, FastCGI configuration is possible. Build PHP execution environment from PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager).
By default, the server and the databese is installed in the default settings. Also you can edit configuration files.
You can validate on the server and the database of various combinations.
The VAW will build a WordPress which has been processed in a variety of settings and data.
You can verify the test data or real data on WordPress. The VAW will realize building of WordPress synchronized with the data and files in the production environment.
- Install specified version WordPress Core
- Install WordPress Core in Your Language
- Install to specified directory, or subdirectory install
- Multisite support
- Administration Over SSL support
- Install theme
- Automatic activate
- Batch install multiple themes
- Install the theme in the local path (developing theme and official directory unregistered theme support)
- Install plugin
- Automatic activate
- Batch install multiple plugins
- Install the plugin in the local path (developing plugin and official directory unregistered plugin support)
- Setting theme_mod (theme modification value) and Options
- Setting permalink structure
- Importing data from any one of 4 ways
- WordPress export (WXR) file
- SQL file (database dump data)
- Backup plugin "BackWPup" archive file (Zip, Tar, Tar GZip, Tar BZip2)
- Theme Unit Test
- Automatically place wp-content directory
- Automatically place uploads directory
- Replacement to the URL of the test environment from the URL of the production environment
- Regenerate thumbnails
Pre-installing PHP version managment 'phpenv', Dependency Manager for PHP 'Composer', command-line tools for WordPress 'WP-CLI' and version control system 'Git' in the standard.
You can install the develop tools or the deploy tools by usage. See Specification for list of installed tools.
- Oracle VM VirtualBox >= 6.1
- Vagrant >= 2.2
- Ansible >= 2.9
Download the VirtualBox form and install.
Download the Vagrant form and install.
Download a Vagrantfile and Ansible playbooks from the following link.
Install mkcert. See /~
cd vaw-x.x.x
mkcert -install
mkdir mkcert
mkcert -cert-file ./mkcert/cert.pem -key-file ./mkcert/privkey.pem <vm_hostname>
cd vaw-x.x.x
vagrant up
If you don't have a Box at first, begins from the download of Box. After provisioning, you can launch a WordPress development environment.
Note: Passwordless for Vagrant::Hostsupdater. See Suppressing prompts for elevating privileges
Access to the website http://vaw.local/. Access to the WordPress admin http://vaw.local/wp-admin/.
vagrant ssh
Or using ssh config.
vagrant ssh-config > ssh_config.cache
ssh -F ssh_config.cache default
ID and password for the initial setting is as follows. Can be set in the provisioning configuration file.
You can build a variety of environment that edit configuration files of the VAW.
There are two configuration files you can customize.
- Vagrantfile
- group_vars/all.yml
Run vagrant up
or vagrant provision
, after editing the configuration files.
Vagrant configuration file is Vagrantfile.
Vagrantfile will set the vagrant Box, private IP address, hostname and the document root.
If you launch multiple environments, change the name of the directory. Should rewrite vm_ip
and vm_hostname
. Note not to overlap with other environments.
You can accesse from a terminal in the same LAN to use the public network to Vagrant virtual environment. To use public networks, set IP address for bridged connection to public_ip
. In that case, recommended that configure the same IP address to vm_hostname
## Vagrant Settings ##
vm_box = 'debian/bullseye64' # Debian 11.0
vm_box_version = '>= 0'
vm_ip = ''
vm_hostname = 'vaw.local'
vm_document_root = '/var/www/html'
public_ip = ''
forwarded_port = [
vbguest_auto_update = true
synced_folder_type = 'virtualbox' # virtualbox|nfs|rsync|smb
backup_database = false
ansible_install = true
ansible_install_mode = :default # :default|:pip
ansible_version = 'latest' # requires :pip in ansible_install_mode
provision_mode = 'all' # all|wordpress|box
vagrant_plugins = [
(required) name of Vagrant Box (default:debian/bullseye64
(required) version of Vagrant Box (default:>= 0
(required) private IP address (default:
(required) hostname (default:vaw.local
(required) document root path (default:/var/www/html
)- auto create
directory and synchronized
- auto create
IP address of bridged connection (default:''
list of ports that you want to transfer (default:[ 3000, 3001, 1025, 8025 ]
)- 3000: Browsersync auto-detected port
- 3001: Browsersync ui port
- 1025: MailHog SMTP default port
- 8025: MailHog HTTP default port
whether to update VirtualBox Guest Additions (default:true
/ value:true
) トします (default:true
/ value:true
the type of synced folder (default:virtualbox
/ value:virtualbox
enable auto database backup when vagrant destroy or halt (default:false
/ value:true
(required) install Ansible (default::true
/ value::true
(required) the way to install Ansible (default::default
/ value::default
version of Ansible to install (default:latest
(required) Provisioning mode (default:all
/ value:all
install vagrant plugins
Provisioning configuration file is group_vars/all.yml.
In YAML format, you can set server, database and WordPress environment. And can enable the develop and deploy tools.
## Server & Database Settings ##
server : apache # apache|nginx|h2o
fastcgi : none # none|php-fpm
database : mariadb # mariadb|mysql
db_root_password : admin
db_host : localhost
db_name : wordpress
db_user : admin
db_password : admin
db_prefix : wp_
db_charset : ''
db_collate : '' # utf8mb4_general_ci
## WordPress Settings ##
title : VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress)
admin_user : admin
admin_password : admin
admin_email :
# e.g. latest, nightly, 4.1, 4.1-beta1
# see Release Archive -
# 3.7 or later to work properly
version : latest
# e.g. en_US, ja, ...
# see wordpress-i18n list -
lang : en_US
# in own directory or subdirectory install.
# see
wp_dir : '' #e.g. /wordpress
wp_site_path : '' #e.g. /wordpress
multisite : false # true|false
# default theme|slug|url|zip (local path, /vagrant/themes/*.zip)
activate_theme : ''
themes : []
# slug|url|zip (local path, /vagrant/plugins/*.zip)
activate_plugins :
- theme-check
- log-deprecated-notices
- debug-bar
- query-monitor
- broken-link-checker
plugins :
- developer
- monster-widget
- wordpress-beta-tester
- wp-multibyte-patch
theme_mod : {}
# see Option Reference -
options : {}
# e.g. /%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%
# see
permalink_structure :
structure : ''
category : ''
tag : ''
# Any one of 4 ways to import
import_xml_data : '' # local path, /vagrant/import/*.xml
import_db_data : '' # local path, /vagrant/import/*.sql
import_backwpup :
path : '' # local path, /vagrant/import/*.zip
db_data_file : ''
xml_data_file : ''
import_admin : false # true|false
theme_unit_test : false # true|false
replace_old_url : [] # http(s)://, to vm_hostname from old url
search_replace_strings : {}
regenerate_thumbnails : false # true|false
WP_DEBUG : true # true|false
SAVEQUERIES : true # true|false
## Develop & Deploy Settings ##
ssl : true # true|false
http_protocol : https # http|https
# See Supported Versions
php_version : 7.4.33
develop_tools : false # true|false
deploy_tools : false # true|false
## That's all, stop setting. Let's vagrant up!! ##
WP_URL : '{{ http_protocol }}://{{ HOSTNAME }}{{ wp_site_path }}'
WP_PATH : '{{ DOCUMENT_ROOT }}{{ wp_dir }}'
(required) name of web server (default:apache
/ value:apache
name of fastCGI (default:none
/ value:none
(required) name of databese (default:mariadb
/ value:mariadb
(required) database root password (default:admin
(required) database host (default:localhost
(required) name of database (default:wordpress
(required) database user name (default:admin
(required) database user password (default:admin
database prefix (default:wp_
database character set (default:''
database collation (default:''
WordPress site title (default:VAW (Vagrant Ansible WordPress)
) -
(required) WordPress admin user name (default:admin
) -
(required) WordPress admin user password (default:admin
) -
(required) WordPress admin email address (
) -
(required) version of WordPress (default:latest
)- e.g.
- see Release Archive
- version 3.7 or later to work properly
- e.g.
(required) WordPress in your language (default:en_US
)- e.g.
, ... - see wordpress-i18n list
- e.g.
directory path to subdirectory install WordPress (default: install to document root) -
path of site (default: document root)- If
are the same path, in own directory install. - If
are different path, install to subdirectory. Note thatwp_site_path
be placed on one above the directory thanwp_dir
. - see Giving WordPress Its Own Directory
- If
Multisite enabled flag (default:false
/ value:true
) -
install a theme and activated (default: default theme)- set default theme
,theme slug
,zip file URL
orlocal zip file path
- set
by local zip file path
- set default theme
install themes- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
theme slug
,zip file URL
orlocal zip file path
- set
by local zip file path
- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
Configuration example
themes :
- yoko
- Responsive
Disable the setting case
themes : []
install plagins and activated- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
plagin slug
,zip file URL
orlocal zip file path
- set
by local zip file path
- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
Configuration example
activate_plugins :
- theme-check
- plugin-check
Disable the setting case
activate_plugins : []
install plagins- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
plagin slug
,zip file URL
orlocal zip file path
- set
by local zip file path
- set in YAML arrays of hashes format
setting theme_mod (theme modification value)- see set_theme_mod()
- set in YAML nested hash format
Configuration example
theme_mod :
background_color: 'cccccc'
Disable the setting case
theme_mod : {}
setting options- see update_option() and Option Reference
- set in YAML nested hash format
Configuration example
options :
blogname: 'blog title'
blogdescription: 'blog description'
Disable the setting case
options : {}
setting permalink structure- set the following three permalink structures
- see Using Permalinks
set the permalink structure using the structure tagscategory
set the prefix of the category archivetag
set the prefix of the tag archive
local WordPress export (WXR) file path/vagrant/import/*.xml
local sql dump file path/vagrant/import/*.sql
Archive file path/vagrant/import/*.zip
(Zip, Tar, Tar GZip, Tar BZip2)db_data_file
DB backup file name (Import from one of data files)xml_data_file
XML export file name (imported from one of the data files)
Add WordPress administrator user (default:false
/ value:true
import Theme Unit Test data enabled flag (default:false
/ value:true
replace tovm_hostname
fromold url
Configuration example
replace_old_url :
Disable the setting case
replace_old_url : []
Search the database and replace the matched string
Configuration example
search_replace_strings :
'foo': 'bar'
'abc': 'xyz'
'Hello, World!': 'Welcome to WordPress!'
Disable the setting case
search_replace_strings : {}
regenerate thumbnails enabled flag (default:false
/ value:true
debug mode (default:true
/ value:true
save the database queries (default:true
/ value:true
WordPress administration over SSL enabled flag (default:true
/ value:true
HTTP protocol (default:https
/ value:http
version of PHP (default:7.4.33
activate develop tools (default:false
/ value:true
activate deploy tools (default:false
/ value:true
Directory structure of the VAW is as follows.
This directory synchronize to the guest OS side /vagrant
. wordpress
creates automatically and synchronize to vm_document_root
is a directory that stores WordPress themes, plugins, and upload files. wp-content
will be placed automatically in WordPress which was built at the time of provisioning, if you place wp-content
in this directory from the production environment.
is a directory where stored upload files in wp-content
directory of WordPress. uploads
will be placed automatically in WordPress which was built at the time of provisioning, if you place uploads
in this directory from the production environment.
You can create the same environment as the production environment, when you build a wordpress by import database dump data, substitution of url, regeneration of thumbnail image. You can set all from the provisioning configuration file.
- backup (stores backup file. create automatically at running script, if it does not exist.)
- command (stores shell script)
- config (stores Custom Config)
- config.sample (sample Custom Config)
- group_vars (stores the provisioning configuration file of Ansible)
- all.yml (provisioning configuration file)
- hosts
- local (inventory file)
- import (stores import data, if necessary)
- LICENSE (license file)
- plugins (stores WordPress plugin zip format files, if necessary)
- mkcert (stores SSL certificate files)
- Rakefile (Rakefile of ServerSpec)
- roles (stores Ansible playbook of each role)
- site.yml (Ansible playbook core file)
- spec (stores ServerSpec spec file)
- box
- localhost
- spec_helper.rb
- sync-dir
- themes (stores WordPress theme zip format files, if necessary)
- uploads (uploads directory in the wp-content)
- Vagrantfile (Vagrant configuration file)
- wordpress (synchronize to the Document Root. create automatically at
vagrant up
, if it does not exist.) - wp-content (WordPress's wp-content directory)
The VAW will be built in the directory structure of the following minimum unit.
- group_vars (stores the provisioning configuration file of Ansible)
- all.yml (provisioning configuration file)
- hosts
- local (inventory file)
- roles (stores Ansible playbook of each role)
- site.yml (Ansible playbook core file)
- Vagrantfile (Vagrant configuration file)
- wordpress (synchronize to the Document Root. create automatically at
vagrant up
, if it does not exist.)
The VAW supports VirtualBox for providers of Vagrant. Operating system supported CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu Boxes. OS architecture supported x86_64. Details are as follows:
- Debian 12.0
- Debian 11.0
- Debian 10.0 (Deprecated ended 2024-06-30)
- Debian 9.0 (Deprecated ended 2022-06-30)
- Debian 8.0 (Deprecated ended 2020-06-30)
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- CentOS 8 (Deprecated ended 2021-12-31)
- CentOS 7 (Deprecated ended 2024-06-30)
- CentOS 6 (Deprecated ended 2020-11-30)
To download Vagrant Box, you can search from Discover Vagrant Boxes.
Note: The vaw/centos*-default
and vaw/centos*-full
Boxs has been deprecated. From now on, we recommend using the distribution box.
By default, the Vagrantfile uses the vaw/centos*-default
Box which has already provisioned default settings.
In addition, you can use the vaw/centos*-full
Box which has already provisioned default settings and activate develop and deploy tools.
You can build the environment in a short period of time compared with provisioning from the pure vagrant Box.
The VAW has three provisioning modes.
will normal provisioning from the pure Vagrant Box.wordpress
provisions only sync folders including
provision to create a Vagrant Box.
The VAW is characterized by being able to provision with various server and database configuration combinations. On the other hand, it takes time to build the environment from pure Vagrant Box.
You can create a Vagrant Box with server and database configuration in advance. By using the created Vagrant Box you can shorten the provisioning time.
First, create a Vagrant Box with Provision mode box
Next, provision the created Vagrant Box with Provision mode wordpress
Based on the Vagrant Box you created, WordPress development environment will start quickly anytime.
How to use the provisioning mode?
Let's see how to make Vagrant Box through the process from provisioning with Vagrant Box to building WordPress development environment.
We will launch the Vagrant environment for creating Vagrant Box. First of all, Set up the Vagrant configuration file and the provisioning configuration file.
Set provision_mode
in the Vagrant configuration file to box
provision_mode = 'box' # all|wordpress|box
You can set the provisioning configuration file as you like.
However, if provision_mode
is box
, the WordPress Settings section of the provisioning configuration file will be skipped during provisioning.
Provision and build the environment.
vagrant up
After provisioning is completed, create a Vagrant Box with a box name. (e.g.
vagrant package --output
Add the created Vagrant Box to Vagrant. (Register as eg sample)
vagrant box add --name sample
You can delete the Vagrant Box file created for creating Vagrant Box. (e.g. You can destroy the launched Vagrant environment after checking the operation.
vagrant destroy
Launch the Vagrant environment for WordPress development with the Vagrant Box you created. Set up the Vagrant configuration file and the provisioning configuration file.
Set vm_box
of the Vagrant configuration file to sample
. (e.g. sample)
Set provision_mode
in the Vagrant configuration file to wordpress
vm_box = 'sample'
provision_mode = 'wordpress' # all|wordpress|box
You can set the provisioning configuration file as you like.
However, if provision_mode
is wordpress
, only the WordPress Settings section of the provisioning configuration file is enabled during provisioning.
vagrant up
After provisioning, you can launch a WordPress development environment.
- PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager)
- WordPress
- phpenv
- php-build
- PHP (Zend OPcache, APCu) via phpenv
- Composer via phpenv
- OpenSSL (Selectable)
- Git
- Subversion
- gettext
- nodenv
- Node.js via nodenv
- npm
- Yarn
- Grunt
- gulp
- WordPress i18n tools
- npm-check-updates
- Xdebug
- Opcache Web Viewer (Opcache-Status, opcache-gui, ocp.php)
- cachetool
- wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
- webgrind
- MailHog
- rbenv
- ruby-build
- Ruby via rbenv
We recommend that you use package.json or composer.json to migrate to your project's local development environment.
- PHPUnit
- PHP_CodeSniffer & WordPress Coding Standards
- PHPStan (Only PHP7)
- PHPUnit Selenium
The VAW offers a useful scripts. Just run the script on a terminal. Database data backup, multiple versions installation of PHP, you can switch the execution environment.
will back up the database. Save at backup-%Y%m%d%H%M%S.sql
format in the backup
cd /var/www/html
will prepare the specified version of PHP execution environment. You can install the specified version of PHP. Switching the PHP version. And then restart Apache or PHP-FPM by switching the server configuration environment.
/vagrant/command/ -v 8.2.19 -m php-fpm -s unix
# help
/vagrant/command/ -h
When you add a tuning configuration file that you edited in the directory config
, place it at the time of provisioning.
As follows editable configuration files.
- default-node-packages.j2
- default-ruby-gems.j2
- h2o.conf.j2
- httpd.conf.centos6.j2
- httpd.conf.centos7.j2
- httpd.www.conf.centos7.j2
- nginx.conf.j2
- nginx.multisite.conf.j2
- nginx.wordpress.conf.j2
- nginx.wordpress.multisite.conf.j2
- php-build.default_configure_options.j2
- php-fpm.conf (for
- php-fpm.www.conf (for
- php.ini (for
- ssh-config.j2
The following umount /mnt
error message is displayed.
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
umount /mnt
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
umount: /mnt: not mounted
It may happens if the kernel version of OS used in vagrant box does not match the requirements.
The solution is to update the kernel and provision again. It may also be resolved by updating the vagrant box.
- Access to a guest via SSH.
vagrant ssh
- Update the kernel into guest.
sudo apt-get -y install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64
sudo yum -y update kernel kernel-devel kernel-headers kernel-tools kernel-tools-libs
- Provision again on the host.
vagrant reload
Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github. Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.
- Fork VAW from GitHub repository
- Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request
The VAW is distributed under GPLv3.
Copyright (c) 2014-2021 thingsym